Buenos (días, ) la puerta principal ha sido cerrada. Estamos dando inicio al
vuelo (162) de Scarlet Airline con destino (dubai), el tiempo de vuelo (6
horascon 40 minutos) y estamos listos para salir. A partir de este momento
todos los equipos electrónicos y celulares deben estar apagados o en
modo avión.
Son las (10:00am)y estamos Cumpliendo con nuestro itinerario
El día de hoy nos acompaña una excelente tripulación, en cabina de
mando el Capitán (Richard Williams) y el Copiloto (Jhon Smith) y en la
cabina acompañándolos y velando por su seguridad, están (Liselotte),
( Stuart) y quien les habla (samahara). ¡Disfruten del vuelo!
Good (morning, ) the main door has been closed. We are
beginning( scarlet airline)flight (162) with service to (Dubai); the flight time
will be (Six hours and forty minutes 6:40). From this moment on, all
electronic devices and cell phones must be set to off.
It ́s (10:00am), and we are on schedule. In the flight deck today is Captain
(Richard Williams) and his first officer (Jhon Smith). In the main cabin is
(liselotte), (stuart), and (samahara) who is speaking, will take good care of
you. Enjoy the flight!
En Scarlet airline nos encanta llevarlos a su destino de forma segura. Por
eso, esta tripulación está altamente calificada para velar por la seguridad
del vuelo. Esperamos que su compromiso sea el mismo.
En este momento explicaremos el uso y localización de los equipos de
seguridad del avión. Por favor pedimos su atención a la demostración de
At Scarlet airline we are committed to the safety of our operations. That is
why this crew is qualified to assist you at any time during this flight. We
also wish to have the same commitment from you.
We request your full attention as the flight attendants demonstrate the
safety features of this aircraft.
In case we need to evacuate the aircraft, floor-level lighting will guide you
toward the exit.
Please take a few moments now to locate your nearest exit. In some cases,
your nearest exit may be behind you.
Velar por su seguridad es lo más importante, por eso, le recomendamos
mantener abrochado el cinturón de seguridad mientras esté sentado y sólo
desabrocharlo si debe dirigirse al baño.
When the seat belt sign illuminates, you must fasten your seat belt. To
fasten, insert the metal clip into the buckle and tighten it by pulling the
strap. To release it, lift the top plate of the buckle.
Ensuring your safety is important to us, so we recommend keeping your
seat belt fastened while you are seated and only unbuckle it if you must go
to the bathroom.
correa alrededor de su cintura y ajústelo a su talla jalando de la misma.
Debe inflarse únicamente al salir del avión, jalando las perillas rojas o
soplando por los tubos laterales.
Sustraer los chalecos del avión es un delito penalizado por las autoridades.
Life Vest A life vest is located in a bag under your seat. When instructed to
do so, open the plastic bag and remove the vest. Slip it over your head and
pass the straps around your waist and adjust at the front. Only inflate it
after leaving the plane by pulling firmly on the red handles or by blowing
into the tubes.
Removing the life vests from the aircraft is considered a crime and can be
penalized by the authorities.
en los baños o cualquier equipo de emergencia a bordo pone en riesgo la
seguridad de nuestro vuelo y es considerado un delito.
Our planes are smoke free. You cannot smoke on board, including
electronic cigarettes. Tampering with the smoke detectors in the restrooms
or any other on board emergency equipment is considered a crime.