Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Organisation, Leadership and Management
This article theorizes how public performances matter in international negotiations. Studies of international negotiations are predominantly focused on power-political instruments in use around the negotiating table. I argue that public... more
This paper analyses productive patterns through which school superintendents and subordinated principals collaborate at the local levels of implementation in the Nordic countries. The underlying theoretical premise is that the school... more
Dialogues and relations between interdependent leaders working at different hierarchical levels within a given school governance system are crucial for developing shared understandings which are seen as a prerequisite for school... more
There is a growing body of action research on school improvement and development. Many of these studies have found the use of critical friendship valuable in relation to teachers’ or principals’ practice. Yet, little attention has been... more
Increased attention has been paid to school superintendents and their role in school reforms. Still, there are few studies on dialogue meetings between actors at different levels in the school hierarchy. The current paper investigates how... more
Dialogues and relations between interdependent leaders working at different hierarchical levels within a given school governance system are crucial for developing shared understandings which are seen as a prerequisite for effective school... more
This paper analyses productive patterns through which school superintendents and subordinated principals collaborate at the local levels of implementation in the Nordic countries. The underlying theoretical premise is that the school... more
There is a growing body of action research on school improvement and development. Many of these studies have found the use of critical friendship valuable in relation to teachers' or principals' practice. Yet, little attention has been... more
In the south-western Mediterranean area, there is a very vulnerable environment, due to geographical, demographical and gopolitical factors. Especially water resources are disputed in the region. Palestinian refugees living in camps in... more
The proposed action is aimed at consolidating a constructive dialogue between the EU and India on migration covering all migration-related aspects. The objectives of the proposed action are aimed at:
The Etiology of Monoculturalism: Norwegian National Strategists Against Working People and Indigenous People The new multiculturalism is much debated. However, there is less problematization of the concept of cultural unity, what we... more
This report provides an overview of existing social science knowledge about Norwegian residents of Indian origin. This is relevant for policy makers in Europe and India, because the Norwegian case, in spite of its small size, is well... more