The Challenge
Recibiste el correo electrónico de Fernando quien está muy interesado en los
inventos que usamos en nuestra vida diaria. Respóndele contándole sobre el
invento que más usas tú y un miembro de tu familia en sus vidas diarias.
Expresa cuánto sabes hacer en inglés marcando con una “X” donde creas
LET’S SELF ASSESS! conveniente. Aquí no hay respuestas correctas. Responde con honestidad
las preguntas.
= Most important for my everyday life 5 = Least important for my everyday life
A greenhouse
A bicycle
The internet
A laptop
Bike= bicycle
The COVID-19 is contagious when many people are in one place. Usually, public transportation is crowded. Bikes offer an
alternative kind of transportation, but they are expensive.
Bamboo grows in different places in Peru. Bamboo is a strong plant. It is a goodmaterial to make bikes and it is cheap.
This bike is eco-friendly. The designer is Víctor Barraza. He is an architect. He’s from Tingo María, but he lives in Lima. The
most important part of the Janko eco-bike is the frame. It is entirely made of bamboo. The Janko eco-bike is light, very
fast and cheap. This invention is amazing.
The problem
People in some parts of the world can’t grow vegetables like lettuce, celery, spinach, carrots
or onions. Why? Because it is very cold. Temperatures can be -5ºC.
The sun is really shinny for some hours during the day.
Greenhouses are really fantastic. Generally, a greenhouse is a structure with walls and a
glass roof. But, a special greenhouse or “fitotoldo” is a structure with walls and plastic film
also called agrofilm.
The Fitotoldo
This greenhouse is very basic and really inexpensive. It has 6 important requirements.
1. It needs to sit on a flat area.
2. The sun needs to shine on it for at least 5 hours during the day.
3. It needs to be near water supplies.
4. The long side of the structure needs to face east and west.
5. The roof needs to face north.
6. The door needs to be far from where the wind blows.
Families and communities in cold places can eat vegetables. There are “Fitotoldos” in Puno,
Huánuco, Lambayeque, Ancash, Apurímac, Huancavelica and many other Regions in Peru.
This invention is great.
Check the correct box.
Match the characteristics of a fitotoldo with the correct pictures.
Propósito Actividad 1:
Identifica los adjetivos (sinónimos y antónimos) y los verbos en
presente simple de los dos pósters.