Technological Business Administration High School Intae

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Subject: Conversational English

Teacher: Lic. Teresa Guevara

Students: Estefany DanielaGarcía.

Dashlyn Yorleny Vinde


JOB: Informe sobre Estudió de Casos

Grade: Banca & Finanzas ¨1¨

2 Term 202 4

1) IntroductIon
2) carrera banca y FInanzas
3) unah
4) usap
5) conclusIones
6) bIblIograFIas
In tro duction
The career in Finance and Banking is educational
program designed to provide students with a solid
understanding of the fundamental principles that
govern the world of finance and the banking system.
Throughout this program, students explore a variety
of topics, ranging from financial management to
banking regulation, with the goal of developing key
analytical and strategic skills essential to thriving in
the financial sector. The Financial Engineering
program at UTH focuses on training professionals
capable of understanding and responding to the
financial needs of organizations. In the
universities that I can take this career are the
My chances for the career are very slim since I
wouldn't know if I would choose that one since I
also like the career of Tourism and if I can't get
finance and banking, those careers are to my liking. I
would also like to go study abroad, but that part is
likely to happen as I don't have very close family
abroad, but if given the opportunity to study abroad,
I would go, as I see a better chance.


This career trains professionals at a postgraduate level in

the area of banking and finance with skills, knowledge,
innovative skills and abilities, appropriate to the
development trends of institutions
financial, with a comprehensive and prospective vision
towards the effectiveness and achievement of
competitiveness of the financial industry.
Suitable to contribute to the development of
banking industry based on current strategies and
regulatory and risk management implications in a
globalized environment.
In this race we see a great opportunity since I It offers
many benefits such as learning to design, implement,
develop programs and procedures of banking systems and
the microcredit sector, analyze and solve financial
investment problems in general. It looks like a good
career, if in that future I had the resources I could To get it
I will spend around 50,000 lempiras, this is an
approximate, depending on the university we choose
since there are expenses such as books, tickets,

food or others.

To enroll at the UNAH, the first-time student must make

a tuition payment of L410.00. From his second period
onwards, he only pays L270.00. Tuition is annual with a
cost of 2,500 lempiras. A payment must also be made.
registration process and know the application number
generated; with this to make the payment in the
following payments Atla ntida, Ficohsa, Davivienda,

Banpais, Lafise.
Amount to pay:

PCCNS: 350.00
We chose this university as an option since it has a
reputation for being a good University to achieve a good
future ahead, but we have to compare the expenses
with the other options we have in Universities.
Expenses (problems)
✓ Comida

✓ Live near the university to have lower expenses

✓ Bring food to heat ✓ Being able to make copies,
This degree at this university lasts 5 years, so multiplying and
giving us an idea about the expense would be approximately
100,000 thousand Lempiras.

En esta universidad la matricula

es deL 1,300.00y para los de
primer ingreso es gratis, pero pagar los gastos administrativos
L 800.00Durante el perí odo acade mico, se realizan pagos bajo los
siguientes esquemas:
1. Pago de contado (se otorga un 10% de descuento adicional
2. Pago financiado
Opcio n 1: El pago inicial sera el valor de la matrí cula, ma s la
primera cuota el 25% del total de gastos administrativos y clases
matriculadas. El valor restante de los gastos administrativos y
clases matriculadas se dividira en tres cuotas iguale
Opcio n 2: El pago inicial sera el valor de la matrí cula, ma s la
primera cuota el 19% del total de gastos administrativos y clases
matriculadas. El valor restante de los gastos administrativos y
clases matriculadas se dividira en tres cuotas bajo el siguien
Segunda cuota: el 31% de gastos administrativos y clases
Tercera cuota: el 27% de gastos administrativos y clases
Cuarta cuota: el 23% de gastos administrativos y clases
El valor para pagar dependera de la cantidad de clases que
deseas matricular, en promedio un estudiante esta
pagando mensualidades entre los siguientes valores:
✓ Por dos clases Lps. 1,600.00 a 1,900.00
✓ Por tres clases Lps. 2,000.00 a 2,600.00
✓ Por cuatro clases Lps. 2,700.00 a 2,900.00
✓ Por cinco clases Lps. 3,000.00 a 3,600.00
✓ Por seis clases L. 3,700.00 a 4,000.00
Esta universidad nos llama la atencio n por su reputacio n
que se destaca por su compromiso con la educacio n
superior en Honduras, y ofrece un prestigioso programa
de becas tanto para estudiantes de primer ingreso como
para aquellos que regresan a continuar sus estudios para
poder aplicar una beca debe tener en cuenta:
✓ Examen de admisio n.
✓ Justificacio n Econo mica
✓ Estatus Acade micos
Si se aprueban el examen de solicitud de beca es
necesario tener los siguientes requisitos
✓ Ser honduren o por nacimiento o naturalizacio n
✓ Aprobar las pruebas psicome tricas requeridas

✓ Llenar la solicitud de beca

✓ Carta de peticio n y justificacio n de beca (dirigida al
Consejo de Promotora Educativa S.A. de C.V.)
✓ Certificado o historial de notas o í ndice acade mico
✓ Demostrar que no tiene capacidad econo mica de
costear sus estudios
En este caso tambie n tendrí amos gastos al igual otras
universidades solo que en esta seria un poco mas cara
debido a que es privada y normalmente en las privadas
casi todo es caro,y una cosa importante en esta
universidad es quedeberí amos tener
un presupuesto
mayory estable queal de la publica ya que todo es un poco
o el doble de costoso yaunquetengamos becaserí aigual
ya que tambie n ocuparí amos otros gastos .
En la USAP esta carreraa tiempocompleto seria 4an os
por el cual un gasto aproximadoo alrededor seria
200500mil lempiras teniendo en cuenta los gastos
Para nuestro parecer la Universidad UNAH (Universidad
Auto noma de Honduras) serí a la mejor opcio n que
tendrí amos
, ya que puede ajustarse a nuestro presupuesto
o si no poder lograrlo con ayuda, proponiendo metas para
las cuales nos ayudarí an a conseguir
el y
para nosotras las Universidades Publicas nos ensen an un
pocoma sque lasPrivadasaun quelas privadasnos
propongan mejores condiciones, pero lo mas importante
es el conocimiento
La USAP era buena
opcio n para
nosotras, ya que si
entrarí amos a la USAP y esa oportunidad la
aprovecharí amos
porque esuna buena universidad y
nuevas oportunidades
, ya que con la beca se adapta a
nuestro presupuesto
,y se pagaría la mitad
otro punto
como ejemplotambie n tenemos el transporte
ya que la
USAP nos queda un poco ma s lejos
y entre
, tanto el Bus de
la ruta7 pasa por la UNAH que solo gastarí amos 26 de
pasajes dí a a dí. a
Para nosotrasla carrera de Banca y Finanzas
serí ala
mejor, ya que tiene como visto ser una de las mejores
careers and for us what would be next we
believe that it would be a little easy but since
the world goes around and we don't know what
will happen and if it is not as we think we will
be able to adapt to that change with ease and
with good knowledge, and I will study We went
to UNAH with the purpose of graduating with
honors and being able to have the life we want
since UNAH has a reputation for being a good
University, it has its prestige and that gives
good jobs.
And if this career is not given to us, we have the
Tourism career as an option. We would always
study at UNAH. The only change would be the
budget of about 50 thousand and it lasts 4
years. This for us would be an option since we
like the tourist activities, we would learn new
languages, hospitality, business management,
etc. .
And if we are given an opportunity to pursue
our future in the United States, we would take
advantage of it since they would be new
opportunities that do not always occur and we
do have relatives, but we are not that close and for us this
would be our case study. of the university and the career
that we choose, in the end the important thing is to have
knowledge in order to be able to work in an excellent way

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