6985 12 Patron Gratis
6985 12 Patron Gratis
6985 12 Patron Gratis
12 “SUN”
Menguado de la forma evase: pasar sin hacer Escote: A –a) 19,5 cm. –b) 20,5 cm. –c) 21,5 cm.
I a la ag. derecha 2 p. juntos der., trab. 1 p. al –d) 22,5 cm. de largo total, contando desde el
der. y montar encima de este p. los 2 p. juntos inicio de las sisas, cerrar los –a) 42 p. –b) 44 p.
N sin hacer. –c) 46 p. –d) 48 p. restantes.
A 12 cm. de largo total, iniciar los menguados de –a) 2 veces 5 p.
la forma evase con la siguiente distribución: –b) 2 veces 6 p.
–a) 27 p., 1 menguado, 54 p., 1 menguado, –c) 2 veces 7 p.
27 p. –d) 2 veces 8 p.
–b) 30 p., 1 menguado, 58 p., 1 menguado, Acabar el otro lado igual, pero a la inversa.
N 30 p.
–c) 32 p., 1 menguado, 62 p., 1 menguado, MANGAS
32 p.
E Montar –a) 50 p. –b) 54 p. –c) 58 p. –d) 60 p.
–d) 35 p., 1 menguado, 66 p., 1 menguado, Trab. 4 vtas. a p. bobo y continuar trab. a p. fan-
I Nota: los menguados van quedando vertical- Copa: A 35 cm. de largo total, cerrar en ambos
A 41 cm. de largo total, aumentar en ambos –b) 1 vez 4 p., 1 vez 2 p., 10 veces 1 p., 3 veces
lados, a 2 p. de las orillas en cada 10ª vta.:
S pág. 10 4 veces 1 p. Quedarán: –a) 98 p. –b) 108 p.
2 p.
–c) 1 vez 4 p., 1 vez 2 p., 11 veces 1 p., 3 veces
BACK When back measures 2 3/4” (7 cm) from start of
Cast on –a) 102 –b) 112 –c) 120 –d) 130 sts. armhole shaping, decrease at each edge (= 1 st N
Work 4 rows in garter st then cont working in in from the edge) as follows:
pattern following graph A. –a) 1 st 3 times on every 6th & 8th alternate row.
When back measures 2 3/4” (7 cm), cont working
in stockinette st, increasing 12 sts evenly across
–b) 1 st 3 times on every 8th row.
–c) 1 st 3 times on every 8th & 10th alternate
the first row. Total = –a) 114 –b) 124 –c) 132 row. S
–d) 142 sts. –d) 1 st 3 times on every 10th row.
When back measures 4 3/4” (12 cm), start the Total = –a) 62 –b) 68 –c) 74 –d) 80 sts.
bell shaped decreases with the following st dis- Shoulders: When back measures –a) 7 1/8”
tribution: (18 cm) –b) 7 1/2” (19 cm) –c) 7 7/8” (20 cm)
–a) 27 sts, 1 decrease, 54 sts, 1 decrease, –d) 8 1/4” (21 cm) from start of armhole shaping,
SIZE: –a) 36 1/4” –b) 40 1/8” –c) 43 1/4” –d) 47 1/4” 27 sts. bind (cast off) at each edge at beg of each row
finished bust measurement –b) 30 sts, 1 decrease, 58 sts, 1 decrease, as follows: N
UK Sizes: –a) 8-10 –b) 12-14 –c) 16-18 30 sts. –a) 5 sts 2 times
–d) 20-22 –c) 32 sts, 1 decrease, 62 sts, 1 decrease, –b) 6 sts 2 times
The model in the photograph is wearing size 32 sts. –c) 7 sts 2 times S
–a) 8-10 –d) 35 sts, 1 decrease, 66 sts, 1 decrease, –d) 8 sts 2 times
35 sts.
MATERIALS Cont decreasing in the same manner 5 more
Neckline: When back measures –a) 7 3/4”
(19,5 cm) –b) 8 1/8” (20,5 cm) –c) 8 1/2”
DEGRADÉ “SUN”: –a) 9 –b) 10 –c) 11 –d) 12 times on every 12th row bearing in mind that (21,5 cm) –d) 8 7/8” (22,5 cm) from start of
balls col. 76 each time there will be 1 st less at each side and armhole shaping, bind (cast off) the rem –a) 42 R
2 sts less across the central sts.
• Garter st
(see basic instructions) 1 st 4 times at each edge (= 2 sts in from the (11 cm) –b) 4 3/4” (12 cm) –c) 5 1/8” (13 cm)
edge) of every 10th row. Total = –a) 98 –b) 108 –d) 5 1/2” (14 cm) from start of armhole shaping,
• Stockinette st
Size 6 (U.S.)/ (see basic instructions)
–c) 116 –d) 126 sts. on next right side row bind (cast off) the –a) 14 T
Armholes: When back measures 24” (61 cm), –b) 16 –c) 18 –d) 20 central sts and cont working
(4 mm) • Pattern
bind (cast off) at each edge at beg of every row each side separately binding (casting off) at
(see graph A)
as follows: beg of every right side row at neckline edge I
• Bell shaped decreases –a) 4 sts 1 time, 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 1 time, 1 st as follows: 3 sts 2 times, 2 sts 2 times, 1 st
(see explanation) 2 times. 4 times.
Shoulder: When front measures –a) 7 1/8”
–b) 4 sts 1 time, 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 2 times, 1 st
Bell shaped decreases: slip 2 sts tog knitwise 2 times. (18 cm) –b) 7 1/2” (19 cm) –c) 7 7/8” (20 cm)
onto RH needle, K1, pass the 2 slipped sts over –c) 5 sts 1 time, 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 2 times, 1 st –d) 8 1/4” (21 cm) from start of armhole shaping, N
knitted st 2 times. bind (cast off) at
–d) 5 sts 1 time, 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 3 times, 1 st left side edge at beg of each wrong side row
GAUGE 2 times. as follows: S
The measurements are taken after lightly Total = –a) 76 –b) 82 –c) 88 –d) 94 sts. –a) 5 sts 2 times
blocking (pressing) the sample swatch. When back measures 1 5/8” (4 cm) from start of –b) 6 sts 2 times
Using size 6 needles in pattern: armhole shaping, decrease 8 sts evenly across –c) 7 sts 2 times
19 sts & 28 rows = 4”x4” next wrong side row. Total = –a) 68 –b) 74 –c) 80 –d) 8 sts 2 times
Using size 6 needles in stockinette st: –d) 86 sts. Finish the other side the same but reverse the
21 sts & 26 rows = 4”x4” Cont working in pattern following graph A. shaping. 47
I Cast off –a) 50 –b) 54 –c) 58 –d) 60 sts. Work
4 rows in garter st then cont working in pattern
N following graph A.
When sleeve measures 2 3/4” (7 cm), increase
1 st 5 times at each edge (= 1 st in from the
S edge) of every 12th & 14th alternate row.
Total = –a) 60 –b) 64 –c) 68 –d) 70 sts.
T Sleeve head: When sleeve measures 13 3/4”
(35 cm), bind (cast off) at each edge at beg of
every row as follows:
R –a) 4 sts 1 time, 2 sts 1 time, 1 st 9 times, 2 sts
3 times.
U –b) 4 sts 1 time, 2 sts 1 time, 1 st 10 times, 2 sts
3 times.
–c) 4 sts 1 time, 2 sts 1 time, 1 st 11 times, 2 sts
C 3 times.
–d) 4 sts 1 time, 2 sts 1 time, 1 st 12 times, 2 sts
C 3 times.
When sleeve measures –a) 3 7/8” (10 cm)
–b) 4 3/8” (11 cm) –c) 4 3/4” (12 cm) –d) 5 1/8”
(13 cm) from start of armhole shaping, bind (cast
off) the rem –a) 18 –b) 20 –c) 22 –d) 22 sts.
Make another sleeve the same.
Baste pieces tog with right sides facing and
carefully block (press) with steam.
E The whole garment is sewn using side seams
(see basic instructions).
S Sew right shoulder.
Collar: Pick up all the sts around the neckline
increasing or decreasing where necessary on
the 1st row in order to obtain a total of –a) 110
–b) 116 –c) 120 –d) 126 sts. Work in garter st.
I On the 4th row bind (cast off) all sts.
T Sew underarm seams and sides.