Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Kenken"
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A: "Kenken is the one I really like as a friend and my girlfriend always admires."
B: "Kenken is the one who I really like as a friend and my girlfriend always admires."
C: "Kenken is the one who I really like as a friend and who my girlfriend always admires."
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B: "Kenken is the one who I really like as a friend and my girlfriend always admires."
C: "Kenken is the one who I really like as a friend and who my girlfriend always admires."
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All are correct (informal English) and natural, but C is the best-constructed sentence.
"I was supposed to meet with Kenken to talk about my investment in the virtual currency, but I was too tired to do that, so I canceled it at the last minute. I wanted to have dinner with him, though. "
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Hello! Do you think the sentences above sound natural? Thank you.
Hi again! It's mostly correct but there's some things that have to be tweaked.
I was supposed to meet with Kenken to discuss my virtual currency investments, but I was too tired so I called it off at the last minute. I missed the chance to take him out for dinner as well.
I was supposed to meet with Kenken to discuss my virtual currency investments, but I was too tired so I called it off at the last minute. I missed the chance to take him out for dinner as well.
(Kenken works at a pizza restaurant)
"I accompanied Kenken delivering pizza. I was just sitting on the passenger's seat and didn't do anything, but I was surprised that he delivered 55 pizzas in 2 hours."
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"I accompanied Kenken delivering pizza. I was just sitting on the passenger's seat and didn't do anything, but I was surprised that he delivered 55 pizzas in 2 hours."
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Yes. You would have no problem being understood in the U.S.
A: "Kenken works best of all the people in this office."
B: "Kenken works the hardest of all the people in this office."
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B: "Kenken works the hardest of all the people in this office."
Hello! Do you think the sentences above sound natural? Also, do you think they are the same in the meaning? Thank you!
B is good.
A should be "Kenken is the best worker of all the people in this office." or "Kenken is the best worker in this office."
A should be "Kenken is the best worker of all the people in this office." or "Kenken is the best worker in this office."
A: "I heard that Kenken is retiring in March. I was surprised. I wonder who will be his replacement."
B: "I heard that kenken is retiring in March. I was surprised. I wonder who will be his successor."
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B: "I heard that kenken is retiring in March. I was surprised. I wonder who will be his successor."
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A is good. B is not. It’s because Kenken seems like a name and should be capitalized
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