Albún de La Biodiversidad Biologica Del Perú

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del Perú.
Vivimos en un país
Cuidémoslo pues es herencia
de generaciones venideras…
DIVERSIDAD La biodiversidad o diversidad
biológica es un concepto que
BIOLÓGICA DEL engloba a todos los seres vivos de
PERÚ la tierra como las plantas ,las
aves, los bosques , las montañas,
las ciudades que tienen
características propias , como el
tamaño , la forma, el color y la
ubicación. Tal es el caso de la
biodiversidad que existe en el
Niveles de biodiversidad.
Diversidad de especies.

Focus: Diversidad de genética

Main idea

Diversidad de ecosistemas
Diversidad de especies. Aves

 Primero en peces (cerca de 2000 especies de

aguas marinas y continentales, 10% del total
mundial) Cóndor andino: El cóndor andino
 es un ave enorme que se encuentra entre
Segundo en aves (>1800 especies) las más grandes del mundo capaces de

Tercero en anfibios (332 especies)
 Peso: 13 a 15 kg
Tercero en mamíferos (>500 especies) Longitud es de 100 1 130 cm.
 Su envergadura de sus alas llega 3 metros.
Quinto en reptiles (365 especies)
Carpintero peruano Finch: Es
un ave mediana (15 cm) con la cabeza
plomiza y el pecho un amarillo dorado
oscuro, espalda y rabadilla color oliva
teñidas de color oro. El pico es  corto y
cónico y la cola ligeramente orquillada.  La
hembra es similar al macho pero de
colores más claros.
Se le encuentra en la sierra peruana en
campos cultivados, jardines y alrededor de
las casas.  Busca semillas en el piso y se
posa en árboles y arbustos.  Habita en
elevaciones de 2600 a 4600 mts.
Nombres: Fringilo Peruano
Inglés: Peruvian Sierra-Finch
Científico: Phrygilus punensis
Colibrí de espátula: Tiene cuatro
plumas que nacen de la parte trasera de
su pequeño cuerpo, y dos de estas
plumas terminan en dos raquetas de
colores negro y azul metálico. Por su
vistosidad se le conoce como “el picaflor
más hermoso del mundo”, pero su
nombre real es colibrí maravilloso o
picaflor cola de espátula (Loddigesia
mide unos 15 cm., de los que la mitad
corresponden a su larga cola y pico. Su
peso oscila entre los 40 y 70 gr. Tiene un
pico largo y recto de color azulado y su
fina y alargada lengua está especializada
para succionar el néctar de las flores ya
que son nectívoros aunque también
capturan algunos insectos y pequeñas
arañas que estén posadas en la flor.
La pava aliblanca: Ave grande,
parecida a un pavo, restringida a los
bosques secos del noroeste de Perú. En
general es marrón oscura, con piel
gutural roja, parche facial rosado y
"escamas" pectorales blancas. Sus
parches alares blancos a menudo están
ocultos cuando el ave está posada, pero
destellan de manera conspicua al
emprender el vuelo. Mayormente
arbórea, aunque ocasionalmente baja al
suelo para alimentarse. A veces agita
sus alas mientras vuela de árbol en
árbol, haciendo un fuerte ruido agitado.

Venado: Weekly
You can enter a subtitle
here if you need it
Quote to

“This is a quote, words

full of wisdom that
someone important said
and can make the reader
get inspired.”
—Someone Famous
The slide title goes
right here!
Do you know what helps you make your Mercury
point clear? Lists like this one:
Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar
● They’re simple System. Its orbit around the Sun takes 87.97
● You can organize your ideas clearly Earth days, the shortest of all the planets in
● You’ll never forget to buy milk! the Solar System. It is named after the Greek
god Hermes, translated into Latin Mercurius
And the most important thing: Mercury, god of commerce, messenger
mediator between gods and mortals
the audience won’t miss the point of your
A picture always
reinforces the

nts of data, so
Images reveal large amou
instead of a
remember: use an image
long text
A picture is
worth a
writin e


Weekly Because key words are great for catching
teaching your audience’s attention
Use a graph to show
your data

Jupiter is a gas giant, and the
biggest planet in the Solar

Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet from
the Sun
To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link,
change the data and paste the new graph here
Use a graph to show
your data

Despite being red, it is
actually a cold place

It’s the biggest planet in the
Solar System
To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link,
change the data and paste the new graph here
Diversidad de Cóndor andino

especies. Mercury is the

closest planet to
Venus has a
beautiful name,
the Sun but it’s very hot

Mars Saturn
Despite being red, Saturn is the
Mars is a cold ringed one and a
place gas giant

Jupiter Neptune
It’s the biggest Neptune is the
planet in the Solar farthest planet
System from the Sun
What about four Weekly
columns? plans

Mercury Jupiter
Mercury is the closest planet to It’s the biggest planet in the Solar
the Sun System

Venus Saturn
Venus has a beautiful name, but Saturn is the ringed one and a gas
it’s very hot giant
Or you can use three
It’s the biggest planet in the Solar

Venus Saturn
Venus has a beautiful name, but Saturn is the ringed one and a gas
it’s very hot giant
Infographics make
your idea

Mercury Jupiter
Mercury is the closest It’s the biggest planet in
planet to the Sun the Solar System

Venus Saturn
Venus has a beautiful Saturn is the ringed one
name, but it’s very hot and a gas giant

Mission, philosophy
& purpose
You can enter a subtitle here if
you need it
Daily lesson planning

Mars Mercury
Despite being red, Mars is Mercury is the closest planet
actually a cold place full of to the Sun and the smallest of
iron oxide dust them all

Jupiter Venus
Jupiter is a gas giant and the Venus has a beautiful name
biggest planet in the Solar and is the second planet from
System the Sun
Teaching is the
highest form of
Mercury is the closest planet to
the Sun and the smallest one in the
Solar System—it’s only a bit
larger than the Moon
Other specific Mass Diameter
aspects of our
Mercury 0.06 0.38
education in a simple
table Mars 0.11 0.53

Saturn 95.2 9.4

teaching Jupiter
plans Jupiter is a gas giant, and the biggest
planet in the Solar System
This is a map

Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun

Venus has a beautiful
name, but it’s very hot

It’s the biggest planet in
the Solar System
Meet our teaching Clara
members Here you could talk a bit
about this person

Note: Ellie
Meeting Here you could talk a bit
next week about this person
snack re
t he c f or
lass Will
Here you could talk a bit
about this person
A timeline always
works well

2015 2017 2020 2023

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

It’s the biggest Mercury is the Venus is the second Despite being red,
planet in the Solar smallest one in the planet from the Sun it’s actually a cold
System System place
Or try this

2015 2020

Mars Mercury
Mercury is the
Mars is actually a Venus
smallest planet in
cold place full of Jupiter the System
iron oxide dust It has a beautiful
Jupiter is the name and is the
biggest planet in second planet
the Solar System
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
Here are some

59% 80%

Saturn Venus
Saturn is the ringed one and Venus has a beautiful name,
a gas giant but it’s very hot
386,000 km
distance from Earth
to the Moon

333,000 24h 37m

Earths in total is the is Jupiter’s rotation
Sun’s mass period
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Just
delete this one, add yours and
center it properly
Tablet app
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Just
delete this one, add yours and center it
Mobile web
You can replace the image with your own work. Delete this
one, add yours and center it properly

Mars Mercury
Mars is a cold place full of It’s the smallest planet in
iron oxide dust the Solar System

Jupiter Venus
Jupiter is the biggest planet Venus is the second planet
of them all from the Sun
Do you have any
+91 620 421 838

Thank you!
CREDITS: This presentation template
was created by Slidesgo, including
icons by Flaticon, and infographics &
images by Freepik

Please keep this slide for attribution

Knowledge icon pack
Alternative resources
Alternative resources
Here’s an assortment of alternatives pictures within the same style with this template

● Workplace in flat design with accessories
● Flat notebook and accessories in vintage style
● Flat post-its boards infographics

● Kids and teacher celebrating teacher's day
● High angle girl writing on an empty notebook
● Teacher pointing next to her with copy space
Did you like the resources on this template? Get them for free at our other websites.

Vectors Icons
● Nice notebook with accessories in flat design ● Knowledge Icon Pack
● Colorful sticky notes
● Set of hand drawn lines and dividers

● Happy teacher helping her students ● Teacher with notebook in class
● Teacher hugging a student with copy space ● Students hugging their teacher
● Back view kid with backpack ● Serious teacher in glasses standing at
● High angle teacher helping a little boy in class blackboard hand on hand
● Kid holding school supplies in her backpack
● Smiley teacher standing in classroom
Stories by Freepik
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the background and layers you want to show and bring them to life with the animator panel! It will boost
your presentation. Check out How it Works.

Pana Amico Bro Rafiki Cuate

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and click on the object you want to change. Then, click on the paint bucket and select the color you want.
Group the resource again when you’re done. You can also look for more infographics on Slidesgo.


Task 1

Task 2


Task 1

Task 2



Task 1

Task 2
...and our sets of editable icons
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Creative Process Icons Performing Arts Icons
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