Technological Business Administration High School Intae
Technological Business Administration High School Intae
Technological Business Administration High School Intae
2 Term 202 4
1) IntroductIon
2) carrera banca y FInanzas
3) unah
4) usap
5) conclusIones
6) bIblIograFIas
In tro duction
The career in Finance and Banking is educational
program designed to provide students with a solid
understanding of the fundamental principles that
govern the world of finance and the banking system.
Throughout this program, students explore a variety
of topics, ranging from financial management to
banking regulation, with the goal of developing key
analytical and strategic skills essential to thriving in
the financial sector. The Financial Engineering
program at UTH focuses on training professionals
capable of understanding and responding to the
financial needs of organizations. In the
universities that I can take this career are the
My chances for the career are very slim since I
wouldn't know if I would choose that one since I
also like the career of Tourism and if I can't get
finance and banking, those careers are to my liking. I
would also like to go study abroad, but that part is
likely to happen as I don't have very close family
abroad, but if given the opportunity to study abroad,
I would go, as I see a better chance.
food or others.
Banpais, Lafise.
Amount to pay:
PCCNS: 350.00
We chose this university as an option since it has a
reputation for being a good University to achieve a good
future ahead, but we have to compare the expenses
with the other options we have in Universities.
Expenses (problems)
✓ Comida