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      ParasitologyLatin American StudiesInvertebrate BiologyCentral America and Mexico
Invertebrate Biology x(x): 1-13.
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      ZoologyInvertebrate BiologyFertilizationOvary
Xiphosurids are an archaic group of aquatic chelicerate arthropods, generally known by the colloquial misnomer of ‘horseshoe crabs’. Known from marine envi- ronments as far back as the early Ordovician, horseshoe crabs are generally... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologySystematics (Taxonomy)Paleontology
We explored differences in metabolic rates of the introduced snail Cornu aspersum collected from three distant coastal locations across a 1300 km latitudinal range in Chile and raised under common-garden conditions. We measured two... more
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      PhysiologyInvertebrate BiologyInvasive species ecologyMolluscan Biology
Crustaceans in the order Spinicaudata display a broad range of reproductive strategies, ranging from pure hermaphroditism to pure dioecy (separate males and females), and intermediate combinations. One particularly interesting genus of... more
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      ZoologyInvertebrate Biology
The role of the offcuts of harvested kangaroos as a food source for native and introduced scavengers and detritivores was examined in the Roxby Downs region of arid South Australia. Corvids were the prominent users of offcuts in January... more
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      Ecosystems EcologyInvertebrate BiologyArid environmentsNutrient Cycling
BACKGROUND: In spite of its indusrial usefulness and varied daily uses, lead (Pb) pollution is a widespread ecological problem that faces the humans in the 21th century. Pb was found to produces a wide range of toxic effects including... more
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
Eucaridan evolution involved a process starting from a body organization characterized by an elongate and cylindrical cephalothorax, a well-developed abdomen composed of swimming appendages, ending in a tail fan formed by flattened... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyComplex Systems ScienceComplexity TheoryInvertebrate Biology
We compared responses of adults and larvae of the brooding corals Pocillopora damicornis and Seriatopora hystrix to 12-h exposures to constant temperature treatments (211C, 281C, or 301C) and a treatment in which temperature fluctuated... more
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      ZoologyInvertebrate BiologyTemperatureThermal fluctuation
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      Invertebrate BiologyEcologyCrayfish EcologyInfectious Diseases
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
Exceptionally preserved fossils provide crucial insights into extinct body plans and organismal evolution. Molluscs, one of the most disparate animal phyla, radiated rapidly during the early Cambrian period (approximately 535–520 million... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyPaleontologyInvertebrate Biology
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      Human Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine BiologyBiological Anthropology
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      Invertebrate BiologyBiologyBiologia
This three-volume work provides a complete study of this well-known group of animals, dealing with every level of their biological organization, from the molecular to the zoological. The leech, once so prominent in the history of... more
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      ZoologyInvertebrate BiologyInvertebratesInvertebrate Immunology
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    • Invertebrate Biology
Invertebrate/ Achatina fulica (Bekicot)
Pisces/ Cyprinus carpio (Ikan Mas)
Amphibi/ Rana sp & Bufo sp (Katak & Kodok)
Reptile/ Mabouya sp & Calotes sp (Kadal & Bunglon)
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      Invertebrate BiologyInvertebratesTaxonomyMorphology
Trabajo final para la materia Flora y Fauna Argentina de la EAN de Aves Argentinas donde se trabajó sobre el aspecto educativo y de investigacíón científica del arboretum "Árboles de Buenos Aires" ubicado en el parque "Presidente... more
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      BotanyInvertebrate BiologyÁreas Naturales ProtegidasBiología
The illaenid trilobite Vysocania is widely represented in the Upper Ordovician of the Czech Republic, Portugal and Spain, and is one of the most characteristic taxa in the high-latitude peri-Gondwana palaeobiogeographical region to which... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEvolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
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      EntomologyEthologyInvertebrate BiologyEcology
Exceptionally preserved fossils from the Palaeozoic era provide crucial insights into arthropod evolution, with recent discoveries bringing phylogeny and character homology into sharp focus. Integral to such studies are anomalocaridids, a... more
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyFunctional MorphologyInvertebrate Biology
The systematic affinities of several Palaeozoic skeletal taxa were only resolved when their soft-tissue morphology was revealed by the discovery of exceptionally preserved specimens. The conodonts provide a classic example, their... more
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      PaleobiologyZoologyPaleontologyFunctional Morphology
The renowned soft-bodied faunas of the Cambrian period, which include the Burgess Shale, disappear from the fossil record in the late Middle Cambrian, after which the Palaeozoic fauna dominates. The disappearance of faunas of Burgess... more
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyInvertebrate BiologyInvertebrates
A new aglaspidid arthropod, Chlupacaris dubia gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Pusgillian (lower Ashgill, Upper Ordovician) Upper Tiouririne Formation near Erfoud, southeastern Morocco. Although disarticulated, careful documenting... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMarine BiologyPaleontologyInvertebrate Biology
Anomalocaridids, giant lightly sclerotized invertebrate predators, occur in a number of exceptionally preserved early and middle Cambrian (542–501 million years ago) biotas and have come to symbolize the unfamiliar morphologies displayed... more
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyInvertebrate BiologyInvertebrates
"Introduction/Problem Identification In 2007, a 20-county area encompassing the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex was designated by the State as a Priority Groundwater Management Area (PGMA) in need of implementing strategies for groundwater... more
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      Aquatic EcologyInternational DevelopmentResilienceInvertebrate Biology
Suspension-feeders as factors influencing water quality in aquatic ecosystems. Page 147. Chapter of book: The Comparative Roles of Suspension-Feeders in Ecosystems; ;
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      Aquatic EcologyWaterWater qualityInvertebrate Biology
The biodiversity of coral reefs is dominated by invertebrates. Many of these invertebrates live in close association with scleractinian corals, relying on corals for food, habitat or settlement cues. Given their strong dependence on... more
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      Climate ChangeDiversityInvertebrate BiologyCoral
Physico-chemical and macrobenthic invertebrates of the intertidal zone of Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines were assessed from March to May 2014. Water temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, and type... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyInvertebrate BiologyMarine Protected Areas
The Late Cisuralian is known as a time of increasing aridity, compared to the Late Pennsylvanian–Early Cisuralian. Although several studies highlighted this trend at low latitudes of Western Pangaea, little is known from Central Pangaea... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologySystematics (Taxonomy)Palaeogeography
Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing - The 5th Virtual Multidisciplinary Conference (QUAESTI 2017)
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
Integumentary system: "External covering of the organisms which distinguishes their internal environment from external environment; functionally, it protects from germs, injuries, and predator attacks is known as integument. The function... more
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      ZoologyInvertebrate BiologyInvertebratesAnimal Physiology
An updated checklist of the freshwater decapod species of Puerto Rico is presented based on records of shrimp and crab species whose presence has been confirmed in Puerto Rico as a result of extensive field collections, examination of... more
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      Invertebrate BiologyBiologyEcologyPuerto Rico
Plusieurs Lagerstätten à échinodermes ont été découverts au cours des dix dernières années dans l'Ordovicien supérieur de l'Anti-Atlas oriental (Tafilalt occidental, Maroc). Ces niveaux ont livré des assemblages particulièrement riches et... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMarine BiologyPaleobiologyPaleontology
One of the dogmas of comparative (evolutionary) immunology for the last few decades has been that all invertebrates lack any form of immunological memory similar to that found in jawed vertebrates. Vaccinating invertebrates, such as... more
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      Invertebrate BiologyCrustaceaInvertebrate ImmunologyAquaculture
Abstract. Bivalve classification has suffered in the past from the crossed-purpose discussions among paleontologists and neontologists, and many have based their proposals on single character systems. More recently, molecular biologists... more
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      ZoologyInvertebrate BiologyMorphologySensitivity Analysis
Exceptionally preserved fossils yield crucial information about the evolution of Life on Earth. The Fezouata Biota from the Lower Ordovician of Morocco is a Konservat-Lagerstätte of major importance, and it is today considered as an... more
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      PaleontologyHistory of PaleontologyInvertebrate BiologyInvertebrates
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      Invertebrate BiologyInvertebratesDrosophila melanogasterInvertebrate Zoology
The site of Bou Nemrou, in the Western Tafilalt (eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco) is one of the very few Konservat-Lagerstätten known so far in the world to have yielded numerous remains of Late Ordovician softbodied fossils associated with... more
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyInvertebrate BiologyInvertebrates
Procambarus clarkii juveniles were used as an aquatic model to investigate growth performance and immune parameters after 6 weeks of feeding with supplementation of ten experimental diets containing 1%, 2%, 3% Biogen (as probiotics),... more
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    • Invertebrate Biology
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
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      Evolutionary BiologyMarine BiologyPaleontologyInvertebrate Biology
A cladistic analysis of 87 morphological and life history characters of medusozoan cnidarians, rooted with Anthozoa, results in the phylogenetic hypothesis (Anthozoa (Hydrozoa (Scyphozoa (Staurozoa, Cubozoa)))). Staurozoa is a new class... more
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      ZoologyInvertebrate Biology
While transplantation procedures are often associated with biomedical applications, they are also an invaluable tool for basic research. This review focuses on how transplantation techniques have been used to understand the biology of... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyDevelopmental BiologyRegenerationEvolutionary Developmental Biology
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyAquatic EcologyInvertebrate Biology
RESUMEN. Medusas, sifonóforos y ctenóforos son organismos ecológicamente importantes por su papel como depredadores voraces en la cadena trófica, ya que en altas densidades ocasionan problemas económicos. En las costas mexicanas del Golfo... more
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      Marine BiologyZoologyAquatic EcologyMarine Ecology
A taxonomic study has been carried out on the historical Gerola Valley locality (Pizzo del Diavolo formation, late Cisuralian), which represents one of the best tetrapod ichnosites of the whole Southern Alps (North Italy). With respect to... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologySystematics (Taxonomy)Palaeoclimatology
El Orden Trichoptera pertenece a los insectos acuáticos holometábolos (con estadios de huevo – larva – pupa – adulto) y se considera un grupo relacionado con el orden Lepidoptera (mariposas y polillas) (Holzenthal et al. 2007). A pesar de... more
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      Invertebrate BiologyAgricultural EntomologyInvertebrate ZoologyContaminación del Agua