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Thomas A Hegna
My research tries to use the fossil record of arthropods as a lens to bring phylogenetic relationships into focus.
Supervisors: Dr. Derek E. G. Briggs
Address: Thomas A. Hegna
Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences
SUNY Fredonia
203 Jewett Hall
280 Central Avenue
Fredonia, NY 14063
Supervisors: Dr. Derek E. G. Briggs
Address: Thomas A. Hegna
Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences
SUNY Fredonia
203 Jewett Hall
280 Central Avenue
Fredonia, NY 14063
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Papers by Thomas A Hegna
Unfortunately, without early replacement by stable minerals, all things are fated to decay—albeit at different rates. Amber is no exception. However, without slicing into the beautiful amber-preserved fossil, it is impossible to know exactly what is going on inside.
Micro-CT scanning provides an excellent way to see inside the fossil without destroying it. Without the amber stabilizing the internal tissue, it is subject to the forces of microbial decay, dehydration, and resin infiltration. Using fossil amphipods (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from the Chiapas Amber of Mexico, we show how a superficially perfect specimen can have a surprising lack of correspondence between the preserved insides and the original internal anatomy. Micro-CT scanning offers a new way to think about the microenvironment inside of an amber-preserved fossil.
Cambrian Lagerstätten offer extraordinary insight into the early evolution of metazoans and their organization into complex ecosystems. Recent discoveries in the Ordovician question the traditional view of an abrupt transition between the Cambrian and Paleozoic Evolutionary Faunas. This emerging picture of a more gradual evolution of metazoan communities during the early Paleozoic stresses the need for more data on Cambrian Series 3 to Furongian Series non-biomineralized animals. Here we present some preliminary results of our investigations of the Weeks Formation Konservat Lagerstätte (Series 3: Guzhangian Stage, Cedaria Zone) of the House Range, Utah.
The Weeks Formation comprises a 300-m-thick sequence of thin-bedded lime mudstones, wackestones, and grainstones with variable amounts of shale. It represents an open-shelf marine environment and a late stage in the filling of the House Range Embayment. Two types of exceptional preservation of fossils are recognized in the Weeks Formation: 1, pyritization of major morphological details with subsequent coatings of chlorite and oxidization to iron oxides; and 2, phosphatization of digestive tracts of arthropods.
The Weeks Formation yields taxa characteristic of Cambrian Epochs 2-3, but also includes a mix of taxa representative of older and younger Konservat-lagerstätten. The biota can be considered as a transitional one that lends support to the hypothesis of more gradual evolution of metazoans during the early Paleozoic. The Weeks Formation has yielded a rich trilobite assemblage, abundant inarticulate brachiopods and sponge spicules, and rare hyolithids and echinoderms. The upper Weeks has also produced non-biomineralized and weakly biomineralized organisms. This exceptionally preserved biota is dominated by arthropods and worms (paleoscolescids, priapulids), but it also includes sponges, a possible comb jelly, and other organisms. The arthropod fauna is rich in aglaspidids, a group best known from Guzhangian-Furongian deposits. These are associated with animals characteristic of Cambrian Series 2-3 (Anomalocaris, leanchoiliids) and Ordovician (Tremaglaspis) biotas. The importance of the non-trilobite arthropod fauna is also highlighted by the presence of several species of uncertain affinities.
Some unusual fossils from the Cambrian Weeks Formation Konservat-Lagerstätte in Utah provide an opportunity to discuss these interpretive steps. The most complete specimen is inferred to be a single organism, based on the presence of a possible plane of symmetry. The repeated structures on both sides of this plane are suggestive of paired arthropod limbs: two pairs of antennae-like structures and six robust, grasping-type appendages. The second specimen is inferred to be a single appendage, similar to the grasping-type appendages mentioned above. However, it also exhibits some similarities with the grasping appendages of some better-known euarthropods (e.g. anomalocaridids), and therefore its identity remains obscure.
Sansom and colleagues suggest that stem-ward slippage may represent a general rule for other organisms. Decay experiments on arthropods suggest that this is not the case. The decay-resistant arthropod exoskeleton masks the decay of the internal anatomy. Post-mortem character loss in arthropods is driven not by decay, but by fragmentation. This often means that multiple characters are lost in fragmentation events; instead of the step-wise pattern of character loss observed by Sanson and colleagues, arthropod decay yields a tiered pattern with organisms falling to increasingly basal polytomies. Progressive decay of arthropods does not yield predictable phylogenetic placements as in chordates.
Taphonomy and decay can be confounding effects on fossil interpretation, and the ambiguity they introduce is often intractable. Two recently published pancrustacean fossils serve as examples of this. Strudiella devonica, a putative Devonian insect from Belgium, and Ebullitiocaris elatus, a putative Carboniferous anomopod cladoceran from northern England, illustrate this point. Based on comparisons with notostracan decay experiments, a fossilized notostracan decay series from the Mesozoic of China, and notostracan fossils from the same Devonian locality in Belgium, the identity of Strudiella is consistent with an interpretation as the remains of a notostracan after significant decay. Ebullitiocaris is reinterpreted after comparison with branchiopod fragmentation patterns and is found to be inconsistent with a cladoceran identity.
In contrast, the second type of trilobite gut is characterized by the presence of a crop under the anterior glabella, followed posteriorly by a simple digestive tract devoid of digestive caeca. This type seems to be associated with trilobites having a large prefrontal glabellar lobe, as also confirmed by the distribution pattern of muscle scars supposedly related to the extrinsic musculature of the crop within the Trilobita. This characterization of two distinct digestive systems in trilobites and their association with different exoskeletal characteristics is supported by several new examples of fossilized guts. However, it is also challenged by the recent observations of 1) a crop co-occurring with digestive caeca in an early meraspid olenid, 2) a crop developed ventrally (and therefore invisible from the dorsal side) in a specimen from the Weeks Formation (Cambrian), and 3) a simple digestive tract devoid of digestive caeca in a typical ptychopariid from the Cambrian of China. Comparisons with extent arthropods fail to illuminate the functional significance of these gut morphologies due to the lack of data concerning key modern taxa such as remipedians. Current investigations on this topic might prove crucial for better understanding the palaeoecology of trilobites and of Cambrian arthropods.
The preservation of digestive structures of trilobites, and more generally of Cambrian arthropods, has received little attention, despite its potential importance for revealing aspects of their biology. For example, enhanced capacities for the storage of Ca and P ions and/or P-rich food (e.g. inarticulate brachiopods, microbial mats) have been recently proposed to explain the particularly extensive phosphatisation of the gut in some trilobites from the Cambrian Weeks Formation. New data will be presented supporting the second hypothesis. From an enrolled ptychopariid from the Cambrian of China with sediment-filled gut, it can also be demonstrated without ambiguities that other trilobites were truly deposit feeders. These two examples illustrate that taphonomic explorations can be as informative as morphological investigations in the study of fossilized guts of trilobites. Techniques such as scanning electron microscopy or energy dispersive x-ray analyses, which are now available to most scientists, provide critical data and should become indispensible tools for the study of trilobite guts in the future.
In summary, our current understanding of the digestive system of trilobites is still too limited to permit general inferences on the diversity of their feeding habits and their roles in Palaeozoic marine ecosystems. However, recent investigations demonstrate the importance of a taphonomic approach to understanding trilobite biology. Furthermore, renewed study of modern analogues hold promise for generating new insights into the architecture of trilobite digestive systems.
phosphatization and the biology of organisms. Indeed, soft-tissue preservation is unusual in these fossils as it is restricted to the digestive structures, which indicates that the gut played a central role in its own phosphatization. We hypothesize that the gut provided a microenvironment there special conditions could develop and harbored a source of phosphorus. The fact that gut phosphatization has almost exclusively been observed in arthropods could be explained by their uncommon ability to store ions (including phosphorous) in their digestive tissues. However, in some specimens from the Weeks Formation, the phosphatization extends to the entire digestive system suggesting that trilobites might have had some biological particularities not observed in modern arthropods. We speculate that one of them might have been an increased capacity for ion storage in the gut tissues related to the molting of their heavily-mineralized carapace.
sequences. The putative presence and nature of adult stages remains a source of debate. We introduce a new method of coding ontogenetic data where each semaphoront (discrete larval or adult stage) is considered an OTU. This decreases the reliance on continuous timing of developmental ‘events’, and permits a theory-free identification of ontogenetic similarity. Characters and their states are carefully defined to identify specific putative homologies across taxa, as well as changes in morphology throughout ontogeny. Exemplar taxa covering most of Pancrustacea are included (both direct and indirect developers). We draw morphological data mainly from the rich ontogenetic and embryological literature, augmented with personal observations. Diverse early larval semaphoronts are found to group together rather than with their conspecific later stages, indicating a source of bias. To overcome this, two parsimony-based tree building methods are introduced.
The common Ordovician trilobite Isotelus reflects this contrast: its mineralized exoskeleton is well-known, while its soft-parts and unmineralized exoskeleton are rarely preserved. Three examples of Isotelus are known to preserve evidence of the unmineralized ventral exoskeleton in at least two different preservational modes (pyrite and calcite). Two of the three specimens are preserved in three dimensions, revealing how the body parts fit together and interacted.
Contrary to previous reports, no gut tract is preserved. In one specimen, the entire body cavity is filled with sparry calcite, as observed in trilobites from the Ordovician Walcott-Rust Quarry in upstate New York. In the pygidial region, only the axial region accommodated significant amounts of tissue. The broad pleural areas were covered ventrally by a ‘soft’ exoskeleton preserved as a thin layer of transparent spar. Head appendages are evident in only one specimen. There appears to be a differentiated smaller pair of appendages (2nd pair?) positioned under the inner margin of the hypostome. The presence of these limbs supports an earlier hypothesis of a differentiated feeding mechanism in asaphid trilobites related to their distinctive hypostome morphology. Thus, the ventral morphology of trilobites may not have been as uniform as previously thought.
In an attempt to resolve these long standing issues, we have begun a multi-faceted research program that tackles the growth, variation and taphonomy of clam shrimp. Most fossil clam shrimp are represented by the carapace only. Features of the carapace, like shape and ornamentation, have been dismissed or ignored by taxonomists who work on living species, but their utility has never been tested. Preliminary work involving the application of contemporary morphometric methods has shown that the shape of the carapace can be quantified and implemented in the identification of inter- and intra-specific (sex & ontogenetic stages) morphotypes. Meanwhile, extensive study of the ornamentation suggests that, contrary to common wisdom, it is phylogenetically useful. Although patterns of ornamentation may vary through ontogeny, they vary in predictable ways.
Furthermore, unlike most other crustacea, clam shrimp undergo incomplete molting, which means they retain a complete ontogenetic record in the morphology of the carapace. To understand what these characters means, we need to have an understanding of a) how the characters are generated, b) how they grow and c) how they are affected by taphonomic processes. By conducting taphonomic and rearing experiments, we aim to assess the factors that contribute to the condition of clam shrimp remains in the fossil record. With this data, we will discover how best to interpret them and begin to formulate a much-needed comprehensive review of the specifics of clam shrimp paleontology.