Iec 60433 2021
Iec 60433 2021
Iec 60433 2021
Edition 4.0 2021-01
Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1 000 V – Ceramic
insulators for AC systems – Characteristics of insulator units of the long rod
type (
IEC 60433:2021
Isolateurs pour
lignes aériennes de tension nominale supérieure a 1 000 V –
Isolateurs en céramique pourf1ba920f82f4/iec-60433-2021
réseaux à tension alternative – Caractéristiques
des éléments d'isolateurs du type a long fût
IEC 60433:2021-01(en-fr)
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FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 3
1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 5
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................... 5
3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................... 6
4 Characteristics, dimensions and type of long rod insulators ............................................. 6
5 Designation and marking ................................................................................................. 6
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 11
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
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IEC 60433:2021
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International Standard IEC 60433 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 36:
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 1998. This edition
constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous
Full information on the voting for the approval of this International Standard can be found in
the report on voting indicated in the above table.
This document has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The committee has decided that the contents of this document will remain unchanged until the
stability date indicated on the IEC website under "" in the data related to
the specific document. At this date, the document will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
1 Scope
This International Standard is applicable to string insulator units of the long rod type with
insulating parts of ceramic material intended for use in AC overhead power lines with a
nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz. It is also
applicable to insulators of similar design, used in substations.
This document is applicable to ceramic string insulator units of the long rod type, either with a
clevis end fitting at both ends for coupling with a tongue, or with a socket end fitting at both
ends for coupling with a pin ball.
The object of this document is to prescribe specified values for electrical and mechanical
characteristics, and for the principal dimensions of ceramic string insulator units of the long
rod type.
Ball and socket couplings are covered by IEC 60120, clevis and tongue couplings by
IEC 60471.
NOTE 1 For the definition of site pollution severity, see applicable part of IEC TS 60815.
NOTE 2 The term "ceramic" is used in this document to refer to porcelain materials and, contrary to North
American practice, does not include glass.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition
cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.
IEC 60383-1, Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1 000 V – Part 1:
Ceramic or glass insulator units for AC systems – Definitions, test methods and acceptance
–6– IEC 60433:2021 © IEC 2021
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following
long rod insulator
suspension or tension insulator consisting of an approximately cylindrical insulating part
provided with sheds and equipped at the ends with external metal fittings
Note 1 to entry: The insulator is designed in such a manner that the shortest puncture path through solid
insulating material is at least equal to half the arcing distance. Therefore it is a class A insulator according to
IEC 60383-1.
String insulator units of the long rod type are characterised by the following specified
The corresponding values are specified in Table 1. The minimum nominal creepage distances
are based on a unified specific creepage distance of 27,8 mm/kV for the lowest value of the
highest voltage for equipment corresponding to the specified value of the standard lightning
impulse withstand (in accordance with IEC 60071-1).
NOTE 1 The tolerances given in IEC 60383-1 are applicable to all the dimensions in Table 1, even if the
adjectives "minimum" or "maximum" are used before the term "nominal".
NOTE 2 Dry lightning impulse withstand voltage and wet power frequency withstand voltage are specified in
Table 1 for single unit string insulators. Values of withstand voltages of insulator strings consisting of more than
one unit are not contained in this document.
NOTE 3 The rod diameter is not specified since it depends on the mechanical characteristics of the insulating
material. Information on the definition and classification of ceramic insulating materials can be found in
IEC 60672-1 and IEC 60672-3.
NOTE 4 Examples of shed profile are given in Clause 8, “Choice of profile” of IEC TS 60815-2:2008.
Long rod insulators are designated in Table 1 by the letter L, followed by a figure indicating
the specified mechanical failing load in kilonewtons. Then follows the letter B or C indicating
socket or clevis coupling respectively, followed by the value of the lightning impulse withstand
voltage in kilovolts.
IEC 60433:2021 © IEC 2021 –7–
The insulators shall be marked either on the upper shed or on the metal parts with the name
or trade mark of the manufacturer and the year of manufacture. In addition, each unit shall be
marked with the specified mechanical failing load, by using the first part of the designation; for
instance, the insulator shall be marked L 160 for the units with 160 kN specified mechanical
failing load.
Figure 1 shows a long rod insulator with clevis couplings. Figure 2 shows a long rod insulator
with socket couplings.
Coupling B Coupling C
Designation Standard Wet power Specified Maximum Minimum Maximum Standard Maximum Standard coupling size
lightning frequency mechanical nominal nominal creepage nominal coupling size nominal (coupling pin diameter,
withstand failing load diameter D on distance length L (pin diameter, length L see IEC 60471 –
withstand voltage the insulating (27.8 mm/kV, see IEC 60120) non-preferred
voltage ( part see Clause 4) sizes in brackets)
kV kV kN mm mm mm mm
L 40 B/C 170 170 70 40
IEC 60433:2021160 576 380 11 400 13L
L 60 B/C 170 170 70 60 160 576 400 11 420 13L
L 100 B/C 170 170 70 100 180 576 450 16 475 19L (16L)
L 100 B/C 250 250 95 100 180 832 580 16 605 19L (16L)
L 100 B/C 325 325 140 100 180 1 160 870 16 900 19L (16 L)
L 100 B/C 450 450 185 100 180 1 968 1 085 16 1 120 19L (16L)
L 100 B/C 550 550 230 100 180 1 968 1 240 16 1 270 19L (16L)
L 120 B/C 325 325 140 120 200 1 160 870 16 905 19L (16L)
L 120 B/C 450 450 185 120 200 1 968 1 085 16 1 120 19L (16L)
L 120 B/C 550 550 230 120 200 1 968 1 240 16 1 275 19L (16L)
L 120 B/C 650 650 275 120 200 2 320 1 430 16 1 465 19L (16L)
L 160 B/C 325 325 140 160 210 1 160 885 20 920 19L
L 160 B/C 450 450 185 160 210 1 968 1 100 20 1 135 19L
L 160 B/C 550 550 230 160 210 1 968 1 255 20 1 290 19L
L 160 B/C 650 650 275 160 210 2 320 1 445 20 1 465 19L
L 210 B/C 325 325 140 210 220 1 160 905 20 940 22L
L 210 B/C 450 450 185 210 220 1 968 1 120 20 1 155 22L
L 210 B/C 550 550 230 210 220 1 968 1 275 20 1 310 22L
L 210 B/C 650 650 275 210 220 2 320 1 465 20 1 500 22L
IEC 60433:2021 © IEC 2021
Coupling B Coupling C
Designation Standard Wet power Specified Maximum Minimum Maximum Standard Maximum Standard coupling size
lightning frequency mechanical nominal nominal creepage nominal coupling size nominal (coupling pin diameter,
impulse withstand failing load diameter D on distance length L (pin diameter, length L see IEC 60471 –
withstand voltage the insulating (27.8 mm/kV, see IEC 60120) non-preferred
voltage part see Clause 4) sizes in brackets)
kV kN mm mm mm mm
L 250 B/C 550 550 (
230 250 230 1 968 1 305 24 1 335 22L
L 250 B/C 650 650 275 250 230 2 320 1 500 24 1 530 22L
IEC 60433:2021
L 300 B/C 550 550 230 300 240 1 968 1 330 24 1 365 25L
IEC 60433:2021 © IEC 2021
L 300 B/C 650 650 275 300 240
f1ba920f82f4/iec-60433-2021 2 320 1 520 24 1 560 25L
L 330 B/C 550 550 230 330 250 1 968 1 360 28 1 400 28L
L 330 B/C 650 650 275 330 250 2 320 1 550 28 1 595 28L
L 360 B/C 550 550 230 360 250 1 968 1 360 28 1 410 28L
L 360 B/C 650 650 275 360 250 2 320 1 550 28 1 600 28L
L 400 B/C 550 550 230 400 260 1 968 1 400 28 1 460 28L
L 400 B/C 650 650 275 400 260 2 320 1 600 28 1 660 28L
L 420 B/C 550 550 230 420 260 1 968 1 400 28 1 460 28L
L 420 B/C 650 650 275 420 260 2 320 1 600 28 1 660 28L
L 530 B/C 550 550 230 530 270 1 968 1 450 32 1 520 32L
L 530 B/C 650 650 275 530 270 2 320 1 650 32 1 720 32L
L 550 B/C 550 550 230 550 270 1 986 1 450 32 1 520 32L
L 550 B/C 650 650 275 550 270 2 320 1 650 32 1 720 32L