FC 101
FC 101
FC 101
Design Guide
VLT® HVAC Basic Drive FC 101
Contents Design Guide
1 Introduction 6
1.1 Purpose of the Design Guide 6
1.2 Document and Software Version 6
1.3 Safety Symbols 6
1.4 Abbreviations 6
1.5 Additional Resources 7
1.6 Definitions 7
1.7 Power Factor 9
1.8 Regulatory Compliance 9
1.8.1 CE Mark 9
1.8.2 UL Compliance 10
1.8.3 RCM Mark Compliance 10
2 Safety 11
2.1 Qualified Personnel 11
2.2 Safety Precautions 11
3 Product Overview 13
3.1 Advantages 13
3.1.1 Why use a Frequency Converter for Controlling Fans and Pumps? 13
3.1.2 The Clear Advantage - Energy Savings 13
3.1.3 Example of Energy Savings 13
3.1.4 Comparison of Energy Savings 14
3.1.5 Example with Varying Flow over 1 Year 15
3.1.6 Better Control 15
3.1.7 Star/Delta Starter or Soft Starter not Required 16
3.1.8 Using a Frequency Converter Saves Money 16
3.1.9 Without a Frequency Converter 17
3.1.10 With a Frequency Converter 18
3.1.11 Application Examples 19
3.1.12 Variable Air Volume 19
3.1.13 The VLT Solution 19
3.1.14 Constant Air Volume 20
3.1.15 The VLT Solution 20
3.1.16 Cooling Tower Fan 21
3.1.17 The VLT Solution 21
3.1.18 Condenser Pumps 22
3.1.19 The VLT Solution 22
3.1.20 Primary Pumps 23
3.1.21 The VLT Solution 23
5 Installation 53
5.1 Electrical Installation 53
5.1.1 Electrical Installation in General 54
6 Programming 63
6.1 Introduction 63
6.2 Local Control Panel (LCP) 63
6.3 Menus 64
6.3.1 Status Menu 64
6.3.2 Quick Menu 64
6.3.3 Main Menu 78
6.4 Quick Transfer of Parameter Settings between Multiple Frequency Converters 78
6.5 Readout and Programming of Indexed Parameters 79
6.6 Initialization to Default Settings 79
Index 119
1 1 1 Introduction
Pull-out Analog outputs
The analog outputs can supply a signal of 0–20 mA, 4–
20 mA, or a digital signal.
Automatic motor adaptation, AMA
The AMA algorithm determines the electrical parameters
for the connected motor at standstill and compensates for
the resistance based on the length of the motor cable.
Digital inputs
The digital inputs can be used for controlling various
functions of the frequency converter.
Digital outputs
The frequency converter provides 2 solid-state outputs that
Illustration 1.1 Break-away Torque can supply a 24 V DC (maximum 40 mA) signal.
Relay outputs
The frequency converter provides 2 programmable relay
The efficiency of the frequency converter is defined as the
ratio between the power output and the power input. ETR
Electronic thermal relay is a thermal load calculation based
Start-disable command
on present load and time. Its purpose is to estimate the
A stop command belonging to the group 1 control
motor temperature and prevent overheating of the motor.
commands, see Table 1.3.
Stop command
If initializing is carried out (parameter 14-22 Operation
See Table 1.3.
Mode), the programmable parameters of the frequency
Analog reference converter return to their default settings.
A signal transmitted to the analog inputs 53 or 54. It can Parameter 14-22 Operation Mode does not initialize
be voltage or current. communication parameters, fault log, or fire mode log.
• Current input: 0–20 mA and 4–20 mA Intermittent duty cycle
An intermittent duty rating refers to a sequence of duty
• Voltage input: 0–10 V DC
cycles. Each cycle consists of an on-load and an off-load
Bus reference period. The operation can be either periodic duty or none-
A signal transmitted to the serial communication port (FC periodic duty.
Preset reference The local control panel (LCP) makes up a complete
A defined preset reference to be set from -100% to +100% interface for control and programming of the frequency
of the reference range. Selection of 8 preset references via converter. The control panel is detachable on IP20 units
the digital terminals. and fixed on IP54 units. It can be installed up to 3 m (9.8
RefMAX ft) from the frequency converter, that is, in a front panel
Determines the relationship between the reference input at with the installation kit option.
100% full scale value (typically 10 V, 20 mA) and the Lsb
resulting reference. The maximum reference value set in Least significant bit.
parameter 3-03 Maximum Reference.
RefMIN Short for mille circular mil, an American measuring unit for
Determines the relationship between the reference input at cable cross-section. 1 MCM = 0.5067 mm2.
0% value (typically 0 V, 0 mA, 4 mA) and the resulting
reference. The minimum reference value is set in Msb
parameter 3-02 Minimum Reference. Most significant bit.
A state entered in fault situations, for example, if the 1.8.1 CE Mark
frequency converter is subject to an overtemperature or
when the frequency converter is protecting the motor, The CE mark (Communauté Européenne) indicates that the
process, or mechanism. Restart is prevented until the cause product manufacturer conforms to all applicable EU
of the fault does not exist and the trip state is canceled by directives. The EU directives applicable to the design and
activating reset or, sometimes, by being programmed to manufacture of frequency converters are listed in Table 1.4.
reset automatically. Do not use trip for personal safety.
Trip lock
A state entered in fault situations when the frequency NOTICE
converter is protecting itself and requiring physical The CE mark does not regulate the quality of the
intervention, for example, if the frequency converter is product. Technical specifications cannot be deduced from
subject to a short circuit on the output. A locked trip can the CE mark.
only be canceled by cutting off mains, removing the cause
of the fault, and reconnecting the frequency converter. NOTICE
Restart is prevented until the trip state is canceled by
Frequency converters with an integrated safety function
activating reset or, sometimes, by being programmed to
must comply with the machinery directive.
reset automatically. Do not use trip lock for personal safety.
VT characteristics EU directive Version
Variable torque characteristics used for pumps and fans. Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
VVC+ EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
If compared with standard voltage/frequency ratio control, ErP Directive
voltage vector control (VVC+) improves the dynamics and
Table 1.4 EU Directives Applicable to Frequency Converters
the stability, both when the speed reference is changed
and in relation to the load torque.
Declarations of conformity are available on request.
1.8.2 UL Compliance
Illustration 1.2 UL
IP54 units are not certified for UL.
2 Safety
2 2
2.1 Qualified Personnel WARNING
Correct and reliable transport, storage, installation, DISCHARGE TIME
operation, and maintenance are required for the trouble- The frequency converter contains DC-link capacitors,
free and safe operation of the frequency converter. Only which can remain charged even when the frequency
qualified personnel are allowed to install or operate this converter is not powered. High voltage can be present
equipment. even when the warning LED indicator lights are off.
Failure to wait the specified time after power has been
Qualified personnel are defined as trained staff, who are removed before performing service or repair work can
authorized to install, commission, and maintain equipment, result in death or serious injury.
systems, and circuits in accordance with pertinent laws and • Stop the motor.
regulations. Also, the personnel must be familiar with the
instructions and safety measures described in this guide. • Disconnect AC mains and remote DC-link power
supplies, including battery back-ups, UPS, and
2.2 Safety Precautions DC-link connections to other frequency
WARNING • Disconnect or lock PM motor.
HIGH VOLTAGE • Wait for the capacitors to discharge fully. The
Frequency converters contain high voltage when minimum duration of waiting time is specified
connected to AC mains input, DC supply, or load sharing. in Table 2.1.
Failure to perform installation, start-up, and maintenance
by qualified personnel can result in death or serious
• Before performing any service or repair work,
use an appropriate voltage measuring device to
make sure that the capacitors are fully
• Only qualified personnel must perform instal- discharged.
lation, start-up, and maintenance.
2 2 Contact with rotating shafts and electrical equipment
can result in death or serious injury.
• Ensure that only trained and qualified personnel
perform installation, start-up, and maintenance.
• Ensure that electrical work conforms to national
and local electrical codes.
• Follow the procedures in this manual.
An internal failure in the frequency converter can result
in serious injury when the frequency converter is not
properly closed.
• Ensure that all safety covers are in place and
securely fastened before applying power.
3 Product Overview
3.1 Advantages
3 3
3.1.1 Why use a Frequency Converter for 100
Controlling Fans and Pumps? SYSTEM CURVE
A frequency converter takes advantage of the fact that 60
centrifugal fans and pumps follow the laws of propor-
tionality for such fans and pumps. For further information, 40
see chapter 3.1.3 Example of Energy Savings.
3.1.2 The Clear Advantage - Energy Savings 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Volume %
60 B
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Volume %
C Illustration 3.2 Energy Savings with Frequency Converter
20 Solution
3 3 Discharge
Flow ~n
50% Less energy savings
Pressure ~n2
Power ~n3
50% 80% 100%
Illustration 3.3 Laws of Proportionally Maximum energy savings
Q1 n1
Flow : =
Q2 n2
H1 n1 Costlier installation
Pressure : =
H2 n2
3 Illustration 3.4 The 3 Common Energy Saving Systems
P1 n1
Power : =
P2 n2
Q = Flow P = Power
Q1 = Rated flow P1 = Rated power
Q2 = Reduced flow P2 = Reduced power Discharge Damper Solution
40 VLT Solution
Energy consumed
Year 60
3 3
The result obtained shows energy savings of more than 40
[h] t
(kW) Pshaft
1500 50
B1 1350rpm
100 200 300 400 [m3 /h] 10 1050rpm
Illustration 3.6 Flow Distribution over 1 Year 750rpm
0 100 200 300 400 (m3 /h)
3.1.7 Star/Delta Starter or Soft Starter not 3.1.8 Using a Frequency Converter Saves
Required Money
When larger motors are started, it is necessary in many The example in chapter 3.1.9 Without a Frequency Converter
countries to use equipment that limits the start-up current. shows that a frequency converter replaces other
As illustrated in Illustration 3.8, a frequency converter does Use the VLT® Energy Box software that is introduced in
not consume more than rated current. chapter 1.5 Additional Resources to calculate the cost
savings that can be achieved by using a frequency
800 converter.
% Full-load current
300 3
0 12,5 25 37,5 50Hz
Full load
& speed
3 3
- +
Sensors outlets
Pump Pump Motor Duct
M M or
x6 x6 actuator
Local Main
D.D.C. B.M.S
Starter Starter Starter control
Fuses Fuses
LV LV signal
supply supply Pressure 0/10V
Power control
P.F.C P.F.C Factor signal
Correction 0/10V
Mains Mains Mains
Fan air
3 3 - + M Sensors
x3 x3
Local Main
Pressure control B.M.S
Control temperature
temperature 0-10V
0-10V or
or 0/4-20mA
0/4-20mA Mains Mains
The following sections give typical examples of While dampers and IGVs work to maintain a constant
applications within HVAC. pressure in the ductwork, a frequency converter solution
saves much more energy and reduces the complexity of
3.1.12 Variable Air Volume the installation. Instead of creating an artificial pressure
drop or causing a decrease in fan efficiency, the frequency 3 3
VAV or variable air volume systems, control both the converter decreases the speed of the fan to provide the
ventilation and temperature to satisfy the requirements of flow and pressure required by the system.
a building. Central VAV systems are considered to be the Centrifugal devices such as fans behave according to the
most energy efficient method to air condition buildings. By centrifugal laws. This means that the fans decrease the
designing central systems instead of distributed systems, a pressure and flow they produce as their speed is reduced.
greater efficiency can be obtained. Their power consumption is thereby significantly reduced.
The efficiency comes from utilizing larger fans and larger The PI controller of the VLT® HVAC Basic Drive can be used
chillers which have much higher efficiencies than small to eliminate the need for additional controllers.
motors and distributed air-cooled chillers. Savings are also
seen from the decreased maintenance requirements.
Frequency signal
Cooling coil Heating coil
converter VAV boxes
Supply fan
D1 3 T
Return fan
3.1.14 Constant Air Volume With temperature control, especially used in air
conditioning systems, as the outside temperature varies as
CAV, or constant air volume systems, are central ventilation well as the number of people in the controlled zone
systems usually used to supply large common zones with changes, different cooling requirements exist. As the
the minimum amounts of fresh tempered air. They temperature decreases below the setpoint, the supply fan
can decrease its speed. The return fan modulates to
3 3 preceded VAV systems and are therefore found in older
multi-zoned commercial buildings as well. These systems maintain a static pressure setpoint. By decreasing the air
preheat amounts of fresh air utilizing air handling units flow, energy used to heat or cool the fresh air is also
(AHUs) with a heating coil, and many are also used to air reduced, adding further savings.
condition buildings and have a cooling coil. Fan coil units Several features of the Danfoss HVAC dedicated frequency
are frequently used to assist in the heating and cooling converter can be utilized to improve the performance of
requirements in the individual zones. the CAV system. One concern of controlling a ventilation
system is poor air quality. The programmable minimum
frequency can be set to maintain a minimum amount of
3.1.15 The VLT Solution
supply air regardless of the feedback or reference signal.
The frequency converter also includes a PI controller, which
With a frequency converter, significant energy savings can
allows monitoring both temperature and air quality. Even if
be obtained while maintaining decent control of the
the temperature requirement is fulfilled, the frequency
building. Temperature sensors or CO2 sensors can be used
converter maintains enough supply air to satisfy the air
as feedback signals to frequency converters. Whether
quality sensor. The controller is capable of monitoring and
controlling temperature, air quality, or both, a CAV system
comparing 2 feedback signals to control the return fan by
can be controlled to operate based on actual building
maintaining a fixed differential airflow between the supply
conditions. As the number of people in the controlled area
and return ducts as well.
decreases, the need for fresh air decreases. The CO2 sensor
detects lower levels and decreases the supply fans speed.
The return fan modulates to maintain a static pressure
setpoint or fixed difference between the supply and return
Frequency signal
Cooling coil Heating coil converter
Supply fan
Return fan
D3 transmitter
3.1.16 Cooling Tower Fan Several features of the Danfoss HVAC dedicated frequency
converter can be utilized to improve the performance of
Cooling tower fans cool condenser-water in water-cooled cooling tower fans applications. As the cooling tower fans
chiller systems. Water-cooled chillers provide the most drop below a certain speed, the effect the fan has on
efficient means of creating chilled water. They are as much cooling the water becomes small. Also, when utilizing a
gearbox to frequency control the tower fan, a minimum
as 20% more efficient than air cooled chillers. Depending
on climate, cooling towers are often the most energy speed of 40–50% is required. 3 3
efficient method of cooling the condenser-water from The customer programmable minimum frequency setting is
chillers. available to maintain this minimum frequency even as the
They cool the condenser water by evaporation. feedback or speed reference calls for lower speeds.
The condenser water is sprayed into the cooling tower
until the cooling towers fill to increase its surface area. The Also as a standard feature, the frequency converter can be
tower fan blows air through the fill and sprayed water to programmed to enter a sleep mode and stop the fan until
aid in the evaporation. Evaporation removes energy from a higher speed is required. Additionally, some cooling
the water dropping its temperature. The cooled water tower fans have undesirable frequencies that may cause
collects in the cooling towers basin where it is pumped vibrations. These frequencies can easily be avoided by
back into the chillers condenser and the cycle is repeated. programming the bypass frequency ranges in the
frequency converter.
3.1.17 The VLT Solution
Water Inlet
Condenser valve
Water pump
Flowmeter Flowmeter
Frequency converter
3.1.22 Secondary Pumps With the proper sensor location, the addition of frequency
converters allows the pumps to vary their speed to follow
Secondary pumps in a primary/secondary chilled water the system curve instead of the pump curve.
pumping system distribute the chilled water to the loads This results in the elimination of wasted energy and
from the primary production loop. The primary/secondary eliminates most of the overpressurization that 2-way valves
can be subjected to.
pumping system is used to hydronically de-couple 1 piping
loop from another. In this case, the primary pump is used As the monitored loads are reached, the 2-way valves close 3 3
to maintain a constant flow through the chillers while down. This increases the differential pressure measured
allowing the secondary pumps to vary in flow, increase across the load and the 2-way valve. As this differential
control and save energy. pressure starts to rise, the pump is slowed to maintain the
If the primary/secondary concept is not used in the design control head also called setpoint value. This setpoint value
of a variable volume system when the flow rate drops far is calculated by summing the pressure drop of the load
enough or too quickly, the chiller cannot shed its load and the 2-way valve together under design conditions.
properly. The chiller’s low evaporator temperature safety
then trips the chiller requiring a manual reset. This NOTICE
situation is common in large installations especially when 2 When running multiple pumps in parallel, they must run
or more chillers in parallel are installed. at the same speed to maximize energy savings, either
with individual dedicated frequency converters or 1
3.1.23 The VLT Solution frequency converter running multiple pumps in parallel.
Reference 100%
handling P 4-14
Remote Motor speed P 3-4* Ramp 1
reference high limit [Hz] P 3-5* Ramp 2 0% To motor
Remote control
Auto mode
Hand mode Local
In the configuration shown in Illustration 3.17, induction motors and 0.37–22 kW (0.5–30) (400 V)
parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode is set to [0] Open loop. for PM motors.
The resulting reference from the reference handling system Current limitations for PM motors:
or the local reference is received and fed through the ramp
limitation and speed limitation before being sent to the
• Currently only supported up to 22 kW (30 hp).
motor control. The output from the motor control is then • LC filters are not supported with PM motors.
limited by the maximum frequency limit. • Kinetic back-up algorithm is not supported with
PM motors.
3.2.2 PM/EC+ Motor Control • Support only complete AMA of the stator
resistance Rs in the system.
The Danfoss EC+ concept provides the possibility for using
high-efficient PM motors (permanent magnet motors) in
• No stall detection (supported from software
version 2.80).
IEC standard enclosure sizes operated by Danfoss
frequency converters.
The commissioning procedure is comparable to the 3.2.3 Local (Hand On) and Remote (Auto
existing one for asynchronous (induction) motors by On) Control
utilizing the Danfoss VVC+ PM control strategy.
The frequency converter can be operated manually via the
local control panel (LCP) or remotely via analog/digital
Customer advantages:
inputs or serial bus. If allowed in parameter 0-40 [Hand on]
• Free choice of motor technology (permanent Key on LCP, parameter 0-44 [Off/Reset] Key on LCP, and
magnet or induction motor).
parameter 0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP, it is possible to start
• Installation and operation as know on induction and stop the frequency converter via LCP by pressing
motors. [Hand On] and [Off/Reset]. Alarms can be reset via the
• Manufacturer independent when selecting system [Off/Reset] key.
components (for example, motors).
Local reference forces the configuration mode to open- For example, consider a pump application where the speed
loop, independent on the setting of of a pump is to be controlled to ensure a constant static
parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode. pressure in a pipe. The static pressure value is supplied to
the frequency converter as the setpoint reference. A static
Local reference is restored at power-down. pressure sensor measures the actual static pressure in the
pipe and supplies this data to the frequency converter as a
3.2.4 Control Structure Closed Loop feedback signal. If the feedback signal is greater than the 3 3
setpoint reference, the frequency converter slows the
pump down to reduce the pressure. In a similar way, if the
The internal controller allows the frequency converter to
pipe pressure is lower than the setpoint reference, the
become a part of the controlled system. The frequency
frequency converter automatically speeds the pump up to
converter receives a feedback signal from a sensor in the
increase the pressure provided by the pump.
system. It then compares this feedback to a setpoint
reference value and determines the error, if any, between
these 2 signals. It then adjusts the speed of the motor to
correct this error.
+ 0%
Reference S
_ Scale to To motor
speed control
7-30 PI P 4-10
Normal/Inverse Motor speed
Control direction
Illustration 3.19 Control Structure Closed-loop
Ref. +
P 20-01
flow FB conversion FB P
Intern resource
3 3
Relative scalling reference
Preset relative reference
Input command:
Preset reference 0 ±100%
Preset reference 1 ±100% preset ref bit0, bit1, bit2
Preset reference 2 ±100% Speed open
Preset reference 3 ±100% loop
Preset reference 4 ±100%
Preset reference 5 ±100% Preset reference Scale to
Preset reference 6 ±100% Input command: mode
±100% freeze reference Hz
Preset reference 7 ±100%
Y Relative reference/
reference setpoint
External resource 1 X = ±200%
Parameter choise:
No function + X+X*Y/100 minRefPct
Reference resource 1,2,3 ±200% Process
Analog reference min-max ref
±200 % ±100% control
Local bus reference Freeze
±200 % reference &
Pulse input reference increase/
±200 % reference Scale to
+ process
External resource 2 unit
No function Input commands:
±200% Speed up/speed down
Analog reference
±200 % ±200%
Local bus reference
±200 %
Pulse input reference handling
±200 %
External reference in % Remote
External resource 3
No function reference in %
Analog reference
±200 %
Local bus reference
±200 %
Pulse input reference
±200 %
The remote reference consists of: active reference. Finally, this reference can by be scaled
using parameter 3-14 Preset Relative Reference.
• Preset references.
The scaled reference is calculated as follows:
• External references (analog inputs and serial
Reference = X + X ×
communication bus references). 100
Where X is the external reference, the preset reference or
• The preset relative reference.
the sum of these and Y is parameter 3-14 Preset Relative
• Feedback-controlled setpoint. Reference in [%].
Up to 8 preset references can be programmed in the
frequency converter. The active preset reference can be If Y, parameter 3-14 Preset Relative Reference, is set to 0%,
selected using digital inputs or the serial communications the reference is not affected by the scaling.
bus. The reference can also be supplied externally, most
commonly from an analog input. This external source is
selected by 1 of the 3 reference source parameters
(parameter 3-15 Reference 1 Source,
parameter 3-16 Reference 2 Source, and
parameter 3-17 Reference 3 Source). All reference resources
and the bus reference are added to produce the total
external reference. The external reference, the preset
reference, or the sum of the 2 can be selected to be the
Controller Iout[%]
Once the frequency converter's closed-loop controller has 100%
90 %
been set up, test the performance of the controller. Often,
80 %
Iout [%]
frequency converter or make step changes in the
setpoint reference to attempt to cause oscillation. 100%
3. Reduce the PI proportional gain until the 80%
feedback signal stabilizes. 70%
60% 40 oC
4. Reduce the proportional gain by 40–60%. 104oF
45 oC
5. Set parameter 20-94 PI Integral Time to 20 s and 40% 113oF
reduce it until the feedback signal begins to 30% 50 oC
20% 122oF
oscillate. If necessary, start and stop the
frequency converter or make step changes in the fsw [kHz]
setpoint reference to attempt to cause oscillation. 0 2 5 10 16
6. Increase the PI integral time until the feedback Illustration 3.23 0.37–1.5 kW (0.5–2 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size
signal stabilizes. H1, IP20
Iout[%] Iout[%]
110% 110%
100% 100%
90% 90%
80% 80%
3 3
70% 70%
40o C
60% 40 oC 60%
104oF 50%
45 ooC 45o C
40% 40%
113 F
30% 50 oC 30%
50 o C
20% 122oF 20%
10% 10%
fsw[kHz] fsw[kHz]
0 0
0 2 5 10 16 0 2 5 10 16
Illustration 3.25 2.2–4.0 kW (3–5.4 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size Illustration 3.28 5.5–7.5 kW (7.4–10 hp), 200 V, Enclosure Size
H2, IP20 H4, IP20
110% 110%
100% 100%
90% 90%
80% 80%
70% 70%
60% 60%
50% 50% 40o C
40o C
40% 40%
45o C 45o C
30% 30%
20% 20%
50o C 50o C
10% 10%
fsw[kHz] 0 fsw[kHz]
5 0 2 5 10 16
0 2 10 16
Illustration 3.26 3.7 kW (5 hp), 200 V, Enclosure Size H3, IP20 Illustration 3.29 11–15 kW (15–20 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size
H4, IP20
110 % Iout[%]
90% 110%
80% 90%
70% 80%
60% 70%
50% 40 oC
104 F o 60%
40% 50% 40o C
45 oC
30% 113oF 40%
20% 50 oC 30% 45o C
10% 20%
fsw[kHz] 50o C
0 10%
0 2 5 10 16 fsw[kHz]
Illustration 3.27 5.5–7.5 kW (7.4–10 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size 0 2 5 10 16
H3, IP20 Illustration 3.30 11 kW (15 hp), 200 V, Enclosure Size H5, IP20
Iout[%] Iout[%]
3 3
60% 40o C
45o C
40% 40%
40 C 50o C
20% 45 o C 20%
10% 50 o C fsw [kHz]
0 fsw [kHz]
0 2 5 10 16 2 4 6 8 10 12
Illustration 3.31 18.5–22 kW (25–30 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size Illustration 3.34 45 kW (60 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size H6, IP20
H5, IP20
20% fsw[kHz]
fsw [kHz] 2 4 6 8 10 12
2 4 6 8 10 12
Illustration 3.35 22–30 kW (30–40 hp), 600 V, Enclosure Size
Illustration 3.32 15–18.5 kW (20–25 hp), 200 V, Enclosure Size H6, IP20
H6, IP20
Iout [%]
110% 100%
80% 40o C
40 C o 45o C
60% o
45 C 50o C
40% 50 C
20% fsw[kHz]
fsw [kHz]
2 4 6 8 10 12
2 4 6 8 10 12
Illustration 3.36 22–30 kW (30–40 hp), 200 V, Enclosure Size
Illustration 3.33 30–37 kW (40–50 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size H7, IP20
H6, IP20
Iout [%] Iout[%]
110% 110 %
100% 100 %
80% 80 %
2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12
Illustration 3.37 55–75 kW (74–100 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size Illustration 3.40 90 kW (120 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size H8, IP20
H7, IP20
Iout [%]
Iout [%]
110% 100%
60% 40o C
60% 40 Co
45o C
45o C
40% 50o C
50 Co 20%
20% fsw[kHz]
fsw [kHz] 2 4 6 8 10 12
2 4 6 8 10 12
Illustration 3.41 75–90 kW (100–120 hp), 600 V, Enclosure Size
Illustration 3.38 45–55 kW (60–74 hp), 600 V, Enclosure Size H8, IP20
H7, IP20
110% 100%
80% o
40 C
60% 40o C
60% 45o C
45o C
50o C
40% 50o C
fsw [kHz]
fsw [kHz]
2 4 6 8 10 12
2 4 6 8 10 12
Illustration 3.42 2.2–3 kW (3–4 hp), 600 V, Enclosure Size H9,
Illustration 3.39 37–45 kW (50–60 hp), 200 V, Enclosure Size IP20
H8, IP20
Iout [%]
110% 110%
100% 100%
80% 80%
3 3
60% 60%
40o C 50% 40o C
40% 40%
45o C
30% 45o C
20% 50o C 20%
fsw [kHz] 10% 50o C
0 fsw[kHz]
2 4 6 8 10 12
0 2 5 10 16
Illustration 3.43 5.5–7.5 kW (7.4–10 hp), 600 V, Enclosure Size Illustration 3.46 5.5–7.5 kW (7.4–10 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size
H9, IP20 I3, IP54
110% 110%
100% 100%
80% 80%
60% 40o C 60%
45o C 50% 40 C
40% o
40% 50 C
50o C
20% 30%
2 4 6 8 10 12 fsw[kHz]
Illustration 3.44 11–15 kW (15–20 hp), 600 V, Enclosure Size 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
H10, IP20
Illustration 3.47 11–18.5 kW (15–25 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size
I4, IP54
Iout [%]
110% Iout[%]
90% 110%
80% 100%
60% 80%
50% 40o C 40o C
40% 60% 45o C
45o C 50o C
20% 50o C 40%
fsw[kHz] 20%
0 2 5 10 16
Illustration 3.45 0.75–4.0 kW (1–5.4 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size
2 4 6 8 10 12
I2, IP54
Illustration 3.48 22–30 kW (30–40 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size I6,
• Set parameter 14-03 Overmodulation to [0] Off.
100% • Switching pattern and switching frequency
parameter group 14-0* Inverter Switching.
3 3
40o C Parameter 1-64 Resonance Dampening.
60% 45o C
50o C The acoustic noise from the frequency converter comes
from 3 sources:
20% • DC-link coils.
• Integral fan.
2 4 6 8 10 12
• RFI filter choke.
Illustration 3.49 37 kW (50 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size I6, IP54
Enclosure size Level [dBA]
H1 57.3
H2 59.5
H3 53.8
Iout [%]
H4 64
100% H5 63.7
H6 71.5
H7 67.5 (75 kW (100 hp) 71.5 dB)
60% 40o C H8 73.5
H9 60
45o C
40% H10 62.9
50o C
20% I2 50.2
fsw [kHz] I3 54
2 4 6 8 10 12
I4 60.8
I6 70
Illustration 3.50 45–55 kW (60–74 hp), 400 V, Enclosure Size I7,
I7 62
I8 65.6
Iout [%]
3.4 General Aspects of EMC When using unshielded cables, some emission
requirements are not complied with, although most
3.4.1 Overview of EMC Emissions
immunity requirements are observed.
z L1 CS CS
3 3
z L2 V
z L3 W
I4 I4
3 4 5 6
Generic emission
3 3 Environment
emission class in
EN 55011
First EN/IEC 61000-6-3 Emission
environment standard for residential,
Class B
(home and commercial and light
office) industrial environments.
EN/IEC 61000-6-4 Emission
standard for industrial Class A Group 1
The following test results have been obtained using a system with a frequency converter, a shielded control cable, a control
box with potentiometer, and a shielded motor cable.
RFI filter
Conduct emission. Maximum shielded cable length [m (ft)] Radiated emission 3 3
Industrial environment
Class B Class B
Class A Group 2 Class A Group 1 Class A Group 1
EN 55011 Housing, trades and Housing, trades and
Industrial environment Industrial environment Industrial environment
light industries light industries
Category C3 Category C2 Category C1 Category C2 Category C1
Second environment First environment First environment First environment First environment
Industrial Home and office Home and office Home and office Home and office
Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With
external external external external external external external external external external
filter filter filter filter filter filter filter filter filter filter
H4 RFI filter (EN55011 A1, EN/IEC61800-3 C2)
0.25–11 kW
(0.34–15 hp)
– – 25 (82) 50 (164) – 20 (66) Yes Yes – No
3x200–240 V
0.37–22 kW
(0.5–30 hp)
– – 25 (82) 50 (164) – 20 (66) Yes Yes – No
3x380–480 V
H2 RFI filter (EN 55011 A2, EN/IEC 61800-3 C3)
15–45 kW
(20–60 hp)
25 (82) – – – – – No – No –
3x200–240 V
30–90 kW
(40–120 hp)
25 (82) – – – – – No – No –
3x380–480 V
0.75–18.5 kW
(1–25 hp)
25 (82) – – – – – Yes – – –
3x380–480 V
22–90 kW
(30–120 hp)
25 (82) – – – – – No – No –
3x380–480 V
H3 RFI filter (EN55011 A1/B, EN/IEC 61800-3 C2/C1)
15–45 kW
(20–60 hp)
– – 50 (164) – 20 (66) – Yes – No –
3x200–240 V
30–90 kW
(40–120 hp)
– – 50 (164) – 20 (66) – Yes – No –
3x380–480 V
0.75–18.5 kW
(1–25 hp)
– – 25 (82) – 10 (33) – Yes – – –
3x380–480 V
RFI filter
Conduct emission. Maximum shielded cable length [m (ft)] Radiated emission
Industrial environment
22–90 kW
(30–120 hp)
– – 25 (82) – 10 (33) – Yes – No –
3 3
3x380–480 V
A frequency converter takes up a non-sinusoidal current Equipment connected to the public supply network
from mains, which increases the input current IRMS. A non-
sinusoidal current is transformed with a Fourier analysis Options Definition
and split into sine-wave currents with different frequencies, IEC/EN 61000-3-2 Class A for 3-phase balanced
that is, different harmonic currents In with 50 Hz basic 1 equipment (for professional equipment only up to 1
frequency: kW (1.3 hp) total power).
IEC/EN 61000-3-12 Equipment 16–75 A and profes-
I1 I5 I7 2 sional equipment as from 1 kW (1.3 hp) up to 16 A
phase current.
Hz 50 250 350
The harmonics do not affect the power consumption 3.4.6 Harmonics Test Results (Emission)
directly, but increase the heat losses in the installation
(transformer, cables). So, in plants with a high percentage Power sizes up to PK75 in T4 and P3K7 in T2 complies with
of rectifier load, maintain harmonic currents at a low level IEC/EN 61000-3-2 Class A. Power sizes from P1K1 and up to
to avoid overload of the transformer and high temperature P18K in T2 and up to P90K in T4 complies with IEC/EN
in the cables. 61000-3-12, Table 4.
I5 I7 I11 I13
Actual 0.25–11
kW (0.34–15 hp),
32.6 16.6 8.0 6.0
IP20, 200 V
Illustration 3.53 DC-link Coils
Limit for Rsce≥120 40 25 15 10
Harmonic current distortion factor (%)
Some of the harmonic currents might disturb communi- Actual 0.25–11
cation equipment connected to the same transformer or kW (0.34–15 hp), 39 41.4
cause resonance with power factor correction batteries. 200 V (typical)
Limit for Rsce≥120 48 46
To ensure low harmonic currents, the frequency converter
is equipped with DC-link coils as standard. This normally Table 3.10 Harmonic Current 0.25–11 kW (0.34–15 hp), 200 V
reduces the input current IRMS by 40%.
2 2 2
THD % = U + U + ... + U
5 7 N
(UN% of U)
Individual harmonic current In/I1 (%) Individual harmonic current In/I1 (%)
I5 I7 I11 I13 I5 I7 I11 I13
Actual 0.37–22 Actual 18.5–90
kW (0.5–30 hp), kW (25–120 hp),
36.7 20.8 7.6 6.4 48.8 24.7 6.3 5
IP20, 380–480 V IP20, 525–600 V
3 3
(typical) (typical)
Limit for Rsce≥120 40 25 15 10 Harmonic current distortion factor (%)
Harmonic current distortion factor (%) THDi PWHD
THDi PWHD Actual 18.5–90
Actual 0.37–22 kW (25–120 hp),
55.7 25.3
kW (0.5–30 hp), 525–600 V
44.4 40.8
380–480 V (typical)
Table 3.14 Harmonic Current 18.5–90 kW (25–120 hp), 525–600 V
Limit for Rsce≥120 48 46
Table 3.11 Harmonic Current 0.37–22 kW (0.5–30 hp), 380-480 V Individual harmonic current In/I1 (%)
I5 I7 I11 I13
Individual harmonic current In/I1 (%) Actual 22–90 kW
I5 I7 I11 I13 (30–120 hp),
36.3 14 7 4.3
Actual 30–90 kW IP54, 400 V
(40–120 hp), (typical)
36.7 13.8 6.9 4.2
IP20, 380–480 V Limit for Rsce≥120 40 25 15 10
(typical) Harmonic current distortion factor (%)
Limit for Rsce≥120 40 25 15 10 THDi PWHD
Harmonic current distortion factor (%) Actual 22–90 kW
THDi PWHD (30–120 hp), IP54 40.1 27.1
Actual 30–90 kW 400 V (typical)
(40–120 hp), 380– 40.6 28.8 Limit for Rsce≥120 48 46
480 V (typical)
Table 3.15 Harmonic Current 22–90 kW (30–120 hp), 400 V
Limit for Rsce≥120 48 46
Table 3.12 Harmonic Current 30–90 kW (40–120 hp), 380–480 V Individual harmonic current In/I1 (%)
I5 I7 I11 I13
Individual harmonic current In/I1 (%) Actual 0.75–18.5
I5 I7 I11 I13 kW (1–25 hp),
36.7 20.8 7.6 6.4
Actual 2.2–15 kW IP54, 380-480 V
(3–20 hp), IP20, (typical)
48 25 7 5
525–600 V Limit for Rsce≥120 40 25 15 10
(typical) Harmonic current distortion factor (%)
Harmonic current distortion factor (%) THDi PWHD
THDi PWHD Actual 0.75–18.5
Actual 2.2–15 kW kW (1–25 hp),
44.4 40.8
(3–20 hp), 525– 55 27 IP54, 380–480 V
600 V (typical) (typical)
Limit for Rsce≥120 48 46
Table 3.13 Harmonic Current 2.2–15 kW (3–20 hp), 525–600 V
Table 3.16 Harmonic Current 0.75–18.5 kW (1–25 hp), 380–480 V
Individual harmonic current In/I1 (%) made as described in local/national regulations on PELV
I5 I7 I11 I13 supplies.
Actual 15–45 kW
(20–60 hp), IP20, 26.7 9.7 7.7 5 All control terminals and relay terminals 01-03/04-06
200 V (typical) comply with PELV (protective extra low voltage) (does not
connected only to a supply with a short-circuit power Ssc
greater than or equal to specified above.
Other power sizes can be connected to the public supply
network by consultation with the distribution network
Compliance with various system level guidelines: 3
The harmonic current data in Table 3.10 to Table 3.17 are
given in accordance with IEC/EN 61000-3-12 with reference
to the Power Drive Systems product standard. They may be a
used as the basis for calculation of the harmonic currents'
influence on the power supply system and for the
1 Supply (SMPS)
documentation of compliance with relevant regional
2 Optocouplers, communication between AOC and BOC
guidelines: IEEE 519 -1992; G5/4.
3 Custom relays
a Control card terminals
3.4.7 Immunity Requirements
Illustration 3.54 Galvanic Isolation
The immunity requirements for frequency converters
depend on the environment where they are installed. The
requirements for the industrial environment are higher
than the requirements for the home and office
environment. All Danfoss frequency converters comply
with the requirements for the industrial environment and
therefore comply also with the lower requirements for
home and office environment with a large safety margin.
Leakage currents exceed 3.5 mA. Failure to ground the
M frequency converter properly can result in death or
serious injury.
• Ensure the correct grounding of the equipment 3 3
4 1 2 by a certified electrical installer.
1 Supply (SMPS) including signal isolation of UDC, indicating This product can cause a DC current in the protective
the intermediate current voltage conductor. Where a residual current device (RCD) is used
2 Gate drive that runs the IGBTs (trigger transformers/opto- for protection in case of direct or indirect contact, only
couplers) an RCD of Type B is allowed on the supply side of this
3 Current transducers product. Otherwise, apply another protective measure,
4 Internal soft-charge, RFI, and temperature measurement such as separation from the environment by double or
circuits reinforced insulation, or isolation from the supply system
5 Custom relays by a transformer. See also application note Protection
a Control card terminals against Electrical Hazards.
Protective grounding of the frequency converter and the
Illustration 3.55 Galvanic Isolation use of RCDs must always follow national and local
The functional galvanic isolation (see Illustration 3.54) is for 3.7 Extreme Running Conditions
the RS485 standard bus interface.
Short circuit (motor phase-phase)
Current measurement in each of the 3 motor phases or in
CAUTION the DC-link, protects the frequency converter against short
INSTALLATION AT HIGH ALTITUDE circuits. A short circuit between 2 output phases causes an
At altitudes above 2000 m (6500 ft), contact Danfoss overcurrent in the inverter. The inverter is turned off
regarding PELV. individually when the short circuit current exceeds the
allowed value (alarm 16, Trip Lock).
For information about protecting the frequency converter
3.6 Earth Leakage Current against a short circuit at the load sharing and brake
outputs, see chapter 8.3.1 Fuses and Circuit Breakers.
WARNING Switching on the output
DISCHARGE TIME Switching on the output between the motor and the
Touching the electrical parts could be fatal - even after frequency converter is allowed. The frequency converter is
the equipment has been disconnected from mains. not damaged in any way by switching on the output.
Also make sure that other voltage inputs have been However, fault messages may appear.
disconnected, such as load sharing (linkage of DC-link),
Motor-generated overvoltage
and the motor connection for kinetic back-up.
The voltage in the DC link is increased when the motor
Before touching any electrical parts, wait at least the
acts as a generator. This occurs in following cases:
amount of time indicated in Table 2.1.
Shorter time is allowed only if indicated on the • The load drives the motor (at constant output
nameplate for the specific unit. frequency from the frequency converter), that is
the load generates energy.
• During deceleration (ramp-down) if the inertia
moment is high, the friction is low, and the ramp-
down time is too short for the energy to be
dissipated as a loss in the frequency converter,
the motor, and the installation.
determines how long it takes for the frequency converter (Ω)
to coast.
t [s]
500 [°C]
300 -20 °C nominal -5 °C nominal +5 °C
200 nominal
fOUT = 1 x f M,N(par. 1-23)
100 Illustration 3.57 Trip due to High Motor Temperature
fOUT = 2 x f M,N
50 fOUT = 0.2 x f M,N
30 Example with digital input and 10 V power supply
20 IM The frequency converter trips when the motor temperature
10 is too high.
1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 IMN(par. 1-24)
Parameter set-up:
Illustration 3.56 Motor Thermal Protection Characteristic Set parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection to [2]
Thermistor Trip.
Set parameter 1-93 Thermistor Source to [6] Digital Input 29.
The X-axis shows the ratio between Imotor and Imotor
nominal. The Y-axis shows the time in seconds before the
ETR cuts off and trips the frequency converter. The curves
show the characteristic nominal speed at twice the
nominal speed and at 0.2x the nominal speed.
61 68 69 18 19 27 29 42 45 50 53 54 61 68 69 18 19 27 29 42 45 50 53 54
10V/20mA IN
10V/20mA IN
10V/20mA IN
10V/20mA IN
3 3
0/4-20mA A OUT / DIG OUT 0/4-20mA A OUT / DIG OUT 0/4-20mA A OUT / DIG OUT 0/4-20mA A OUT / DIG OUT
12 20 55 12 20 55
<800 Ω >2.9 kΩ R
<3.0 k Ω R
>2.9k Ω
Illustration 3.58 Digital Input/10 V Power Supply Illustration 3.59 Analog Input/10 V Power Supply
Example with analog input and 10 V power supply Supply voltage Threshold
The frequency converter trips when the motor temperature [V] cutout values [Ω]
is too high. Digital 10 <800⇒2.9 k
Parameter set-up: Analog 10 <800⇒2.9 k
Set parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection to [2]
Thermistor Trip. Table 3.18 Supply Voltage
Set parameter 1-93 Thermistor Source to [1] Analog Input 53.
Make sure that the selected supply voltage follows the
Do not set Analog Input 54 as reference source.
specification of the used thermistor element.
4 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
F C - 1 0 1 P T H X X X X S X X X X A X B X C X X X X D X
Ordering number Description 62.5 +
_ 0.2
_ 0.2
4 4
86 +
Enclosure IP55 front-mounted
Maximum cable length to unit 3 m (10 ft)
Communication standard RS485
+_ 0
Table 4.3 Technical Data of LCP 2
4.2.2 Mounting of LCP in Panel Front 3
Step 1
Fit gasket on LCP.
Menu Status Quick Main Main
Menu Menu Menu Status Quick
Menu Menu Hand Off Auto
On Reset On
Com. Com.
B ac k
B ac k
Warn. Warn.
Alarm Alarm
Step 4 B
Connect cable to frequency converter. C
4 4 Status Quick
On Reset Auto
Use the provided thread-cutting screws to fasten the
connector to the frequency converter. The tightening Illustration 4.6 H1–H5 (See Data in Table 4.4)
torque is 1.3 Nm (11.5 in-lb).
4 4
H3 IP20 3.7 (5) – 346 (13.6) 106 (4.2) 210 (8.3) 132B0214 132B0224
5.5-7.5 11–15
H4 IP20 – 374 (14.7) 141 (5.6) 245 (9.6) 132B0215 132B0225
(7.4–10) (15–20)
H5 IP20 11 (15) – 418 (16.5) 161 (6.3) 260 (10.2) 132B0216 132B0226
15–18.5 30–45 18.5–30
H6 IP20 663 (26.1) 260 (10.2) 242 (9.5) 132B0217 132B0217
(20–25) (40–60) (25–40)
22–30 55–75 37–55
H7 IP20 807 (31.8) 329 (13.0) 335 (13.2) 132B0218 132B0218
(30–40) (74–100) (50–74)
37–45 75–90
H8 IP20 90 (120) 943 (37.1) 390 (15.3) 335 (13.2) 132B0219 132B0219
(50–60) (100–120)
H9 IP20 – – 372 (14.6) 130 (5.1) 205 (8.1) 132B0220 132B0220
H10 IP20 – – 475 (18.7) 165 (6.5) 249 (9.8) 132B0221 132B0221
99 99
4 4 H6
22–30 (30–40)
37–45 (50–60)
55 (75)
37–55 (50–75)
H7 IP20 – 75 (100) – 132B0243
H8 IP20 37-45 (50–60) 90 (125) 75–90 (100–125) 132B0209
For enclosure sizes H9 and H10, the decoupling plates are included in the accessory bag.
size H1 [kW H2 [kW H3 [kW H4 [kW H5 [kW H8 [kW
H6 [kW (hp)] H7 [kW (hp)]
Mains (hp)] (hp)] (hp)] (hp)] (hp)] (hp)]
T2 (200– 0.25–1.5 5.5–7.5 15–18.5 22–30 37–45
2.2 (3) 3.7 (5) 11 (15) – –
240 V AC) (0.33–2) (7.5–10) (20–25) (30–40) (50–60)
T4 (380– 0.37–1.5 2.2–4 (3– 5.5–7.5 11–15 18.5–22 37–45
30 (40) 55 (75) 75 (100) 90 (125)
480 V AC) (0.5–2) 5.4) (7.5–10) (15–20) (25–30) (50–60)
T6 (525– 18.5–30 37–55 75–90
– – – – – – –
600 V AC) (25–40) (50–75) (100–125)
LCP1) 132B0200
LCP panel
mounting kit
IP55 132B0201
including 3
m cable
132B0202 132B0202 132B0204 132B0205 132B0205 132B0207 132B0242 132B0208 132B0243 132B0209
IP21 option 132B0212 132B0213 132B0214 132B0215 132B0216 132B0217 132B0218 132B0219
NEMA Type 1
132B0222 132B0223 132B0224 132B0225 132B0226 132B0217 132B0218 132B0219
3x380–480 V 50 Hz 3x440–480 V 60 Hz
Frequency Frequency
converter Default converter Default
Power THDi Order Code Power THDi Order Code
input switching input switching
[kW level number number [kW level number number
current frequency current frequency
(hp)] [%] filter IP00 filter IP20 (hp)] [%] filter IP00 filter IP20
continuous [kHz] Continuous [kHz]
Table 4.7 AHF Filters (5% Current Distortion) Table 4.9 AHF Filters (5% Current Distortion)
3x380–480 V 50 Hz 3x440–480 V 60 Hz
Frequency Frequency
converter Default converter Default
Power THDi Order Code Power THDi Order Code
input switching input switching
[kW level number number [kW level number number
current frequency current frequency
(hp)] [%] filter IP00 filter IP20 (hp)] [%] filter IP00 filter IP20
continuous [kHz] continuous [kHz]
[A] [A]
22 22
41.5 4 6 130B1274 130B1111 34.6 4 6 130B1775 130B1487
(30) (30)
30 30
57 4 6 130B1275 130B1176 49 4 8 130B1776 130B1488
(40) (40)
37 37
70 4 9 130B1291 130B1201 61 4 7 130B1777 130B1491
(50) (50)
45 45
84 3 9 130B1291 130B1201 73 3 9 130B1778 130B1492
(60) (60)
55 55
103 3 9 130B1292 130B1204 89 3 8 130B1779 130B1493
(74) (74)
75 75
140 3 8 130B1294 130B1213 121 3 9 130B1780 130B1494
(100) (100)
90 90
176 3 8 130B1294 130B1213 143 3 10 130B1781 130B1495
(120) (120)
Table 4.8 AHF Filters (10% Current Distortion) Table 4.10 AHF Filters (10% Current Distortion)
With external filters listed in Table 4.11, the maximum shielded cable length of 50 m (164 ft) according to EN/IEC 61800-3 C2
(EN 55011 A1), or 20 m (65.6 ft) according to EN/IEC 61800-3 C1(EN 55011 B) can be achieved.
D l1
5 Installation
L1 U
L2 V
power L3 W
5 5
Not present on all power sizes
Bus ter. 01
12 (+24 V OUT) ON=Terminated
1 2
18 (DIGI IN)
24 V (NPN)
19 (DIGI IN)
24 V (NPN)
20 (COM D IN) O V (PNP)
Bus ter.
27 (DIGI IN)
24 V (NPN) RS485 (N RS485) 69
O V (PNP) RS485
29 (DIGI IN) Interface
24 V (NPN) (P RS485) 68
O V (PNP) Do not connect shield to 61
(Com RS485 ) 61
There is no access to UDC- and UDC+ on the following units:
• IP20, 380–480 V, 30–90 kW (40–125 hp)
• IP20, 200–240 V, 15–45 kW (20–60 hp)
• IP20, 525–600 V, 2.2–90 kW (3–125 hp)
• IP54, 380–480 V, 22–90 kW (30–125 hp)
All cabling must comply with national and local regulations on cable cross-sections and ambient temperature. Copper
conductors are required. 75 °C (167 °F) is recommended.
5 5 H3
3.7 (5)
5.5–7.5 (7.5–10)
5.5–7.5 (7.5–10)
11–15 (15–20)
0.8 (7)
1.2 (11)
0.8 (7)
1.2 (11)
0.8 (7)
1.2 (11)
0.5 (4)
0.5 (4)
0.8 (7)
0.8 (7)
0.5 (4)
0.5 (4)
H5 IP20 11 (15) 18.5–22 (25–30) 1.2 (11) 1.2 (11) 1.2 (11) 0.5 (4) 0.8 (7) 0.5 (4)
H6 IP20 15–18.5 (20–25) 30–45 (40–60) 4.5 (40) 4.5 (40) – 0.5 (4) 3 (27) 0.5 (4)
H7 IP20 22–30 (30–40) 55 (70) 10 (89) 10 (89) – 0.5 (4) 3 (27) 0.5 (4)
H7 IP20 – 75 (100) 14 (124) 14 (124) – 0.5 (4) 3 (27) 0.5 (4)
H8 IP20 37–45 (50–60) 90 (125) 24 (212)1) 24 (212)1) – 0.5 (4) 3 (27) 0.5 (4)
Table 5.1 Tightening Torques for Enclosure Sizes H1–H8, 3x200–240 V & 3x380–480 V
5.1.2 Mains and Motor Connection Relays and terminals on enclosure sizes H1–H5
The frequency converter is designed to operate all
standard 3-phase asynchronous motors. For maximum
cross-section on cables, see chapter 8.4 General Technical
1 Mains
2 Ground
3 Motor
4 Relays
Relays and terminals on enclosure size H6 Relays and terminals on enclosure size H7
03 02 01
06 05 04
L1 91 / L2
92 / L3 93
U 96 / V 97
/ W 98
5 5
1 1 2
2 3 4
1 Mains
2 Motor 1 Mains
3 Ground 2 Relays
4 Relays 3 Ground
4 Motor
Illustration 5.3 Enclosure Size H6
IP20, 380–480 V, 30–45 kW (40–60 hp) Illustration 5.4 Enclosure Size H7
IP20, 200–240 V, 15–18.5 kW (20–25 hp) IP20, 380–480 V, 55–75 kW (70–100 hp)
IP20, 525–600 V, 22–30 kW (30–40 hp) IP20, 200–240 V, 22–30 kW (30–40 hp)
IP20, 525–600 V, 45–55 kW (60–70 hp)
Relays and terminals on enclosure size H8 Make sure that the mains cables for enclosure size H9 is
connected correctly, for details, see chapter Connecting to
Mains and Motor in the VLT® HVAC Basic Drive FC 101 Quick
Guide. Use the tightening torques described in
chapter 5.1.1 Electrical Installation in General.
L1 L1 93
L1 99
U 97
V 98
5 5
1 Mains
2 Relays
3 Ground
4 Motor
99 R
5 5
1 RS485
2 Mains
3 Ground
4 Cable clamps
1 RS485 5 Motor
2 Mains 6 UDC
3 Ground 7 Relays
4 Cable clamps 8 I/O
5 Motor
6 UDC Illustration 5.9 Enclosure Size I3
7 Relays IP54, 380–480 V, 5.5–7.5 kW (7.5–10 hp)
8 I/O
5 5
4 Cable clamps
5 Motor
7 Relays
8 I/O
1 Pay attention to the following recommendations to ensure
REL EMC-correct electrical installation.
01 AY
02 2
90 Use only shielded/armored motor cables and
shielded/armored control cables.
88 89 81 8
DC- DC+ R- R+
91 92 93
L1 96 97 98
L2 L3 U V W
95 99
PLC Panel
5 5
Menu Status Quick Main
Menu Menu
Hand Auto
On Reset On
Output con-
Grounding rail
Cable insula-
tion stripped
Motor cable
Minimum 200 mm (7.87 in)
between control
Mains-supply cable, mains cable
and between mains
L1 motor cable
PE Motor, 3 phases and
Reinforced protective earth
protective earth
For North America, use metal conduits instead of
shielded cables.
12 20 55 OFF ON
+24 V
61 68 69
20 27 29 42 45 50 53 54 55
0/4-20 mA A OUT/DIG OUT
0/4-20m A A OUT/DIG OUT
10 V OUT
10 V/20 mA IN
10 V/20 mA IN
6 Programming
B. Menu key
2 Press [Menu] to select among Status, Quick Menu, or Main
3 1-20 Motor Power Menu.
A [5] 0.37kW - 0.5HP
Setup 1 5 C. Navigation keys and indicator lights
Status Quick Main
B Menu
Menu Menu 6 Com. LED: Flashes during bus communication.
6 7 Green LED/On: Control section is working correctly.
8 Yellow LED/Warn.: Indicates a warning.
10 C 9 Flashing Red LED/Alarm: Indicates an alarm.
6.3 Menus again through the quick menu. Press [OK] to start the
wizard. Press [Back] to return to the status view.
6.3.1 Status Menu
Press OK to start Wizard
In the Status menu, the selection options are: Push Back to skip it
• Motor current [A], parameter 16-14 Motor current. Illustration 6.3 Start-up/Quit Wizard
• Motor speed reference in percentage [%],
parameter 16-02 Reference [%].
• Feedback, parameter 16-52 Feedback[Unit].
• Motor power parameter 16-10 Power [kW] for kW,
parameter 16-11 Power [hp] for hp. If
parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is set to [1] North
+24 V (OUT) 12
DIG IN 19 Start
+10 V (OUT) 50
A IN +
53 Reference
A IN 54
A OUT / D OUT 42 0–10 V
A OUT / D OUT 45
Illustration 6.2 Frequency Converter Wiring
... the Wizard starts
On OK Motor Frequency
Motor Cont. Rated Torque 50 Hz
Warn. 5.4 Nm
Motor Current
Stator resistance
4.66 A
Hand Off Auto 0.65 Ohms
On Reset On
Motor nominal speed
Motor poles
1420 RPM
Power-up Screen Motor type = IPM IPM type = Sat.
Back EMF at 1000 rpm
57 V
q-axis Inductance (Lq)
5 mH
d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat)
5 mH
On OK [0] Off
Locked Rotor Detection Time[s]
0.10 s
Wizard Screen
Motor Cable Length
if 50 m
Wizard completed Auto Motor Adapt OK AMA running AMA Failed
Press OK to accept Press OK -----
0.0 Hz
0.0 kW
Parameter 0-06 GridType [0] 200–240 V/50 Hz/IT- Size related Select the operating mode for restart after reconnection of
grid the frequency converter to mains voltage after power-
[1] 200–240 V/50 Hz/Delta down.
[2] 200–240 V/50 Hz
[10] 380–440 V/50 Hz/IT-
6 6
[11] 380–440 V/50 Hz/
[12] 380–440 V/50 Hz
[20] 440–480 V/50 Hz/IT-
[21] 440–480 V/50 Hz/
[22] 440–480 V/50 Hz
[30] 525–600 V/50 Hz/IT-
[31] 525–600 V/50 Hz/
[32] 525–600 V/50 Hz
[100] 200–240 V/60 Hz/IT-
[101] 200–240 V/60 Hz/
[102] 200–240 V/60 Hz
[110] 380–440 V/60 Hz/IT-
[111] 380–440 V/60 Hz/
[112] 380–440 V/60 Hz
[120] 440–480 V/60 Hz/IT-
[121] 440–480 V/60 Hz/
[122] 440–480 V/60 Hz
[130] 525–600 V/60 Hz/IT-
[131] 525–600 V/60 Hz/
[132] 525–600 V/60 Hz
Parameter 1-22 Motor Voltage 50–1000 V Size related Enter the motor voltage from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-23 Motor 20–400 Hz Size related Enter the motor frequency from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-24 Motor Current 0.01–10000.00 A Size related Enter the motor current from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal 50–9999 RPM Size related Enter the motor nominal speed from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-26 Motor Cont. 0.1–1000.0 Nm Size related This parameter is available when parameter 1-10 Motor
Rated Torque Construction is set to options that enable permanent
magnet motor mode.
6 6 Changing this parameter affects the settings of
other parameters.
Parameter 1-29 Automatic See Off Performing an AMA optimizes motor performance.
Motor Adaption (AMA) parameter 1-29 Automatic
Motor Adaption (AMA).
Parameter 1-30 Stator 0.000–99.990 Ω Size related Set the stator resistance value.
Resistance (Rs)
Parameter 1-37 d-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related Enter the value of the d-axis inductance.
Inductance (Ld) Obtain the value from the permanent magnet motor
datasheet. The d-axis inductance cannot be found by
performing an AMA.
Parameter 1-38 q-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related Enter the value of the q-axis inductance.
Inductance (Lq)
Parameter 1-39 Motor Poles 2–100 4 Enter the number of motor poles.
Parameter 1-40 Back EMF at 10–9000 V Size related Line-line RMS back EMF voltage at 1000 RPM.
1000 RPM
Parameter 1-42 Motor Cable 0–100 m 50 m Enter the motor cable length.
Parameter 1-44 d-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related This parameter corresponds to the inductance saturation
Inductance Sat. (LdSat) of Ld. Ideally, this parameter has the same value as
parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld). However, if the
motor supplier provides an induction curve, enter the
induction value, which is 200% of the nominal current.
Parameter 1-45 q-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related This parameter corresponds to the inductance saturation
Inductance Sat. (LqSat) of Lq. Ideally, this parameter has the same value as
parameter 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq). However, if the
motor supplier provides an induction curve, enter the
induction value, which is 200% of the nominal current.
Parameter 1-46 Position 20–200% 100% Adjusts the height of the test pulse during position
Detection Gain detection at start.
Parameter 1-48 Current at Min 20–200% 100% Enter the inductance saturation point.
Inductance for d-axis
Parameter 1-49 Current at Min 20–200% 100% This parameter specifies the saturation curve of the d- and
Inductance for q-axis q-inductance values. From 20–100% of this parameter, the
inductances are linearly approximated due to
parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld), parameter 1-38 q-axis
Inductance (Lq), parameter 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat.
(LdSat), and parameter 1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat).
Parameter 1-70 PM Start Mode [0] Rotor Detection [0] Rotor Detection Select the PM motor start mode.
[1] Parking
6 6
parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed.
Parameter 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp 0.05–3600.00 s Size related For asynchronous motors, the ramp-down time is from
Down Time rated parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency to 0. For PM motors,
the ramp-down time is from parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal
Speed to 0.
Parameter 4-12 Motor Speed 0.0–400.0 Hz 0 Hz Enter the minimum limit for low speed.
Low Limit [Hz]
Parameter 4-14 Motor Speed 0.0–400.0 Hz 100 Hz Enter the maximum limit for high speed.
High Limit [Hz]
Parameter 4-19 Max Output 0.0–400.0 Hz 100 Hz Enter the maximum output frequency value. If
Frequency parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency is set lower than
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz],
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] is set equal to
parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency automatically.
Parameter 5-40 Function Relay See [9] Alarm Select the function to control output relay 1.
parameter 5-40 Function
Parameter 5-40 Function Relay See [5] Drive running Select the function to control output relay 2.
parameter 5-40 Function
Parameter 6-10 Terminal 53 Low 0.00–10.00 V 0.07 V Enter the voltage that corresponds to the low reference
Voltage value.
Parameter 6-11 Terminal 53 0.00–10.00 V 10 V Enter the voltage that corresponds to the high reference
High Voltage value.
Parameter 6-12 Terminal 53 Low 0.00–20.00 mA 4 mA Enter the current that corresponds to the low reference
Current value.
Parameter 6-13 Terminal 53 0.00–20.00 mA 20 mA Enter the current that corresponds to the high reference
High Current value.
Parameter 6-19 Terminal 53 [0] Current [1] Voltage Select if terminal 53 is used for current or voltage input.
mode [1] Voltage
Parameter 30-22 Locked Rotor [0] Off [0] Off
Detection [1] On
Parameter 30-23 Locked Rotor 0.05–1 s 0.10 s
Detection Time [s]
0-03 Regional Settings
[0] Power kW/50 Hz
6 6
1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM Motor type = IPM 1-38 q-axis inductance(Lq) IPM type = Sat. 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat)
57 V 5 mH 5 mH
Motor type = SPM (1-45) q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat)
5 mH
IPM type = non-Sat. (1-48) Current at Min Inductance for d-axis
100 %
1-49 Current at Min Inductance for q-axis
100 %
(1-70) PM Start Mode
[0] Rotor Detection
1-46 Position Detection Gain
100 %
30-22 Locked Rotor Detection
[0] Off
30-23 Locked Rotor Detection Time[s]
0.10 s
4-19 Max Ouput Frequency
0065 Hz
6 6
6 6
Low Limit [Hz]
Parameter 4-14 Motor Speed 0.0–400.0 Hz 100 Hz Enter the minimum limit for high speed.
High Limit [Hz]
Parameter 4-19 Max Output 0.0–400.0 Hz 100 Hz Enter the maximum output frequency value. If
Frequency parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency is set lower than
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz],
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] is set equal to
parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency automatically.
Parameter 6-20 Terminal 54 Low 0.00–10.00 V 0.07 V Enter the voltage that corresponds to the low reference
Voltage value.
Parameter 6-21 Terminal 54 0.00–10.00 V 10.00 V Enter the voltage that corresponds to the high reference
High Voltage value.
Parameter 6-22 Terminal 54 Low 0.00–20.00 mA 4.00 mA Enter the current that corresponds to the low reference
Current value.
Parameter 6-23 Terminal 54 0.00–20.00 mA 20.00 mA Enter the current that corresponds to the high reference
High Current value.
Parameter 6-24 Terminal 54 Low -4999–4999 0 Enter the feedback value that corresponds to the voltage
Ref./Feedb. Value or current set in parameter 6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage/
parameter 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current.
Parameter 6-25 Terminal 54 -4999–4999 50 Enter the feedback value that corresponds to the voltage
High Ref./Feedb. Value or current set in parameter 6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage/
parameter 6-23 Terminal 54 High Current.
Parameter 6-26 Terminal 54 0.00–10.00 s 0.01 Enter the filter time constant.
Filter Time Constant
Parameter 6-29 Terminal 54 [0] Current [1] Voltage Select if terminal 54 is used for current or voltage input.
mode [1] Voltage
Parameter 20-81 PI Normal/ [0] Normal [0] Normal Select [0] Normal to set the process control to increase the
Inverse Control [1] Inverse output speed when the process error is positive. Select [1]
Inverse to reduce the output speed.
Parameter 20-83 PI Start Speed 0–200 Hz 0 Hz Enter the motor speed to be attained as a start signal for
[Hz] commencement of PI control.
Parameter 20-93 PI Proportional 0.00–10.00 0.01 Enter the process controller proportional gain. Quick
Gain control is obtained at high amplification. However, if
amplification is too high, the process may become
Parameter 20-94 PI Integral 0.1–999.0 s 999.0 s Enter the process controller integral time. Obtain quick
Time control through a short integral time, though if the
integral time is too short, the process becomes unstable.
An excessively long integral time disables the integral
Parameter 30-22 Locked Rotor [0] Off [0] Off
Detection [1] On
Motor set-up
The motor set-up wizard guides users through the needed motor parameters.
6 6
6 6
Parameter 30-23 Locked Rotor 0.05–1.00 s 0.10 s
Detection Time [s]
2. Press [▲] [▼] to select the wizard, closed-loop set- 6.4 Quick Transfer of Parameter Settings
up, motor set-up, or changes made. between Multiple Frequency Converters
3. Press [OK]. When the set-up of a frequency converter is completed,
4. Press [▲] [▼] to browse through the parameters in store the data in the LCP or on a PC via MCT 10 Set-up
the Quick Menu. Software.
5. Press [OK] to select a parameter.
Data transfer from the frequency converter to the LCP
6. Press [▲] [▼] to change the value of a parameter 1. Go to parameter 0-50 LCP Copy.
2. Press [OK].
7. Press [OK] to accept the change.
3. Select [1] All to LCP.
8. Press either [Back] twice to enter Status, or press
4. Press [OK].
[Menu] once to enter the Main Menu.
Connect the LCP to another frequency converter and copy
The main menu accesses all parameters
the parameter settings to this frequency converter as well.
1. Press the [Menu] key until the indicator in the
display is placed above Main Menu. Data transfer from the LCP to the frequency converter
1. Go to parameter 0-50 LCP Copy.
2. Press [▲] [▼] to browse through the parameter
groups. 2. Press [OK].
3. Press [OK] to select a parameter group. 3. Select [2] All from LCP.
4. Press [▲] [▼] to browse through the parameters in 4. Press [OK].
the specific group.
7.1 RS485
7.1.1 Overview 7.1.2 Network Connection
RS485 is a 2-wire bus interface compatible with multi-drop Connect the frequency converter to the RS485 network as
network topology, that is, nodes can be connected as a follows (see also Illustration 7.1):
bus, or via drop cables from a common trunk line. A total 1. Connect signal wires to terminal 68 (P+) and
of 32 nodes can be connected to 1 network segment. terminal 69 (N-) on the main control board of the
Repeaters divide network segments. frequency converter.
2. Connect the cable shield to the cable clamps.
Each repeater functions as a node within the segment in
To reduce noise between conductors, use shielded,
which it is installed. Each node connected within a given
twisted-pair cables.
network must have a unique node address across all
7 7 segments.
61 68 69
termination switch (S801) of the frequency converters or a
biased termination resistor network. Always use shielded
twisted pair (STP) cable for bus cabling, and follow good
Illustration 7.1 Network Connection
common installation practice.
7.1.3 Frequency Converter Hardware Set-up 7.1.4 Parameter Settings for Modbus
Use the terminator dip switch on the main control board
of the frequency converter to terminate the RS485 bus. Parameter Function
Parameter 8-30 Prot Select the application protocol to run for
ocol the RS485 interface.
Parameter 8-31 Add Set the node address.
The address range depends on the
protocol selected in
parameter 8-30 Protocol.
7.1.5 EMC Precautions One master and a maximum of 126 slaves can be
connected to the bus. The master selects the individual
NOTICE slaves via an address character in the telegram. A slave
itself can never transmit without first being requested to
Observe relevant national and local regulations
do so, and direct message transfer between the individual
regarding protective earth connection. Failure to ground
slaves is not possible. Communications occur in the half-
the cables properly can result in communication
duplex mode.
degradation and equipment damage. To avoid coupling
The master function cannot be transferred to another node
of high-frequency noise between the cables, keep the
(single-master system).
RS485 communication cable away from motor and brake
resistor cables. Normally, a distance of 200 mm (8 inches)
is sufficient. Maintain the greatest possible distance The physical layer is RS485, thus utilizing the RS485 port
between the cables, especially where cables run in built into the frequency converter. The FC protocol
parallel over long distances. When crossing is supports different telegram formats:
unavoidable, the RS485 cable must cross motor and • A short format of 8 bytes for process data.
brake resistor cables at an angle of 90°. • A long format of 16 bytes that also includes a
parameter channel.
• A format used for texts.
7 7
7.2.2 FC with Modbus RTU
The FC protocol provides access to the control word and
bus reference of the frequency converter.
- Normal (ramp) stop.
• Reset after a fault trip.
• Run at various preset speeds.
• Run in reverse.
• Change of the active set-up.
• Control of the 2 relays built into the frequency
1 Fieldbus cable converter.
2 Minimum 200 mm (8 in) distance
The bus reference is commonly used for speed control. It is
also possible to access the parameters, read their values,
Illustration 7.3 Minimum Distance between Communication
and where possible, write values to them. Accessing the
and Power Cables
parameters offers a range of control options, including
controlling the setpoint of the frequency converter when
its internal PI controller is used.
7.2 FC Protocol
7.2.1 Overview
checksum is 0.
Start 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Even Stop
bit Parity bit
7.4.6 The Data Field
Illustration 7.4 Content of a Character
Parameter block
The parameter block is used to transfer parameters
between master and slave. The data block is made up of
12 bytes (6 words) and also contains the process block.
Response slave⇒master
100 –
>100 –
Illustration 7.9 PKE Field 130 No bus access for this parameter.
131 Write to factory set-up is not possible.
132 No LCP access.
Bits 12–15 transfer parameter commands from master to 252 Unknown viewer.
slave and return processed slave responses to the master. 253 Request is not supported.
254 Unknown attribute.
Parameter commands master⇒slave 255 No error.
Bit number Parameter command
15 14 13 12 Table 7.7 Slave Report
0 0 0 0 No command.
0 0 0 1 Read parameter value. 7.4.8 Parameter Number (PNU)
0 0 1 0 Write parameter value in RAM (word).
Write parameter value in RAM (double Bit numbers 0–11 transfer parameter numbers. The
0 0 1 1
word). function of the relevant parameter is defined in the
Write parameter value in RAM and parameter description in chapter 6 Programming.
1 1 0 1
EEPROM (double word).
Write parameter value in RAM and 7.4.9 Index (IND)
1 1 1 0
EEPROM (word).
1 1 1 1 Read text. The index is used with the parameter number to read/
write access parameters with an index, for example,
Table 7.5 Parameter Commands parameter 15-30 Alarm Log: Error Code. The index consists
of 2 bytes: a low byte and a high byte.
7.4.10 Parameter Value (PWE) The programming guide contains the descriptions of
attributes of each parameter. Parameter values are
The parameter value block consists of 2 words (4 bytes), transferred as whole numbers only. Conversion factors are
and the value depends on the defined command (AK). The used to transfer decimals.
master prompts for a parameter value when the PWE block
contains no value. To change a parameter value (write), Parameter 4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] has a conversion
write the new value in the PWE block and send from the factor of 0.1. To preset the minimum frequency to 10 Hz,
master to the slave. transfer the value 100. A conversion factor of 0.1 means
that the value transferred is multiplied by 0.1. The value
When a slave responds to a parameter request (read 100 is thus perceived as 10.0.
command), the present parameter value in the PWE block
is transferred and returned to the master. If a parameter Conversion index Conversion factor
contains several data options, for example 74 3600
parameter 0-01 Language, select the data value by entering 2 100
the value in the PWE block. Serial communication is only 1 10
capable of reading parameters containing data type 9 (text
7 7
-2 0.01
Parameter 15-40 FC Type to parameter 15-53 Power Card -3 0.001
Serial Number contain data type 9. -4 0.0001
For example, read the unit size and mains voltage range in -5 0.00001
parameter 15-40 FC Type. When a text string is transferred
(read), the length of the telegram is variable, and the texts Table 7.9 Conversion
are of different lengths. The telegram length is defined in
the 2nd byte of the telegram (LGE). When using text 7.4.13 Process Words (PCD)
transfer, the index character indicates whether it is a read
or a write command.
The block of process words is divided into 2 blocks of 16
bits, which always occur in the defined sequence.
To read a text via the PWE block, set the parameter
command (AK) to F hex. The index character high-byte PCD 1 PCD 2
must be 4.
Control telegram (master⇒slave control Reference value
7.4.11 Data Types Supported by the Control telegram (slave⇒master) status Present output
Frequency Converter word frequency
Unsigned means that there is no operational sign in the Table 7.10 Process Words (PCD)
7.5 Examples
Data types Description
3 Integer 16
7.5.1 Writing a Parameter Value
4 Integer 32
Change parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] to 100
5 Unsigned 8
6 Unsigned 16
Write the data in EEPROM.
7 Unsigned 32
9 Text string
PKE = E19E hex - Write single word in
Table 7.8 Data Types parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]:
• IND = 0000 hex.
• PWEHIGH = 0000 hex.
• PWELOW = 03E8 hex.
Data value 1000, corresponding to 100 Hz, see
chapter 7.4.12 Conversion.
The telegram looks like Illustration 7.10. Parameter 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time is of the type
Unsigned 32.
E19E H 0000 H 0000 H 03E8 H
7 7 7.6.2 Overview
index for parameter 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time is -2, that • Any data to be sent.
is, 0.01. • An error-checking field.
The response telegram of the slave device is also 7.8 Modbus RTU Message Framing
constructed using Modbus protocol. It contains fields Structure
confirming the action taken, any data to be returned, and
an error-checking field. If an error occurs in receipt of the 7.8.1 Introduction
telegram, or if the slave is unable to perform the requested
action, the slave constructs and sends an error message. The controllers are set up to communicate on the Modbus
Alternatively, a timeout occurs. network using RTU (remote terminal unit) mode, with each
byte in a telegram containing 2 4-bit hexadecimal
7.6.3 Frequency Converter with Modbus characters. The format for each byte is shown in Table 7.12.
Start Data byte Stop/ Stop
The frequency converter communicates in Modbus RTU bit parity
format over the built-in RS485 interface. Modbus RTU
provides access to the control word and bus reference of
the frequency converter. Table 7.12 Format for Each Byte
The control word allows the Modbus master to control Coding system 8-bit binary, hexadecimal 0–9, A–F.
2 hexadecimal characters contained in each
several important functions of the frequency converter:
• Start. 8-bit field of the telegram. 7 7
Bits per byte • 1 start bit.
• Various stops:
• 8 data bits, least significant bit sent first.
- Coast stop.
• 1 bit for even/odd parity; no bit for no
- Quick stop. parity.
- DC brake stop. • 1 stop bit if parity is used; 2 bits if no
- Normal (ramp) stop. parity.
• Reset after a fault trip. Error check field Cyclic redundancy check (CRC).
Telegrams start with a silent period of at least 3.5 character The data field is constructed using sets of 2 hexadecimal
intervals. The silent period is implemented as a multiple of digits, in the range of 00–FF hexadecimal. These digits are
character intervals at the selected network baud rate made up of 1 RTU character. The data field of telegrams
(shown as Start T1-T2-T3-T4). The first field to be sent from a master to a slave device contains additional
transmitted is the device address. Following the last information which the slave must use to perform
transmitted character, a similar period of at least 3.5 accordingly.
character intervals marks the end of the telegram. A new
telegram can begin after this period. The information can include items such as:
• Coil or register addresses.
Transmit the entire telegram frame as a continuous stream.
If a silent period of more than 1.5 character intervals
• The quantity of items to be handled.
occurs before completion of the frame, the receiving • The count of actual data bytes in the field.
device flushes the incomplete telegram and assumes that
the next byte is the address field of a new telegram. 7.8.7 CRC Check Field
Similarly, if a new telegram begins before 3.5 character
intervals after a previous telegram, the receiving device
7 7 considers it a continuation of the previous telegram. This
Telegrams include an error-checking field, operating based
on a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) method. The CRC field
behavior causes a timeout (no response from the slave), checks the contents of the entire telegram. It is applied
since the value in the final CRC field is not valid for the regardless of any parity check method used for the
combined telegrams. individual characters of the telegram. The transmitting
device calculates the CRC value and appends the CRC as
7.8.4 Address Field the last field in the telegram. The receiving device
recalculates a CRC during receipt of the telegram and
The address field of a telegram frame contains 8 bits. Valid compares the calculated value to the actual value received
slave device addresses are in the range of 0–247 decimal. in the CRC field. 2 unequal values result in bus timeout.
The individual slave devices are assigned addresses in the The error-checking field contains a 16-bit binary value
range of 1–247. 0 is reserved for broadcast mode, which all implemented as 2 8-bit bytes. After the implementation,
slaves recognize. A master addresses a slave by placing the the low-order byte of the field is appended first, followed
slave address in the address field of the telegram. When by the high-order byte. The CRC high-order byte is the last
the slave sends its response, it places its own address in byte sent in the telegram.
this address field to let the master know which slave is
responding. 7.8.8 Coil Register Addressing
7.8.5 Function Field In Modbus, all data is organized in coils and holding
registers. Coils hold a single bit, whereas holding registers
The function field of a telegram frame contains 8 bits. Valid hold a 2 byte word (that is 16 bits). All data addresses in
codes are in the range of 1–FF. Function fields are used to Modbus telegrams are referenced to 0. The first occurrence
send telegrams between master and slave. When a of a data item is addressed as item number 0. For example:
telegram is sent from a master to a slave device, the The coil known as coil 1 in a programmable controller is
function code field tells the slave what kind of action to addressed as coil 0000 in the data address field of a
perform. When the slave responds to the master, it uses Modbus telegram. Coil 127 decimal is addressed as coil
the function code field to indicate either a normal (error- 007Ehex (126 decimal).
free) response, or that some kind of error occurred (called Holding register 40001 is addressed as register 0000 in the
an exception response). data address field of the telegram. The function code field
already specifies a holding register operation. Therefore,
the 4XXXX reference is implicit. Holding register 40108 is
For a normal response, the slave simply echoes the original
addressed as register 006Bhex (107 decimal).
function code. For an exception response, the slave returns
a code that is equivalent to the original function code with
its most significant bit set to logic 1. In addition, the slave
places a unique code into the data field of the response
telegram. This code tells the master what kind of error
occurred, or the reason for the exception. Also refer to
chapter 7.8.11 Function Codes Supported by Modbus RTU and
chapter 7.8.12 Modbus Exception Codes.
7 7
48 Thermal level is OK Thermal level exceeds
1 = Parameter changes are written
to the RAM and EEPROM of the Table 7.17 Frequency Converter Status Word (FC Profile)
frequency converter.
66–65536 Reserved. –
15 –
16 No reversing Reversing
7.8.9 Access via PCD write/read The PCD read list is data sent from the frequency converter
to the controller like status word, main actual value, and
The advantage of using the PCD write/read configuration is application dependent data like running hours, motor
that the controller can write or read more data in 1 current, and alarm word.
telegram. Up to 63 registers can be read or written to via
the function code read holding register or write multiple NOTICE
registers in 1 telegram. The structure is also flexible so that The status word and main actual value is always sent in
only 2 registers can be written to and 10 registers can be the list from the frequency converter to the controller.
read from the controller.
The PCD write list is data sent from the controller to the
frequency converter, the data includes control word,
reference, and application dependent data like minimum
reference and ramp times, and so on.
The control word and reference is always sent in the list
from the controller to the frequency converter.
2810 CTW 8-42 [0] 2910 STW 8-43 [0]
Write multiple coils F
2811 REF 8-42 [1] 2911 MAV 8-43 [1] Write multiple registers 10
Get comm. event counter B
2812 PCD 2 8-42 [2] 2912 PCD 2 8-43 [2] Report slave ID 11
write read
Read write multiple registers 17
2813 PCD 3 8-42 [3] 2913 PCD 3 8-43 [3]
write read
Table 7.19 Function Codes
2814 PCD 4 8-42 [4] 2914 PCD 4 8-43 [4]
write read
Function Subfunction
2815 PCD 5 8-42 [5] 2915 PCD 5 8-43 [5]
Function Subfunction
write read code code
1 Restart communication.
... ... ... ... ... ...
write read Return diagnostic
7 7
2873 PCD 63 8-42 [63] 2919 PCD 63 8-43 [63]
write read Clear counters and
diagnostic register.
Illustration 7.14 Accessing via PCD write/read Return bus message
Diagnostics 8 11
Return bus communi-
cation error count.
The boxes marked in grey are not changeable, they are 13 Return slave error count.
default values. Return slave message
Response Response
The coil status in the response telegram is packed as 1 coil The normal response is an echo of the query, returned
per bit of the data field. Status is indicated as: 1 = ON; 0 = after the coil state has been forced.
OFF. The lsb of the first data byte contains the coil
addressed in the query. The other coils follow toward the Field name Example (hex)
high-order end of this byte, and from low order to high Slave address 01
order in subsequent bytes. Function 05
If the returned coil quantity is not a multiple of 8, the Force data HI FF 7 7
remaining bits in the final data byte are padded with Force data LO 00
values 0 (toward the high-order end of the byte). The byte Quantity of coils HI 00
count field specifies the number of complete bytes of data. Quantity of coils LO 01
Error check (CRC) –
Field name Example (hex)
Slave address 01 (frequency converter address) Table 7.25 Response
Function 01 (read coils)
Byte count 02 (2 bytes of data)
Data (coils 40–33) 07
Data (coils 48–41) 06 (STW = 0607hex)
Error check (CRC) –
Coils and registers are addressed explicitly with an off-
set of -1 in Modbus.
For example, coil 33 is addressed as coil 32.
This function forces the coil to either ON or OFF. When
broadcast, the function forces the same coil references in
all attached slaves.
The query telegram specifies the coil 65 (parameter write
control) to be forced. Coil addresses start at 0, that is, coil
65 is addressed as 64. Force data = 00 00 hex (OFF) or FF
00 hex (ON).
7.10.3 Force/Write Multiple Coils (0F hex) Field name Example (hex)
Slave address 01
Description Function 03 (Read holding registers)
This function forces each coil in a sequence of coils to Starting address HI 0B (Register address 3029)
either on or off. When broadcasting, the function forces Starting address LO D5 (Register address 3029)
the same coil references in all attached slaves. Number of points HI 00
Query 02 – (parameter 3-03 Maximum
The query telegram specifies the coils 17–32 (speed Number of points LO Reference is 32 bits long, that is, 2
setpoint) to be forced. registers)
Error check (CRC) –
Coil addresses start at 0, that is, coil 17 is addressed as Table 7.28 Query
Field name Example (hex) The register data in the response telegram is packed as 2
Slave address 01 (frequency converter address)
bytes per register, with the binary contents right justified
Function 0F (write multiple coils)
within each byte. For each register, the 1st byte contains
the high-order bits, and the 2nd contains the low-order
7 7 Coil address HI
Coil address LO
10 (coil address 17)
Quantity of coils HI 00 Example: hex 000088B8 = 35.000 = 35 Hz.
Quantity of coils LO 10 (16 coils)
Field name Example (hex)
Byte count 02
Slave address 01
Force data HI
20 Function 03
(Coils 8–1)
Byte count 04
Force data LO
00 (reference = 2000 hex) Data HI (register 3030) 00
(Coils 16–9)
Error check (CRC) – Data LO (register 3030) 16
Data HI (register 3031) E3
Table 7.26 Query Data LO (register 3031) 60
Error check (CRC) –
The normal response returns the slave address, function Table 7.29 Response
code, starting address, and quantity of coils forced.
Field name Example (hex) 7.10.5 Preset Single Register (06 hex)
Slave address 01 (frequency converter address)
Function 0F (write multiple coils) Description
Coil address HI 00 This function presets a value into a single holding register.
Coil address LO 10 (coil address 17) Query
Quantity of coils HI 00 The query telegram specifies the register reference to be
Quantity of coils LO 10 (16 coils) preset. Register addresses start at 0, that is, register 1 is
Error check (CRC) – addressed as 0.
Example: Write to parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode,
Table 7.27 Response
register 1000.
7.10.4 Read Holding Registers (03 hex) Field name Example (hex)
Slave address 01
Description Function 06
This function reads the contents of holding registers in the Register address HI 03 (register address 999)
slave. Register address LO E7 (register address 999)
Query Preset data HI 00
The query telegram specifies the starting register and Preset data LO 01
quantity of registers to be read. Register addresses start at Error check (CRC) –
0, that is, registers 1–4 are addressed as 0–3.
Table 7.30 Query
Example: Read parameter 3-03 Maximum Reference, register
Bit 03, Coasting
CTW Speed ref. Bit 03 = 0: The frequency converter immediately releases
the motor (the output transistors are shut off), and it
coasts to a standstill.
no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit 03 = 1: If the other starting conditions are met, the
frequency converter starts the motor.
Illustration 7.15 Control Word According to FC Profile
In parameter 8-50 Coasting Select, define how bit 03 gates
with the corresponding function on a digital input.
Bit Bit value = 0 Bit value = 1 Bit 04, Quick stop
00 Reference value External selection lsb Bit 04 = 0: Makes the motor speed ramp down to stop (set
01 Reference value External selection msb in parameter 3-81 Quick Stop Ramp Time).
02 DC brake Ramp
7 7 03 Coasting No coasting
Bit 05, Hold output frequency
Bit 05 = 0: The present output frequency (in Hz) freezes.
04 Quick stop Ramp Change the frozen output frequency only with the digital
Hold output inputs programmed to [21] Speed up and [22] Speed down
05 Use ramp
frequency (parameter 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input to
06 Ramp stop Start parameter 5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input).
07 No function Reset
08 No function Jog
09 Ramp 1 Ramp 2
If freeze output is active, the frequency converter can
only be stopped in 1 of the following ways:
10 Data invalid Data valid
11 Relay 01 open Relay 01 active • Bit 03 Coasting stop.
12 Relay 02 open Relay 02 active • Bit 02 DC braking.
13 Parameter set-up Selection lsb
15 No function Reverse
• Digital input programmed to [5] DC-brake
inverse, [2] Coast inverse, or [3] Coast and reset
Table 7.36 Control Word According to FC Profile inv (parameter 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input to
parameter 5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input).
Explanation of the control bits
Bits 00/01
Bits 00 and 01 are used to select among the 4 reference Bit 06, Ramp stop/start
values, which are preprogrammed in parameter 3-10 Preset Bit 06 = 0: Causes a stop and makes the motor speed
Reference according to Table 7.37. ramp down to stop via the selected ramp-down parameter.
Bit 06 = 1: Allows the frequency converter to start the
Bit Bit motor if the other starting conditions are met.
reference Parameter
01 00 In parameter 8-53 Start Select, define how bit 06 ramp stop/
1 Parameter 3-10 Preset Reference [0] 0 0 start gates with the corresponding function on a digital
2 Parameter 3-10 Preset Reference [1] 0 1
3 Parameter 3-10 Preset Reference [2] 1 0 Bit 07, Reset
4 Parameter 3-10 Preset Reference [3] 1 1 Bit 07 = 0: No reset.
Bit 07 = 1: Resets a trip. Reset is activated on the leading
Table 7.37 Control Bits signal edge, that is, when changing from logic 0 to logic 1.
Bit 08, Jog
NOTICE Bit 08 = 1: Parameter 3-11 Jog Speed [Hz] determines the
In parameter 8-56 Preset Reference Select, define how bit output frequency.
00/01 gates with the corresponding function on the
Bit 09, Selection of ramp 1/2
digital inputs.
Bit 09 = 0: Ramp 1 is active (parameter 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp
Up Time to parameter 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time).
Bit 09 = 1: Ramp 2 (parameter 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time
to parameter 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time) is active.
Bit 08 = 0: The motor runs, but the present speed is 16bit
different from the preset speed reference. It might happen
CTW Speed reference
when the speed ramps up/down during start/stop.
Bit 08 = 1: The motor speed matches the preset speed Follower-slave
Actual output
Bit 09, Local operation/bus control frequency
Bit 09 = 0: [Off/Reset] is activated on the control unit or [2] Illustration 7.17 Actual Output Frequency (MAV)
Local in parameter 3-13 Reference Site is selected. It is not
possible to control the frequency converter via serial
Bit 09 = 1: It is possible to control the frequency converter
via the fieldbus/serial communication.
Bit 10, Out of frequency limit
Bit 10 = 0: The output frequency has reached the value in
parameter 4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] or
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz].
-100% 0% 100%
(C000hex) (0hex) (4000hex)
Par.3-00 set to
Reverse Forward
(1) -max- +max
Par.3-03 0 Par.3-03
0% 100%
(0hex) (4000hex)
Par.3-00 set to
7 7
(0) min-max
Par.3-02 Par.3-03
8 General Specifications
The frequency converter can be mounted side-by-side but requires the clearance above and below for cooling.
8 8 H9
2.2–7.5 (3–10)
11–15 (15–20)
100 (4)
200 (7.9)
I2 IP54 – 0.75–4.0 (1–5) – 100 (4)
I3 IP54 – 5.5–7.5 (7.5–10) – 100 (4)
I4 IP54 – 11–18.5 (15–25) – 100 (4)
I6 IP54 – 22–37 (30–50) – 200 (7.9)
I7 IP54 – 45–55 (60–70) – 200 (7.9)
I8 IP54 – 75–90 (100–125) – 225 (8.9)
With IP21/NEMA Type1 option kit mounted, a distance of 50 mm (2 in) between the units is required.
General Specifications
e e
Depth Maximum
Enclosure Power [kW (hp)] Height [mm (in)] Width [mm (in)] Mounting hole [mm (in)]
[mm (in)] weight
Size IP class 3x200–240 V 3x380–480 V 3x525–600 V A A1) a B b C d e f kg (lb)
8.1.2 Frequency Converter Dimensions
2.2–4.0 5.5
H2 IP20 2.2 (3) – 227 (8.9) 303 (11.9) 212 (8.3) 90 (3.5) 65 (2.6) 190 (7.5) 11 (0.43) 7.4 (0.29) 3.4 (7.5)
(3–5) (0.22)
5.5–7.5 255 5.5
H3 IP20 3.7 (5) – 329 (13.0) 240 (9.4) 100 (3.9) 74 (2.9) 206 (8.1) 11 (0.43) 8.1 (0.32) 4.5 (9.9)
(7.5–10) (10.0) (0.22)
5.5–7.5 11–15 296 12.6
H4 IP20 – 359 (14.1) 275 (10.8) 135 (5.3) 105 (4.1) 241 (9.5) 7 (0.28) 8.4 (0.33) 7.9 (17.4)
(7.5–10) (15–20) (11.7) (0.50)
18.5–22 334 12.6
H5 IP20 11 (15) – 402 (15.8) 314 (12.4) 150 (5.9) 120 (4.7) 255 (10) 7 (0.28) 8.5 (0.33) 9.5 (20.9)
(25–30) (13.1) (0.50)
15–18.5 30–45 18.5–30 518 595 (23.4)/635 8.5
When installing in an application, allow space above and below the units for cooling. The amount of space for free air passage is listed in Table 8.1.
General Specifications
e e
Depth Maximum
Enclosure Power [kW (hp)] Height [mm (in)] Width [mm (in)] Mounting hole [mm (in)]
[mm (in)] weight
Size IP class 3x200–240 V 3x380–480 V 3x525–600 V A A1) a B b C d e f kg (lb)
I2 IP54 – 0.75–4.0 (1–5) – – 318.5 (12.53) 115 (4.5) 74 (2.9) 225 (8.9) 11 (0.43) 5.5 (0.22) 9 (0.35) 5.3 (11.7)
I3 IP54 – 5.5–7.5 (7.5–10) – – 354 (13.9) 135 (5.3) 89 (3.5) 237 (9.3) 12 (0.47) 6.5 (0.26) 9.5 (0.37) 7.2 (15.9)
476 13.8
I4 IP54 – 11–18.5 (15–25) – – 460 (18.1) 180 (7) 133 (5.2) 290 (11.4) 12 (0.47) 6.5 (0.26) 9.5 (0.37)
(18.7) (30.42)
I6 IP54 – 22–37 (30–50) – – 624 (24.6) 242 (9.5) 210 (8.3) 260 (10.2) 19 (0.75) 9 (0.35) 9 (0.35) 27 (59.5)
VLT® HVAC Basic Drive FC 101
I7 IP54 – 45–55 (60–70) – – 648 (25.5) 308 (12.1) 272 (10.7) 310 (12.2) 19 (0.75) 9 (0.35) 9.8 (0.39) 45 (99.2)
Enclosure frame
size H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8
Mains voltage
T2 (200-240 V AC) 0.25-1.5/ 5.5-7.5/ 15-18.5/ 22-30/ 37-45/
2.2/3 3.7/5 11/15
[kW/hp] 0.33-2 7.5-10 20 30-40 50-60
General Specifications
T4 (380-480 V AC) 0.37-1.5/ 2.2-4/ 5.5-7.5/ 11-15/ 18.5-22/ 30-45/ 55-75/ 90/ 0.75/ 5.5-7.5/ 11-18.5/ 11-18.5/ 22-37/ 45-55/ 75-90/
[kW/hp] 0.5-2 3-5.4 7.5-10 15-20 25-30 40-60 73-100 125 1.0-5.0 7.5-10 15-25 15-25 30-50 60-70 125
T6 (525-600 V AC) 18.5-30/ 37-55/ 75-90/ 2.2-7.5/ 11-15/
[kW/hp] 30-40 60-70 100-125 3.0-10 15-20
8.1.3 Shipping Dimensions
8 8
Frequency converter PK25 PK37 PK75 P1K5 P2K2 P3K7 P5K5 P7K5 P11K P15K P18K P22K P30K P37K P45K
Typical shaft output [kW] 0.25 0.37 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11.0 15.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 45.0
Typical shaft output [hp] 0.33 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0
Protection rating IP20 H1 H1 H1 H1 H2 H3 H4 H4 H5 H6 H6 H7 H7 H8 H8
Maximum cable size in
4 4 4 4 4 4 16 16 16 35 35 50 50 95 120
terminals (mains, motor)
(10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (6) (6) (6) (2) (2) (1) (1) (0) (4/0)
[mm2 (AWG)]
Output current
40 °C (104 °F) ambient temperature
1.5 2.2 4.2 6.8 9.6 15.2 22.0 28.0 42.0 59.4 74.8 88.0 115.0 143.0 170.0
(3x200–240 V) [A]
1.7 2.4 4.6 7.5 10.6 16.7 24.2 30.8 46.2 65.3 82.3 96.8 126.5 157.3 187.0
(3x200–240 V) [A]
Maximum input current
Continuous 8.6/ 14.1/ 21.0/ 28.3/ 41.0/
1.1 1.6 2.8 5.6 52.7 65.0 76.0 103.7 127.9 153.0
3x200–240 V) [A] 7.2 12.0 18.0 24.0 38.2
(3x200–240 V) [A]
1.2 1.8 3.1 6.2
58.0 71.5 83.7 114.1 140.7 168.3 8 8
Maximum mains fuses See chapter 8.3.1 Fuses and Circuit Breakers
Estimated power loss [W], 12/ 15/ 21/ 48/ 80/ 97/ 182/ 229/ 369/
512 697 879 1149 1390 1500
Best case/typical1) 14 18 26 60 102 120 204 268 386
Weight enclosure 51.0 51.0
2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 3.4 4.5 7.9 7.9 9.5 24.5 24.5 36.0 36.0
protection rating IP20 [kg (112.4 (112.4
(4.4) (4.4) (4.4) (4.6) (7.5) (9.9) (17.4) (17.4) (20.9) (54) (54) (79.4) (79.4)
(lb)] ) )
Efficiency [%], best case/ 97.0/ 97.3/ 98.0/ 97.6/ 97.1/ 97.9/ 97.3/ 98.5/ 97.2/
97.0 97.1 96.8 97.1 97.1 97.3
typical2) 96.5 96.8 97.6 97.0 96.3 97.4 97.0 97.1 97.1
Output current
50 °C (122 °F) ambient temperature
1.5 1.9 3.5 6.8 9.6 13.0 19.8 23.0 33.0 41.6 52.4 61.6 80.5 100.1 119
(3x200–240 V) [A]
1.7 2.1 3.9 7.5 10.6 14.3 21.8 25.3 36.3 45.8 57.6 67.8 88.6 110.1 130.9
(3x200–240 V) [A]
8.2.2 3x380–480 V AC
Frequency converter PK37 PK75 P1K5 P2K2 P3K0 P4K0 P5K5 P7K5 P11K P15K
Typical shaft output [kW] 0.37 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.0 4.0 5.5 7.5 11.0 15.0
Typical shaft output [hp] 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0 20.0
Protection rating IP20 H1 H1 H1 H2 H2 H2 H3 H3 H4 H4
Maximum cable size in
terminals (mains, motor) [mm2 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 16 (6) 16 (6)
Output current - 40 °C (104 °F) ambient temperature
Continuous (3x380–440 V)[A] 1.2 2.2 3.7 5.3 7.2 9.0 12.0 15.5 23.0 31.0
Intermittent (3x380–440 V) [A] 1.3 2.4 4.1 5.8 7.9 9.9 13.2 17.1 25.3 34.0
Continuous (3x441–480 V) [A] 1.1 2.1 3.4 4.8 6.3 8.2 11.0 14.0 21.0 27.0
Intermittent (3x441–480 V) [A] 1.2 2.3 3.7 5.3 6.9 9.0 12.1 15.4 23.1 29.7
Maximum input current
Continuous (3x380–440 V) [A] 1.2 2.1 3.5 4.7 6.3 8.3 11.2 15.1 22.1 29.9
Intermittent (3x380–440 V) [A] 1.3 2.3 3.9 5.2 6.9 9.1 12.3 16.6 24.3 32.9
Continuous (3x441–480 V) [A] 1.0 1.8 2.9 3.9 5.3 6.8 9.4 12.6 18.4 24.7
Intermittent (3x441–480 V) [A] 1.1 2.0 3.2 4.3 5.8 7.5 10.3 13.9 20.2 27.2
13/15 16/21 46/57 46/58 66/83 95/118 104/131 159/198 248/274 353/379
best case/typical1)
Weight enclosure protection 7.9 7.9
2.0 (4.4) 2.0 (4.4) 2.1 (4.6) 3.3 (7.3) 3.3 (7.3) 3.4 (7.5) 4.3 (9.5) 4.5 (9.9)
rating IP20 [kg (lb)] (17.4) (17.4)
Efficiency [%], 98.1/ 98.0/
97.8/97.3 98.0/97.6 97.7/97.2 98.3/97.9 98.2/97.8 98.0/97.6 98.4/98.0 98.2/97.8
best case/typical2) 97.9 97.8
Output current - 50 °C (122 °F) ambient temperature
Continuous (3x380–440 V) [A] 1.04 1.93 3.7 4.85 6.3 8.4 10.9 14.0 20.9 28.0
Intermittent (3x380–440 V) [A] 1.1 2.1 4.07 5.4 6.9 9.2 12.0 15.4 23.0 30.8
Continuous (3x441–480 V) [A] 1.0 1.8 3.4 4.4 5.5 7.5 10.0 12.6 19.1 24.0
Intermittent (3x441–480 V) [A] 1.1 2.0 3.7 4.8 6.1 8.3 11.0 13.9 21.0 26.4
Table 8.6 3x380–480 V AC, 0.37–15 kW (0.5–20 hp), Enclosure Sizes H1–H4
1) Applies for dimensioning of frequency converter cooling. If the switching frequency is higher than the default setting, the power losses may
increase. LCP and typical control card power consumptions are included. For power loss data according to EN 50598-2, refer to www.danfoss.com/
2) Efficiency measured at nominal current. For energy efficiency class, see chapter 8.4.12 Ambient Conditions. For part load losses, see
Frequency converter P18K P22K P30K P37K P45K P55K P75K P90K
Typical shaft output [kW] 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 45.0 55.0 75.0 90.0
Typical shaft output [hp] 25.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 100.0 125.0
Protection rating IP20 H5 H5 H6 H6 H6 H7 H7 H8
Maximum cable size in terminals 120
16 (6) 16 (6) 35 (2) 35 (2) 35 (2) 50 (1) 95 (0)
(mains, motor) [mm2 (AWG)] (250MCM)
Output current - 40 °C (104 °F) ambient temperature
Continuous (3x380–440 V)[A] 37.0 42.5 61.0 73.0 90.0 106.0 147.0 177.0
Intermittent (3x380–440 V) [A] 40.7 46.8 67.1 80.3 99.0 116.0 161.0 194.0
Continuous (3x441–480 V) [A] 34.0 40.0 52.0 65.0 80.0 105.0 130.0 160.0
Intermittent (3x441–480 V) [A] 37.4 44.0 57.2 71.5 88.0 115.0 143.0 176.0
Maximum input current
Continuous (3x380–440 V) [A] 35.2 41.5 57.0 70.0 84.0 103.0 140.0 166.0
Intermittent (3x380–440 V) [A] 38.7 45.7 62.7 77.0 92.4 113.0 154.0 182.0
Continuous (3x441–480 V) [A] 29.3 34.6 49.2 60.6 72.5 88.6 120.9 142.7
Intermittent (3x441–480 V) [A] 32.2 38.1 54.1 66.7 79.8 97.5 132.9 157.0
Maximum mains fuses
Estimated power loss [W],
412/456 475/523 733 922 1067 1133 1733 2141
best case/typical1)
Weight enclosure protection rating 51.0
IP20 [kg (lb)]
9.5 (20.9) 9.5 (20.9) 24.5 (54) 24.5 (54) 24.5 (54) 36.0 (79.4) 36.0 (79.4)
(112.4) 8 8
Efficiency [%], best case/typical2) 98.1/97.9 98.1/97.9 97.8 97.7 98 98.2 97.8 97.9
Output current - 50 °C (122 °F) ambient temperature
Continuous (3x380–440 V) [A] 34.1 38.0 48.8 58.4 72.0 74.2 102.9 123.9
Intermittent (3x380–440 V) [A] 37.5 41.8 53.7 64.2 79.2 81.6 113.2 136.3
Continuous (3x441–480 V) [A] 31.3 35.0 41.6 52.0 64.0 73.5 91.0 112.0
Intermittent (3x441–480 V) [A] 34.4 38.5 45.8 57.2 70.4 80.9 100.1 123.2
Table 8.7 3x380–480 V AC, 18.5–90 kW (25–125 hp), Enclosure Sizes H5–H8
1) Applies for dimensioning of frequency converter cooling. If the switching frequency is higher than the default setting, the power losses may
increase. LCP and typical control card power consumptions are included. For power loss data according to EN 50598-2, refer to www.danfoss.com/
2) Efficiency measured at nominal current. For energy efficiency class, see chapter 8.4.12 Ambient Conditions. For part load losses, see
Frequency converter PK75 P1K5 P2K2 P3K0 P4KO P5K5 P7K5 P11K P15K P18K
Typical shaft output [kW] 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.0 4.0 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5
Typical shaft output [hp] 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 15 20 25
Protection rating IP54 I2 I2 I2 I2 I2 I3 I3 I4 I4 I4
Maximum cable size in terminals (mains, motor)
4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 16 (6) 16 (6) 16 (6)
[mm2 (AWG)]
Output current
40 °C (104 °F) ambient temperature
Continuous (3x380–440 V) [A] 2.2 3.7 5.3 7.2 9.0 12.0 15.5 23.0 31.0 37.0
Intermittent (3x380–440 V) [A] 2.4 4.1 5.8 7.9 9.9 13.2 17.1 25.3 34.0 40.7
Continuous (3x441–480 V) [A] 2.1 3.4 4.8 6.3 8.2 11.0 14.0 21.0 27.0 34.0
Intermittent (3x441–480 V) [A] 2.3 3.7 5.3 6.9 9.0 12.1 15.4 23.1 29.7 37.4
Maximum input current
Continuous (3x380–440 V )[A] 2.1 3.5 4.7 6.3 8.3 11.2 15.1 22.1 29.9 35.2
Intermittent (3x380–440 V) [A] 2.3 3.9 5.2 6.9 9.1 12.3 16.6 24.3 32.9 38.7
Continuous (3x441–480 V) [A] 1.8 2.9 3.9 5.3 6.8 9.4 12.6 18.4 24.7 29.3
Intermittent (3x441–480 V) [A] 2.0 3.2 4.3 5.8 7.5 10.3 13.9 20.2 27.2 32.2
Maximum mains fuses See chapter 8.3.1 Fuses and Circuit Breakers
21/ 46/ 46/ 66/ 95/ 104/ 159/ 248/ 353/ 412/
Estimated power loss [W], best case/typical1)
16 57 58 83 118 131 198 274 379 456
8 8 Weight enclosure protection rating IP54
[kg (lb)]
98.0/ 97.7/ 98.3/ 98.2/ 98.0/ 98.4/ 98.2/ 98.1/ 98.0/ 98.1/
Efficiency [%], best case/typical2)
97.6 97.2 97.9 97.8 97.6 98.0 97.8 97.9 97.8 97.9
Output current - 50 °C (122 °F) ambient temperature
Continuous (3x380–440 V) [A] 1.93 3.7 4.85 6.3 7.5 10.9 14.0 20.9 28.0 33.0
Intermittent (3x380–440 V) [A] 2.1 4.07 5.4 6.9 9.2 12.0 15.4 23.0 30.8 36.3
Continuous (3x441–480 V) [A] 1.8 3.4 4.4 5.5 6.8 10.0 12.6 19.1 24.0 30.0
Intermittent (3x441–480 V) [A] 2.0 3.7 4.8 6.1 8.3 11.0 13.9 21.0 26.4 33.0
Table 8.8 3x380–480 V AC, 0.75–18.5 kW (1–25 hp), Enclosure Sizes I2–I4
1) Applies for dimensioning of frequency converter cooling. If the switching frequency is higher than the default setting, the power losses may
increase. LCP and typical control card power consumptions are included. For power loss data according to EN 50598-2, refer to www.danfoss.com/
2) Efficiency measured at nominal current. For energy efficiency class, see chapter 8.4.12 Ambient Conditions. For part load losses, see
Table 8.9 3x380–480 V AC, 22–90 kW (30–125 hp), Enclosure Sizes I6–I8
1) Applies for dimensioning of frequency converter cooling. If the switching frequency is higher than the default setting, the power losses may
increase. LCP and typical control card power consumptions are included. For power loss data according to EN 50598-2, refer to www.danfoss.com/
2) Efficiency measured at nominal current. For energy efficiency class, see chapter 8.4.12 Ambient Conditions. For part load losses, see
8.2.3 3x525–600 V AC
Frequency converter P2K2 P3K0 P3K7 P5K5 P7K5 P11K P15K P18K P22K P30K P37K P45K P55K P75K P90K
Typical shaft output [kW] 2.2 3.0 3.7 5.5 7.5 11.0 15.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37 45.0 55.0 75.0 90.0
Typical shaft output [hp] 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 100.0 125.0
Protection rating IP20 H9 H9 H9 H9 H9 H10 H10 H6 H6 H6 H7 H7 H7 H8 H8
Maximum cable size in
35 35 50 50 50 95 120
terminals (mains, motor) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 10 (8) 10 (8) 35 (2)
(2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (0) (4/0)
[mm2 (AWG)]
Output current - 40 °C (104 ° F) ambient temperature
Continuous (3x525–550 V) [A] 4.1 5.2 6.4 9.5 11.5 19.0 23.0 28.0 36.0 43.0 54.0 65.0 87.0 105.0 137.0
Intermittent (3x525–550 V) [A] 4.5 5.7 7.0 10.5 12.7 20.9 25.3 30.8 39.6 47.3 59.4 71.5 95.7 115.5 150.7
Continuous (3x551–600 V) [A] 3.9 4.9 6.1 9.0 11.0 18.0 22.0 27.0 34.0 41.0 52.0 62.0 83.0 100.0 131.0
Intermittent (3x551–600 V) [A] 4.3 5.4 6.7 9.9 12.1 19.8 24.2 29.7 37.4 45.1 57.2 68.2 91.3 110.0 144.1
Maximum input current
Continuous (3x525–550 V) [A] 3.7 5.1 5.0 8.7 11.9 16.5 22.5 27.0 33.1 45.1 54.7 66.5 81.3 109.0 130.9
Intermittent (3x525–550 V) [A] 4.1 5.6 6.5 9.6 13.1 18.2 24.8 29.7 36.4 49.6 60.1 73.1 89.4 119.9 143.9
Continuous (3x551–600 V) [A] 3.5 4.8 5.6 8.3 11.4 15.7 21.4 25.7 31.5 42.9 52.0 63.3 77.4 103.8 124.5
Intermittent (3x551–600 V) [A] 3.9 5.3 6.2 9.2 12.5 17.3 23.6 28.3 34.6 47.2 57.2 69.6 85.1 114.2 137.0
Maximum mains fuses See chapter 8.3.1 Fuses and Circuit Breakers
8 8 Estimated power loss [W],
65 90 110 132 180 216 294 385 458 542 597 727 1092 1380 1658
best case/typical1)
Weight enclosure protection 51.0 51.0
6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 11.5 11.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 36.0 36.0 36.0
rating IP54 [kg (lb)] (112. (112.
(14.6) (14.6) (14.6) (14.6) (14.6) (25.3) (25.3) (54) (54) (54) (79.3) (79.3) (79.3)
4) 4)
Efficiency [%],
97.9 97 97.9 98.1 98.1 98.4 98.4 98.4 98.4 98.5 98.5 98.7 98.5 98.5 98.5
best case/typical2)
Output current - 50 °C (122 °F) ambient temperature
Continuous (3x525–550 V) [A] 2.9 3.6 4.5 6.7 8.1 13.3 16.1 19.6 25.2 30.1 37.8 45.5 60.9 73.5 95.9
Intermittent (3x525–550 V) [A] 3.2 4.0 4.9 7.4 8.9 14.6 17.7 21.6 27.7 33.1 41.6 50.0 67.0 80.9 105.5
Continuous (3x551–600 V) [A] 2.7 3.4 4.3 6.3 7.7 12.6 15.4 18.9 23.8 28.7 36.4 43.3 58.1 70.0 91.7
Intermittent (3x551–600 V) [A] 3.0 3.7 4.7 6.9 8.5 13.9 16.9 20.8 26.2 31.6 40.0 47.7 63.9 77.0 100.9
Table 8.10 3x525–600 V AC, 2.2–90 kW (3–125 hp), Enclosure Sizes H6–H10
1) Applies for dimensioning of frequency converter cooling. If the switching frequency is higher than the default setting, the power losses may
increase. LCP and typical control card power consumptions are included. For power loss data according to EN 50598-2, refer to www.danfoss.com/
2) Efficiency measured at nominal current. For energy efficiency class, see chapter 8.4.12 Ambient Conditions. For part load losses, see
8.3 Fuses and Circuit Breakers regulations. Circuit breakers and fuses must be designed
for protection in a circuit capable of supplying a maximum
Branch circuit protection of 100000 Arms (symmetrical), 480 V maximum.
To prevent fire hazards, protect the branch circuits in an
UL/Non-UL compliance
installation - switch gear, machines, and so on - against
To ensure compliance with UL or IEC 61800-5-1, use the
short circuits and overcurrent. Follow national and local
circuit breakers or fuses listed in Table 8.11.
Circuit breakers must be designed for protection in a
Short-circuit protection circuit capable of supplying a maximum of 10000 Arms
Danfoss recommends using the fuses and circuit breakers (symmetrical), 480 V maximum.
listed in Table 8.11 to protect service personnel or other
equipment in case of an internal failure in the unit or a NOTICE
short circuit on the DC link. The frequency converter In the event of malfunction, failure to follow the
provides full short-circuit protection in case of a short protection recommendation may result in damage to the
circuit on the motor. frequency converter.
Overcurrent protection
Provide overload protection to avoid overheating of the
cables in the installation. Overcurrent protection must
always be carried out according to local and national
Circuit breaker Fuse
8 8 18.5 (25)
22 (30)
Cutler-Hammer Cutler-Hammer
30 (40) FRS-R-80 KTN-R80 JKS-80 JJS-80 80
37 (50) FRS-R-125 KTN-R125 JKS-125 JJS-125 125
Cutler-Hammer Cutler-Hammer
45 (60) FRS-R-125 KTN-R125 JKS-125 JJS-125 125
55 (70) FRS-R-125 KTN-R125 JKS-125 JJS-125 125
Cutler-Hammer JKS-200 JJS-200
75 (100) Cutler-Hammer FRS-R-200 KTN-R200 200
90 (125) – FRS-R-200 KTN-R200 JKS-200 JJS-200 200
3x380–480 V IP54
0.75 (1) PKZM0-16 FRS-R-10 KTS-R-10 JKS-10 JJS-10 16
1.5 (2) PKZM0-16 FRS-R-10 KTS-R-10 JKS-10 JJS-10 16
2.2 (3) PKZM0-16 FRS-R-15 KTS-R-15 JKS-15 JJS-15 16
3 (4) PKZM0-16 FRS-R-15 KTS-R-15 JKS-15 JJS-15 16
4 (5) PKZM0-16 FRS-R-15 KTS-R-15 JKS-15 JJS-15 16
5.5 (7.5) PKZM0-25 FRS-R-25 KTS-R-25 JKS-25 JJS-25 25
7.5 (10) PKZM0-25 FRS-R-25 KTS-R-25 JKS-25 JJS-25 25
11 (15) PKZM4-63 FRS-R-50 KTS-R-50 JKS-50 JJS-50 63
15 (20) PKZM4-63 FRS-R-50 KTS-R-50 JKS-50 JJS-50 63
18.5 (25) PKZM4-63 FRS-R-80 KTS-R-80 JKS-80 JJS-80 63
22 (30) FRS-R-80 KTS-R-80 JKS-80 JJS-80 125
30 (40) Moeller NZMB1-A125 – FRS-R-125 KTS-R-125 JKS-125 JJS-125 125
37 (50) FRS-R-125 KTS-R-125 JKS-125 JJS-125 125
45 (60) FRS-R-125 KTS-R-125 JKS-125 JJS-125 160
Moeller NZMB2-A160 –
55 (70) FRS-R-200 KTS-R-200 JKS-200 JJS-200 160
75 (100) FRS-R-200 KTS-R-200 JKS-200 JJS-200 200
Moeller NZMB2-A250 –
90 (125) FRS-R-250 KTS-R-250 JKS-200 JJS-200 200
Maximum motor cable length, shielded/armored (EMC-correct installation) See chapter 3.4.3 EMC Emission Test Results
Maximum motor cable length, unshielded/unarmored 50 m (164 ft)
Maximum cross-section to motor, mains1)
Cross-section DC terminals for filter feedback on enclosure sizes H1–H3, I2, I3, I4 4 mm2/11 AWG
Cross-section DC terminals for filter feedback on enclosure sizes H4–H5 16 mm2/6 AWG
Maximum cross-section to control terminals, rigid wire 2.5 mm2/14 AWG
Maximum cross-section to control terminals, flexible cable 2.5 mm2/14 AWG
Minimum cross-section to control terminals 0.05 mm2/30 AWG
1) See chapter 8.2.2 3x380–480 V AC for more information.
Terminal number 12
Maximum load 80 mA
Terminal number 50
Output voltage 10.5 V ±0.5 V
Maximum load 25 mA
8.5 dU/Dt
Cable length [m (ft)] AC line voltage [V] Rise time [μsec] Vpeak [kV] dU/dt [kV/μsec]
5 (16) 240 0.121 0.498 3.256
200 V 0.25 kW (0.34 hp) 25 (82) 240 0.182 0.615 2.706
50 (164) 240 0.258 0.540 1.666
5 (16) 240 0.121 0.498 3.256
200 V 0.37 kW (0.5 hp) 25 (82) 240 0.182 0.615 2.706
8 8 50 (164) 240 0.258 0.540 1.666
5 (16) 240 0.121 0.498 3.256
200 V 0.75 kW (1 hp) 25 (82) 240 0.182 0.615 2.706
50 (164) 240 0.258 0.540 1.666
5 (16) 240 0.121 0.498 3.256
200 V 1.5 kW (2 hp) 25 (82) 240 0.182 0.615 2.706
50 (164) 240 0.258 0.540 1.666
5 (16) 240 0.18 0.476 2.115
200 V 2.2 kW (3 hp) 25 (82) 240 0.230 0.615 2.141
50 (164) 240 0.292 0.566 1.550
5 (16) 240 0.168 0.570 2.714
200 V 3.7 kW (5 hp) 25 (82) 240 0.205 0.615 2.402
50 (164) 240 0.252 0.620 1.968
5 (16) 240 0.128 0.445 2.781
200 V 5.5 kW (7.4 hp) 25 (82) 240 0.224 0.594 2.121
50 (164) 240 0.328 0.596 1.454
5 (16) 240 0.18 0.502 2.244
200 V 7.5 kW (10 hp) 25 (82) 240 0.22 0.598 2.175
50 (164) 240 0.292 0.615 1.678
36 (118) 240 0.176 0.56 2.545
200 V 11 kW (15 hp)
50 (164) 240 0.216 0.599 2.204
5 (16) 400 0.160 0.808 4.050
400 V 0.37 kW (0.5 hp) 25 (82) 400 0.240 1.026 3.420
50 (164) 400 0.340 1.056 2.517
5 (16) 400 0.160 0.808 4.050
400 V 0.75 kW (1 hp) 25 (82) 400 0.240 1.026 3.420
50 (164) 400 0.340 1.056 2.517
5 (16) 400 0.160 0.808 4.050
400 V 1.5 kW (2 hp) 25 (82) 400 0.240 1.026 3.420
50 (164) 400 0.340 1.056 2.517
5 (16) 400 0.190 0.760 3.200
400 V 2.2 kW (3 hp) 25 (82) 400 0.293 1.026 2.801
50 (164) 400 0.422 1.040 1.971
Cable length [m (ft)] AC line voltage [V] Rise time [μsec] Vpeak [kV] dU/dt [kV/μsec]
5 (16) 400 0.190 0.760 3.200
400 V 3.0 kW (4 hp) 25 (82) 400 0.293 1.026 2.801
50 (164) 400 0.422 1.040 1.971
5 (16) 400 0.190 0.760 3.200
400 V 4.0 kW (5.4 hp) 25 (82) 400 0.293 1.026 2.801
50 (164) 400 0.422 1.040 1.971
5 (16) 400 0.168 0.81 3.857
400 V 5.5 kW (7.4 hp) 25 (82) 400 0.239 1.026 3.434
50 (164) 400 0.328 1.05 2.560
5 (16) 400 0.168 0.81 3.857
400 V 7.5 kW (10 hp) 25 (82) 400 0.239 1.026 3.434
50 (164) 400 0.328 1.05 2.560
5 (16) 400 0.116 0.69 4.871
400 V 11 kW (15 hp) 25 (82) 400 0.204 0.985 3.799
50 (164) 400 0.316 1.01 2.563
5 (16) 400 0.139 0.864 4.955
400 V 15 kW (20 hp)
50 (82) 400 0.338 1.008 2.365
5 (16) 400 0.132 0.88 5.220
400 V 18.5 kW (25 hp) 25 (82) 400 0.172 1.026 4.772
50 (164) 400 0.222 1.00 3.603 8 8
5 (16) 400 0.132 0.88 5.220
400 V 22 kW (30 hp) 25 (82) 400 0.172 1.026 4.772
50 (164) 400 0.222 1.00 3.603
10 (33) 400 0.376 0.92 1.957
50 (164) 400 0.536 0.97 1.448
100 (328) 400 0.696 0.95 1.092
150 (492) 400 0.8 0.965 0.965
10 (33) 480 0.384 1.2 2.5
50 (164) 480 0.632 1.18 1.494
400 V 30 kW (40 hp)
100 (328) 480 0.712 1.2 1.348
150 (492) 480 0.832 1.17 1.125
10 (33) 500 0.408 1.24 2.431
50 (164) 500 0.592 1.29 1.743
100 (328) 500 0.656 1.28 1.561
150 (492) 500 0.84 1.26 1.2
10 (33) 400 0.276 0.928 2.69
50 (164) 400 0.432 1.02 1.889
10 (33) 480 0.272 1.17 3.441
400 V 37 kW (50 hp)
50 (164) 480 0.384 1.21 2.521
10 (33) 500 0.288 1.2 3.333
50 (164) 500 0.384 1.27 2.646
10 (33) 400 0.3 0.936 2.496
50 (164) 400 0.44 0.924 1.68
100 (328) 400 0.56 0.92 1.314
150 (492) 400 0.8 0.92 0.92
10 (33) 480 0.3 1.19 3.173
50 (164) 480 0.4 1.15 2.3
400 V 45 kW (60 hp)
100 (328) 480 0.48 1.14 1.9
150 (492) 480 0.72 1.14 1.267
10 (33) 500 0.3 1.22 3.253
50 (164) 500 0.38 1.2 2.526
100 (328) 500 0.56 1.16 1.657
150 (492) 500 0.74 1.16 1.254
Cable length [m (ft)] AC line voltage [V] Rise time [μsec] Vpeak [kV] dU/dt [kV/μsec]
400 0.46 1.12 1.948
400 V 55 kW (74 hp) 10 (33)
480 0.468 1.3 2.222
400 0.502 1.048 1.673
400 V 75 kW (100 hp) 10 (33) 480 0.52 1.212 1.869
500 0.51 1.272 1.992
400 0.402 1.108 2.155
400 V 90 kW (120 hp) 10 (33) 400 0.408 1.288 2.529
400 0.424 1.368 2.585
5 (16) 525 0.192 0.972 4.083
50 (164) 525 0.356 1.32 2.949
600 V 7.5 kW (10 hp)
5 (16) 600 0.184 1.06 4.609
50 (164) 600 0.42 1.49 2.976
8 8
Freeze output........................................................................................... 7
Function code........................................................................................ 91 M
Fuse......................................................................................................... 111 Mains drop-out...................................................................................... 44
Mains supply............................................................................................. 9
G Mains supply (L1, L2, L3).................................................................. 113
Galvanic isolation................................................................................. 42 Mains supply 3x200–240 V AC...................................................... 105
Ground leakage current..................................................................... 43 Mains supply 3x380–480 V AC...................................................... 106
Ground leakage protection.............................................................. 36 Mains supply 3x525–600 V AC...................................................... 110
Manual PI adjustment......................................................................... 30
H Menu key................................................................................................. 63
Hardware set-up................................................................................... 81 Modbus communication................................................................... 81
Harmonics Modbus exception code.................................................................... 91
Harmonic current............................................................................. 40
distortion............................................................................................ 36 Modbus RTU.................................................................................... 87, 91
emission.............................................................................................. 40 Modbus RTU overview....................................................................... 86
emission requirement.................................................................... 40
Moment of inertia................................................................................ 43
test result (emission)....................................................................... 40
High voltage........................................................................................... 11
cable..................................................................................................... 37
Hold output frequency....................................................................... 96 overload protection...................................................................... 113
phase.................................................................................................... 43
set-up................................................................................................... 64
I thermal protection................................................................... 44, 98
IGV.............................................................................................................. 19 Motor-generated overvoltage.................................................... 43
Output (U, V, W).............................................................................. 113
Immunity requirement................................................................ 36, 42
Short circuit (motor phase-phase)............................................. 43
IND............................................................................................................. 84
Multiple pump....................................................................................... 25
Index (IND).............................................................................................. 84
Indicator light........................................................................................ 63 N
Initialization............................................................................................ 79 Navigation key....................................................................................... 63
Initialization, 2-finger.......................................................................... 79 Network configuration....................................................................... 87
Inputs Network connection............................................................................ 80
Analog input........................................................................................ 7
Digital input..................................................................................... 114 Nominal motor speed........................................................................... 7
Intermediate circuit...................................................................... 35, 43
IP21/NEMA Type 1 enclosure kit..................................................... 48
Operation key........................................................................................ 63
J Option....................................................................................................... 50
Jog......................................................................................................... 7, 96 Option and accessory......................................................................... 47
L Analog output................................................................................ 114
Digital output.................................................................................. 114
L1, L2, L3................................................................................................ 113
Overcurrent protection.................................................................... 111
LCP............................................................................................. 7, 8, 26, 63
LCP copy.................................................................................................. 78 P
Leakage current............................................................................. 11, 43 Parameter number (PNU).................................................................. 84
Literature.................................................................................................... 7 Payback period...................................................................................... 15
Load sharing........................................................................................... 11 PELV, protective extra low voltage................................................. 42
Local (hand on) control...................................................................... 26 PI adjustment, manual........................................................................ 30
Local speed determination............................................................... 23 PNU............................................................................................................ 84
Low evaporator temperature........................................................... 23 Power factor.............................................................................................. 9
Primary pump........................................................................................ 23
Safety........................................................................................................ 12
Secondary pump.................................................................................. 25
Serial communication port.................................................................. 7
Set-up, hardware.................................................................................. 81
Shock......................................................................................................... 35
Side-by-side installation.................................................................. 100
Soft starter............................................................................................... 16
Star/delta starter................................................................................... 16
Status menu........................................................................................... 64
Status word............................................................................................. 97
Switching on the output.................................................................... 43
Telegram length (LGE)......................................................................... 83
Terminal 50...................................................................................... 115
THD............................................................................................................ 40
Thermal protection.............................................................................. 10
Thermal protection, motor............................................................... 44
Thermistor................................................................................................. 7
Throttling valve..................................................................................... 22
Total voltage distortion...................................................................... 40
Danfoss A/S
Ulsnaes 1
DK-6300 Graasten