Aboudalle 2021
Aboudalle 2021
Aboudalle 2021
Editor: Dr. R. Teresa The objective of this study was to improve the mineralization of metronidazole, a recalcitrant antibiotic by the
development of a new combined process coupling electro-Fenton and a biological process. For biotreatment,
Keywords: various strategies were considered bioaugmentation, bioacclimatation and biostimulation alone or combined. So,
Metronidazole the novelty of this strategy is to combine advanced oxidation process with advanced biological process. The
Electro-Fenton process
conventional biotreatment with activated sludge after 120 h of culture, led to 58.1% mineralization, whereas the
pure isolated strains, from activated sludge culture in the presence of metronidazole by-products, identified as
Activated sludge Pseudomonas putida (strain A) and Achromobacter sp. (strain B), led to 37.2% and 40.1% respectively. After
original acclimation of the isolated strains to electrolysis by-products, the mineralization levels reached 75.6%
and 72.9% for strains A and B respectively after 120 h of culture. The results showed that the mineralization of
metronidazole by-products was the most important in the case of the combination of autochthonous bio
augmentation and biostimulation, with 96.1% after 120 h of treatment. By coupling the two processes, the global
treatment reached therefore a mineralization yield of 97% with a reduction in processing time of 16 days
compared to previous conventional biological treatment.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: hayet.djelal@unilasalle.fr (H. Djelal).
Received 21 January 2021; Received in revised form 3 March 2021; Accepted 18 March 2021
Available online 23 March 2021
0304-3894/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Aboudalle et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 415 (2021) 125705
enzyme production. Djelal et al. (2020) reached the bioremediation of biostimulation (Raimondo et al., 2020).
doxycycline, an antibiotic by 90% with biostimualtion of activated In previous study, we carried out an electro-Fenton process coupling
sludge by addition of copper, i.e. an increase of 30% compared to the with a conventional biological treatment using activated sludge in order
witness (activated sludge alone). Autochthonous bioaugmentation was to mineralize metronidazole. The results showed a mineralization of
applied for the biodegradation of biorecalcitrant compounds such as 84.6% of the electrolysis by-products in 504 h (Aboudalle et al., 2018).
biphenyl (Li et al., 2020). Biological conventional treatment has various disadvantages in terms of
Metronidazole (MTZ) is one of the highly resistant pharmaceutical processing time and hard COD formation. The objective of this study is
drugs detected in treated sewage water (Saidi et al., 2014), it is char to improve the efficiency of the mineralization by using advanced bio
acterized by its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory nature. MTZ is a logical treatment. In this sense, biostimulation, bioacclimation and
non-biodegradable antibiotic, soluble in water (Shemer et al., 2006), autochthonous bioaugmentation were carried out. Monitoring the
able to roam freely though wastewater plants, skipping the multiple mineralization was assessed during biological treatments and the
water treatment processes, leading to expose the aquatic ecosystem to detection of the electrolysis by-products during electro-chemical and
danger. Thus, it is mandatory to treat MTZ prior to its discharge into biological treatment was evaluated.
biological treatment process and receiving wastewater plants.
Combining chemical and biological treatments serves together to 2. Materials and methods
eliminate contaminants from water (Sarria et al., 2003; Pulgarin et al.,
1999; Parra et al., 2000). This combination is applied in order to over 2.1. Chemicals and materials
come the limits of individual remediation techniques, and to get a better
efficiency in eliminating antibiotics. In fact, carrying a chemical MTZ (2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole-1-ethanol) was purchased from
pre-treatment serves to turn the persistent organic compounds into more Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Quentin Fallavier, France). FeSO4⋅7H2O (purity
biodegradable intermediates, which are then subjected to a less expen 99%) served as a catalyst source and Na2SO4 (purity 99%) was employed
sive biological treatment (Monteil et al., 2019). An electro-Fenton pre as an inert supporting electrolyte. Both solutions were obtained from
treatment can oxidize the recalcitrant compounds by in situ formation of Acros Organics (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Geel, Belgium). Sigma-aldrich
hydroxyl radicals by the electro-generated Fenton (H2O2, Fe2+) re and Acros Organics provided all the needed chemicals for analysis. Ul
agents. A variety of researches proved the pertinence of combining an trapure water (Millipore Elga) was used to prepare all solutions.
electro-Fenton with a biological treatment (Ferrag-Siagh et al., 2014;
Ganzenko et al., 2020; Annabi et al., 2016; Mansour et al., 2012). 2.2. Electrochemical apparatus and procedures
Nevertheless, conventional biological treatment may encounter
limitations via the possible production of refractory molecules during An electrochemical mono-compartment batch reactor containing
the electro-Fenton process and by the time of treatment which can 250 mL of solution was used at ambient temperature (20 ◦ C). An
appear too long for an efficient treatment. For example, Ferrag-Siagh ammeter power supply (Microsonic systems, Microlab MX 20 V-2A,
et al. (2014) applied such combined process to the treatment of an France) was employed to apply a current intensity of 100 mA. A three-
antibiotic, tylosin. The mineralization of the biodegradable part of the dimensional graphite felt electrode of 42 cm3 (Le Carbone Lorraine
by-products by activated sludge from tylosin was fast and reached 56% RVG 4000 Mersen, Paris la Défense, France) was used as cathode,
after 2 days of cultivation; while the mineralization rate decreased then located on the inner wall of the cell. A cylindrical platinum anode (31.2
significantly, reaching only 67% after 20 days of treatment. This showed cm2) was located at the center of the electrochemical reactor and sur
the presence of refractory by-products in the culture medium and rounded by the cathode to get a good potential distribution. 10 min prior
consequently microorganisms need a phase of adaptation to degrade to the electrolysis and throughout the experiments, compressed air was
these products. To overcome such difficulty, it is proposed in this study bubbled into the solution in order to reach a stationary O2 concentra
to replace conventional biological treatment by an advanced biological tion. The solution to be treated was adjusted to pH 3 and contained
treatment, and hence the coupling of an advanced oxidation process metronidazole as pollutant, FeSO4⋅7H2O and Na2SO4 as supporting
"electro-Fenton" with an advanced biological process "biostimulation electrolyte at concentrations of 100 mg⋅L− 1, 0.1 mmol⋅L− 1 and 50
and/or bioaugmentation" is targeted. mmol⋅L− 1, respectively.
More precisely, biostimulation consists in the improvement of
biodegradation by the addition of nutrients or electron acceptors. The 2.3. Isolation and identification of strains
low microbial growth can negatively influence the biodegradability
(Alexander, 1999); the addition of substrates can help to improve the Strains were isolated from the activated sludge as follows: during
growth of microbial populations and hence can be helpful for the 504 h of culture of activated sludge in the presence of MTZ by-products
removal of contaminants (Semrany et al., 2012). Bioaugmentation from electro-Fenton process as sole carbon sources at 25 ◦ C and 200 rpm,
consists to enhance the biodegradation process by adding specific mi the isolation was carried out by serial dilutions in physiological water.
croorganisms to the indigenous microbial community present in the The samples (100 µl) were placed in a Luria-Bertani agar (LB) medium
solution to be treated (Gentry et al., 2004). In fact, three types of mi on Petri dish (10 g⋅L− 1 of tryptone, 5 g⋅L− 1 of sodium chloride, 5 g⋅L− 1 of
croorganisms can be used (Semrany et al., 2012; Cycoń et al., 2017). The yeast extract supplemented by glucose (1 g.L− 1)).
first type involves microorganisms isolated from the contaminated The identification of the isolated strains was performed by Matrix-
media. These microorganisms are acclimated to the pollutant and then Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
reinjected in the same medium. This type of bioaugmentation belongs to (MALDI-TOF) (Labocea, Fougère, France).
the autochthonous one. The second type of bioaugmentation involves
the inoculation into the contaminated medium of exogenous microor 2.4. Preparation of isolated strains inocula
ganisms isolated from another medium, it is called allochthonous bio
augmentation. The third type concerns the gene bioaugmentation that Before inoculation, the isolated strains were grown at 28 ◦ C and 150
consists in the formation of genetically modified microorganisms and rpm in LB medium supplemented by 1 g⋅L− 1 of glucose until growth
applying them in the contaminated medium. However, to improve the reached the beginning of the stationary phase. At the end of incubation,
removal of the pollutant, various studies have considered the coupling of cells were pelleted aseptically by centrifugation (4000 rpm, 15 min),
bioaugmentation and biostimulation process. For example, Raimondo et washed twice with sterile physiological water and concentrated in 35
al. has observed the highest elimination rate of lindane, an organo mL of physiological water. The suspension obtained was then used for
chlorine pesticide, by the coupling of bioaugmentation and inoculation. For all experiments the volume of inoculation was 4% (v/v)
A. Aboudalle et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 415 (2021) 125705
corresponding to about 0.25 g⋅L− for the two strains. adjusted to 7.0. The conditions of the different biological treatments are
presented in Table 1.
2.5. Acclimation of the isolated strains
2.9. Analytical procedures
The isolated strains were acclimated to the biorefractory part of the
electrolysis by-products, namely those remaining after 48 h of biological 2.9.1. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) measurements
treatment of pure strains. A sterile solid medium was considered for DOC was obtained using a Schimadzu TOC-VCPH/CPG Total Organic
acclimation; in addition to electrolysis by-products, it contained the Analyzer. The analysis is based on the combustion of dissolved organic
following minerals (mg⋅L− 1): K2HPO4 (208); KH2PO4 (85); Na2H material at 680 ◦ C to form CO2 which is detected by a non-dispersive
PO4,2H2O (154.4); MgSO4,7H2O (22.6); CaCl2 (27.6); FeCl3,6H2O Infra-Red Detector (NDIR). The values of DOC allowed to determine
(0.26); NH4Cl (75); as well as agar-agar, the pH was adjusted to 7. the % of mineralization as indicated in Eq. (1):
Acclimation consisted in the following steps (Fig. 1):
Mineralization (%) = (DOC0 – DOC)/DOC0 x 100% (1)
- Acclimation of each pure strain on 20% of the by-products as sole where DOC0 and DOC correspond to the value before and after treat
carbon source and 80% of ultrapure water. ment, respectively.
- After incubation at 28 ◦ C for 72 h, the appeared colonies were af
terwards seeded in a solid medium containing 50% of the electrolysis 2.9.2. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) measurements
by-products and 50% of ultra-pure water. Nanocolor® CSB 160 kits from Macherey-Nagel (Düren, Germany)
- The by-product percentage was increased up to 80% and then finally was used to evaluate the COD value of MTZ and its degradation by-
up to 100%. Strains growing on the solid medium composed of 100% products. The oxidation of the latter was realized at 160 ◦ C for 30 min
electrolysis by-products were used in the experiments. with potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) in a strong acid medium (H2SO4).
The measurements were carried out using the Nanocolor photometer at
2.6. Preparation of the activated sludge 436 nm.
Obtaining the inoculated activated sludge was ensured from a local 2.9.3. LC-MS/MS method
wastewater treatment plant (Rennes Beaurade, France). The activated Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) was used
sludge was kept active in an 8 L bioreactor at room temperature by to identify the by-products of MTZ during electrolysis and biological
adding nutrients (g⋅L− 1): peptone, 0.64; K2HPO4, 0.11; NH4Cl, 15.2; treatment. Waters Acquity UPLC system (Waters, Manchester, UK) was
CH3COONa, 140 and an additional source of carbon (viandox). The used for the separation of the analytes. UPLC column was C-18
activated sludge was washed three times with tap water and two times (2.1 mm × 100 mm; 1.7 µm) (Milford, MA, USA). The elution was
by ultra-pure water. Before each washing the sludge was centrifuged at conducted with elution gradient of phase A/phase B at the flow rate of
4000 rpm for 10 min (Jouan centrifuge, Thermo Fisher Scientifics, Saint
Herblain, France). Carbon residues and mineral nutrients present in the
Table 1
activated sludge were removed before their use in the experiments.
The experimental conditions for biological treatment.
Biological treatment Activate Strain (s) Organic Inorganic
2.7. Determination of the biological oxygen demand (BOD5)
sludge isolated nutrient nutrients
(0.5 g⋅L− 1)
In order to assess the biodegradability of the MTZ molecule, elec
Activated sludge – –
trolysis by-products and biological by-products, the BOD5 measure
+ +
Pure culture – + – +
ments were released in Oxitop IS6 (from WTW, Alès, France) at 20 ◦ C, Biostimulation + – + +
pH 7 and in obscurity during 5 days. The details of the protocol were Bioaugmentation + + – +
presented in a previous study (Aboudalle et al., 2018). Combination of + + + +
2.8. Biological treatment
Presence: (+).
For all biological experiments, the cultures were realized in duplicate Absence: (–).
Organic nutrient (g⋅L− 1) glucose: 1.
for 120 h in 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks closed with a cellulose cap
Inorganic nutrients (mg⋅L− 1): K2HPO4 (208); KH2PO4, (85); Na2HPO4,2H2O
allowing the oxygenation. The flask contains 100 mL of electrolyzed
(154.4); MgSO4,7H2O (22.6); CaCl2 (27.6); FeCl3,6H2O (0.26); NH4Cl (75).
metronidazole solutions at 28 ◦ C with a stirring of 150 rpm. The pH was
Fig. 1. Experimental protocol for the acclimatization of isolated strains (LB: Luria-Bertani medium).
A. Aboudalle et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 415 (2021) 125705
0.4 mL⋅min− 1. The phase A was performed in ultra-pure water with 2006; Selvaratnam et al., 1997; Nancharaiah et al., 2008). Regarding the
0.1% formic acid and the phase B in acetonitrile with 0.1% formic acid. second identified strain, Achromobacter sp. have also been implemented
Waters Micromass Quattro Premier (Waters Corporation, Manchester, for the degradation of recalcitrant pollutants (Nguyen et al., 2017;
UK) triple quadrupole mass spectrometer was used to detect the sepa Huang et al., 2012; Reis et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2007). It is also
rated compounds. More details of the analytical detection were pre considered among the most widely strains used in bioaugmentation
sented in our previous study (Aboudalle et al., 2018). (Mrozik and Piotrowska-Seget, 2010).
The two isolated strains were then considered to perform biological
3. Results and discussion treatment of the electrolyzed solution, in pure cultures or in combina
tion and compared with the activated sludge. Activated sludge and pure
3.1. MTZ mineralization by electro-Fenton pretreatment coupled to strain culture on the electrolyzed by-products as the sole carbon source
biological treatment was therefore performed and the corresponding results are displayed in
Fig. 4.
The main objective of this study was to mineralize metronidazole. As shown, for activated sludge, about 40% decrease of the DOC value
Our previous study showed a total absence of biodegradability of was observed after 24 h of culture. The decrease was then less pro
Metronidazole (Aboudalle et al., 2018). This proves that a direct bio nounced 55% mineralization yield was obtained after 48 h and
logical treatment would not be efficient and hence the need for a pre continued at low rate until the end of the culture (58.1% after 120 h).
treatment. In this sense, the electro-Fenton process was used as a For pure strains, about 40% decrease of the DOC values can also be
pretreatment. After 20 min of electrolysis, a total degradation of MTZ noticed after only 24 h. Then and contrarily to the use of activated
was reached, while after 1 h of electrolysis, the mineralization yield sludge, no significant decrease in the DOC values was then observed
reached only 16.1%, showing the formation of MTZ by-products (37.2%, 40.1%, 42.61% after 120 h for Strain A, B and co-culture
(Aboudalle et al., 2018). These latter were characterized by a biode respectively).
gradability of 0.46 (Fig. 2), namely above the limit of biodegradability, These results showed that the use of pure strains alone or in co-
0.4 (Salles et al., 2010), showing the feasibility of a subsequent bio culture to treat electrolysis by-products was less effective than the use
logical treatment. of activated sludge. Indeed, the use of pure strains or their co-culture
A biological treatment with activated sludge was carried out in the lead to neglect other microorganisms, which can be effective in the
preliminary study showing a mineralization yield of 84.6% after 504 h treatment of electrolysis by-products, but which has a low coefficient of
of treatment (Aboudalle et al., 2018). During the course of the experi growth; this fact makes their isolation difficult. Activated sludge con
ment, regular sampling of the culture broth was performed to follow the tains a wide variety of microorganisms that can be involved in the
microbial diversity of the broth through inoculation of Petri dishes assimilation of organic compounds, through for instance their enzyme
containing LB agar medium supplemented by glucose. In addition to a pool and possible synergistic effects between microorganisms, even if
decrease of the number of cells, a decrease of the microbial diversity they are not major species of the microbial flora of the sludge (Buitrón
should be highlighted, which was especially noticeable at the end of et al., 1998). From this, the lower efficiency of the pure strains or their
culture (504 h), since only two different strains remained in the Petri co-culture was not unexpected. These results are in agreement with
dishes (Fig. 3). some other reports. Indeed, Buitrón et al. (1998) have shown that the
A Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass use of a consortium consisting of activated sludge to degrade phenolic
Spectrometry allowed the identification of the two strains that belonged compounds was more effective than strains isolated from activated
to two different bacterial genera, namely Pseudomonas putida (strain A) sludge in pure form or consortium. In the study of Chebli et al. activated
with a certainty of 99% for the first one and Achromobacter sp. (strain B) sludge culture on by-products from an irradiated dyes solution by pho
for the second one. For the latter strain, it was not possible to discrim tocatalysis was also more relevant than the culture of a pure strain
inate between two species, denitrificans 50% and xylosoxidanx 50%. The Pseudomonas fluorescens strain (Derradji, 2012).
Pseudomonas putida strain is widely used for the biodegradation of
recalcitrant aromatic compounds, since the bacteria cells undergo fun
3.2. Effect of acclimation
damentals changes in cellular physiology when the microorganism is
subjected to environment perturbation (Loh and Cao, 2008). Probably
The mineralization yield of pollutants can be influenced by the
the stress caused by the presence of biorecalcitrant by-products induced
acclimation of microorganisms (Lu et al., 1995). It should be observed
specific sets of proteins and these proteins are designed for the elimi
that the biodegradability of by-products decreased after biological
nation of stress agents (Loh and Cao, 2008). In the same way, P. putida
treatment to reach 0.32 (Fig. 2), while it was 0.46 at the end of the
was used as a bio-enhancing agent in various studies (McLaughlin et al.,
electro-Fenton pretreatement (Aboudalle et al., 2018). This indicated, as
Fig. 2. The biodegradability of MTZ (100 mg⋅L− 1) and its by-products after electro-Fenton pretreatment at 100 mA, pH 3, [Na2SO4] = 50 mmol⋅L− 1
and [Fe2+] =
0.1 mmol⋅L− 1 and after 4 days of biological treatment using 0.5 g⋅L− 1 of activated sludge, pH = 7 and nutriments.
A. Aboudalle et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 415 (2021) 125705
Fig. 3. Culture of activated sludge at 25 ◦ C on Petri dishes after biological treatment of the electrolysis by-product: (A) after 1 day of biological treatment, dilution
10− 2, incubation 24 h; (B) after 4 days of biological treatment, dilution 10− 2, incubation 24 h; and (C) after 21 days of treatment, dilution 10− 1, incubation 72 h.
Fig. 4. Time courses of the mineralization of MTZ electrolyzed solutions by activated sludge 0.5 g⋅L− (-), strain A 4% v/v (●), strain B 4% (v/v) (x), co-culture 50%/
50% (■).
expected, the consumption of the most readily compounds during the 3.3. Effect of co-culture
biological treatment and account for the decrease (for activated sludge)
or the cessation (for the isolated strains) of the mineralization observed In order to determine the influence of the co-culture on the miner
after few days of culture. For pure strains, after 48 h of culture, the alization of the electrolysis by-products, different co-cultures were car
remaining part of the by-product is considered to be a hard COD. In ried out with the two acclimated strains A and B as follows: The size of
order to improve the mineralization, acclimation of the two isolated the inocula for the co-culture AB (50%/50%) was 2%/2% v/v, 3.2%/
strains to the by-products remaining after 48 h of biological treatment 0.8% v/v for the co-culture AB (80%/20%) and 0.8%/3.2% v/v for the
by the pure strains were carried out. Fig. 5 shows the effect of accli co-culture AB (20%/80%). The total volume of inocula was 4% for all
mation on the mineralization of electrolysis by-products. A clear experiments. It can be observed that there were no significant differ
improvement was observed since the DOC decrease reached 75.6% and ences regarding the mineralization yields obtained for the 3 ratios tested
72.9% for the strains A and B after 120 h, respectively. Indeed, the (Fig. 6); after 120 h they were 65.9%, 56.6%, and 64.9%, for the ratio
successive exposure of bacteria to pollutants led to a change in bacterial 50%/50%, 80%/20% and 20%/80% respectively. These mineralization
metabolism. Recent studies showed that bacterial cells displays different yields were below those recorded during pure cultures of each strain
properties depending on long-term exposure of bacteria to organic (Fig. 5). Two hypotheses can be proposed to account for this behavior:
compounds in comparison to the absence of exposure (Kaczorek et al., The first is that the interaction of the two strains had a negative effect on
2013). In new environmental conditions, bacterial cells develop a the bacterial capacity for mineralization; the second is the absence of
chemical tolerance to the surrounding environment, and adapt their complementary between the two strains, the absence of synergistic ef
metabolism to degrade pollutants. The adaptation can lead to a genetic fects. The ratio 50%/50% was considered thereafter since it led to a
mutation or induction or depression of a specific enzyme (Ojo, 2007). slightly higher mineralization compared to the other co-cultures.
Various studies showed a positive role of the acclimation of Pseudomonas Another approach based on advanced biological treatment was conse
sp. and Achromobacter sp. on the degradation of refractory pollutants quently considered to improve the mineralization of by-products.
(Pacholak et al., 2017; Takenaka et al., 2007).
A. Aboudalle et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 415 (2021) 125705
Fig. 5. The effect of acclimation on the mineralization of by-products. (a) = acclimated. Experimental conditions: inoculums volume: 4% v/v, pH = 7,
28 ◦ C, 150 rpm.
Fig. 6. Comparison of DOC values during the co-culture with different ratios. The total volume of inoculum was 4% (v/v).
3.4. Effect of bioaugmentation inoculated bacteria in activated sludge; and the implementation of
strains acclimated to the conditions of the culture can improve the
In order to improve the mineralization of MTZ by-products, resistance of the strains to survive and to be able to degrade the pol
advanced biological processes were carried out. The first technique of lutants (Limbergen et al., 1998).
this process was to apply the autochthonous bioaugmentation of the By comparing the results of Fig. 7 with the results of Figs. 5 and 6, it
activated sludge (AS) using the isolated pure strains A and B and the co- could be seen that the presence of the activated sludge had a positive
culture of both. This technique could be useful for a better removal of influence on the mineralization of the electrolysis by-products. The
MTZ by-products by increasing the concentration of specific strains presence of activated sludge increased the mineralization yields, since
present in the activated sludge. Bioaugmentation experiments of acti they were 80.1, 85.2, 91.6%, while they were 75.6, 72.9, 65.9% in the
vated sludge were carried out with acclimated and non-acclimated A absence of activated sludge, for the acclimated strains A, B and their co-
and B strains in order to determine the influence of the bioaugmentation culture AB (50%/50%) respectively. It can also be observed that the
on the mineralization of the MTZ electrolysis by-products. The use of bioaugmentation with the co-culture A and B was the most efficient,
acclimated bacteria for activated sludge bioaugmentation was more with respect to bioaugmentation with strains A or B. Indeed, the use of
effective than the addition of non-acclimated bacteria (Fig. 7). Indeed, the strains consortium as a bioaugmenting agent is advantageous owing
for non-acclimated bacteria, the mineralization yields obtained were to the diversity of the microorganisms metabolism (Tyagi et al., 2011).
56.7%, 53.7%, and 54.3% for the isolated strains A, B and the co-culture Similarly, several studies have shown that using a microbial consortium
AB (50% / 50%) respectively, whereas it increased to 80.1 (strain A), in bioaugmentation can increase the rate of degradation of pollutants (Li
85.2 (strain B), and 91.6% (co-culture AB) for acclimated bacteria. In et al., 2009; Alisi et al., 2009).
fact, the success of bioaugmentation is conditioned by the survival of It could also be seen that the bioaugmentation of activated sludge by
A. Aboudalle et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 415 (2021) 125705
Fig. 7. The effect of the bioaugmentation on the mineralization of electrolysis by-products. (a) = acclimated, (na) = non-acclimated, (AS) = Activated sludge. Co-
culture AB = 50% A/50% B. Conditions: [AS] = 0.5 g⋅L− 1, [glu] = 1 g⋅L− 1, inoculation volume = 4% v/v, pH = 7, 28 ◦ C, 150 rpm.
A. Aboudalle et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 415 (2021) 125705
processes, since biostimulation with glucose combined to bio experiments. Table 2 shows the demise of various electrolysis by-
augmentation of activated sludge with an acclimated co-culture strains products after biological treatments and that only one remained after
led to a mineralization yield of 96.1% of MTZ electrolysis by-products implementation of the most efficient ones, namely bioaugmentation and
after 120 h of culture; slightly lower values were obtained in the case the biostimulation/bioaugmentation combination. 1-hydroxyethyl 2-
of biostimulation and activated sludge bioaugmentation with the methyl 5-hydroxyimidazole from electro-Fenton treatment was not
acclimated isolated strain A or B, 88.8% and 85.3% respectively. These mineralized by the advanced biological treatment applied. It can
levels of mineralization were higher than those reached with bio therefore be assumed that the increase in mineralization was due to the
stimulation and slightly higher to those obtained for bioaugmentation degradation of these molecules. The degradation of the by-products
(Figs. 7 and 8). The difference in mineralization efficiency between during the biological treatment was the result of their attack by the
bioaugmentation and coupled biostimulation/bioaugmentation should enzymes produced by the microorganisms in order to assimilate them as
be related to the most recalcitrant organic compounds (hard COD), a source of carbon and/or energy; for example, hydrolases are involved
which accounted for the difficulty to further improved the process. in the cleavage of the C‒C, C‒O and C‒N bonds and oxygenases in the
Consequently, the coupling allowed to improve the mineralization of the cleavage of aromatic rings by introducing an O2 atom (Karigar and Rao,
hard COD and hence shows a higher treatment potential with respect to 2011). In the case of bioaugmentation and the combination of bio
the bioaugmentation alone. Moreover and in favor of the integration of augmentation and biostimulation, the results of by-products detection
both strategies, various factors can limit the application of bio were similar; while, the mineralization yield in the case of the combi
augmentation, as for example the deficiency of substrate, while this nation of bioaugmentation and biostimulation (Fig. 8) was slightly
latter ensures the proliferation and activation of microorganisms (Bou higher than that of bioaugmentation (Fig. 7). To account for that, it
chez et al., 2000). The combination of the two strategies improved the should be observed that during bioaugmentation some by-products were
biodegradation of pollutants, since the nutrients provided by bio not degraded but biotransformed into other molecules, and the addition
stimulation were beneficial for activated sludge microorganisms on the of glucose stimulates the growth of microorganisms that were capable of
one hand and A and B strains on the other hand. The efficiency of such further biodegradation, which increased the rate of mineralization.
combination has been reported by various authors, such as Silva et al.
who observed that the rate of mineralization of atrazine was improved 4. Conclusion
using Pseudomonas sp. Strain ADP as a bioaugmenting agent in the
presence of citrate or succinate as a biostimulant (Silva et al., 2004). In previous work (Aboudalle et al., 2018), we observed a total
We observed that the acclimation of the two isolated strains was degradation of MTZ (100 mg L− 1) by electro-Fenton process at
overriding for autochthonous bioaugmentation, although the process 0.07 mA⋅cm− 2 after only 20 min of electrolysis. However, after 1 and
requests several manipulations and time; a synergy between the two 2 h of electrolysis, the mineralization was only 16.2% and 32.0%
isolated strains most likely takes place. Pseudomonas putida (strain A) respectively, signifying a significant residual organic content. Biological
and Achromobacter sp. (strain B), are certainly in the minority in acti conventional treatment with activated sludge allowed to decrease the
vated sludge; the isolation and the acclimation allowed them to be by-products of the MTZ electrolyze by only 58%. In order to improve the
predominant and more active for bioremediation of the electro-Fenton biological treatment of MTZ by-products after electro-Fenton pretreat
by-products. ment, several strategies of biological treatment were carried out. Pure
strains that were capable to mineralize the by-products of MTZ were
3.7. Identification of by-products isolated from activated sludge culture. The obtained results demon
strated that pure cultures of the isolated strains were less efficient than
Based on the LC-MS/MS results, 5 by-products were detected after activated sludge. Various biological treatment strategies were then
60 min of electro-Fenton treatment (Table 2). These products were the examined; the bioaugmentation of activated sludge by the isolated strain
result of the radical attacks from the Fenton reaction. These by-products was more powerful than the biostimulation by addition of glucose.
constituted a part of the organic carbon available for the biological However, combining the two strategies, namely bio-augmentation of
treatment. Detection of these by-products was carried out after 120 h of activated sludge with a co-culture of the two isolated strains, and bio
the biological treatment (Table 2); 3 of them were detected during stimulation with glucose led to the most striking results. The minerali
activated sludge treatment, 2 in the case of biostimulation experiment, zation of MTZ by-products reached a yield of 96.1% after 120 h of
while only one during bioaugmentation (with the acclimated co-culture) culture, namely an almost total elimination, 97% if both the pretreat
and the combination of biostimulation and bioaugmentation ment and the biological process were considered. By comparing these
Table 2
The identification of electrolysis by-product during the different biological treatments.
Name 1-carboxyethyl 2,5 2,5 dihydroxy imidazole 2,3,5-trihydroxyimidazole 2hydroxy 5-methyl 1-hydroxyethyl 2-methyl 5-
dihydroxyimidazole imidazole hydroxyimidazole
Chemical structure
(+) = presence.
(–) = absence.
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