Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Preguntas"
Example sentences using "Preguntas"
Please show me example sentences with preguntas sobre el clima.
How's the weather?
Como esta el clima?
Is it raining?
Esta lloviendo?
Is it hot (outside)?
Hace calor (afuera)?
Is it cold (outside)?
Hace frio (afuera)?
Will it rain tomorrow/today?
Llovera mañana/hoy?
How cold/hot is it?
Que frio/caliente esta?
Como esta el clima?
Is it raining?
Esta lloviendo?
Is it hot (outside)?
Hace calor (afuera)?
Is it cold (outside)?
Hace frio (afuera)?
Will it rain tomorrow/today?
Llovera mañana/hoy?
How cold/hot is it?
Que frio/caliente esta?
Please show me example sentences with does en preguntas , en cuales tndria que utilizarlo.
Se usa en preguntas que no usan el verbo "to be" o otras verbas "modales" (can, may, might, must, should, will, would).
Do you speak English? Yes, I speak English.
Does John play the piano? Yes, John plays the piano.
Do they like to read? Yes, they like to read.
What do you speak? I speak English.
Where does John play piano? John plays the piano at the coffee shop.
When do they like to read? They like to read at night.
Is John Canadian? Yes, John is Canadian. (no "Does John be Canadian?")
Can John play piano? Yes, John can play piano. (no "Does John can play the piano?")
Do you speak English? Yes, I speak English.
Does John play the piano? Yes, John plays the piano.
Do they like to read? Yes, they like to read.
What do you speak? I speak English.
Where does John play piano? John plays the piano at the coffee shop.
When do they like to read? They like to read at night.
Is John Canadian? Yes, John is Canadian. (no "Does John be Canadian?")
Can John play piano? Yes, John can play piano. (no "Does John can play the piano?")
Please show me example sentences with preguntas con "is" y "are".
Are you in bed?
Are you at home?
Are you okay?
Are these my rights?
Is this yours?(keys, clothes, shoes)
Are you at home?
Are you okay?
Are these my rights?
Is this yours?(keys, clothes, shoes)
Please show me example sentences with 10 preguntas sobre los planes a futuro con respuestas .
What are you doing tonight?
I'm going out with my friends.
When are you going to Mexico?
As soon as I get enough money.
What do you think you will do when your Mom dies?
I'll probably move into her house and have a big party.
How many years do you plan on spending in Argentina?
I will live there as long as Kirchner stays out of power.
When will you be here?
In another two hours, I have to finish this project first.
Why is she going over to Frank's house?
Because he promised her he would make dinner for her.
Are you excited that Donald Trump might be our next president?
Yes! I am a wall builder and he is going to make me rich.
Where are you going with that watermelon?
I'm going to take it to the store so I can return it. It tasted terrible.
What are you going to take in college?
I'm not sure. Maybe law. I like the idea of suing people for a living.
Are you going to try hiNative?
I might try it tomorrow. I have to buy a new computer first.
What are you doing tonight?
I'm going out with my friends.
When are you going to Mexico?
As soon as I get enough money.
What do you think you will do when your Mom dies?
I'll probably move into her house and have a big party.
How many years do you plan on spending in Argentina?
I will live there as long as Kirchner stays out of power.
When will you be here?
In another two hours, I have to finish this project first.
Why is she going over to Frank's house?
Because he promised her he would make dinner for her.
Are you excited that Donald Trump might be our next president?
Yes! I am a wall builder and he is going to make me rich.
Where are you going with that watermelon?
I'm going to take it to the store so I can return it. It tasted terrible.
What are you going to take in college?
I'm not sure. Maybe law. I like the idea of suing people for a living.
Are you going to try hiNative?
I might try it tomorrow. I have to buy a new computer first.
Please show me example sentences with preguntas con will.
"Will you answer my question?" ;)
Synonyms of "Preguntas" and their differences
What is the difference between preguntas con la palabra “are” and preguntar con la palabra “Do” I don’t understand 😭 ?
Are = ser o estar
Do = hacer
Are = ser o estar
Do = hacer
Translations of "Preguntas"
How do you say this in English (US)? me preguntas que porque no tengo foto de perfil?
-“Are you asking me why I don’t have a profile picture?”
How do you say this in English (US)? Me preguntas a mi?
“You ask me”
Doesn’t sound natural.
Did you mean, “Are you asking me?” “Me estas preguntando?”
Doesn’t sound natural.
Did you mean, “Are you asking me?” “Me estas preguntando?”
How do you say this in English (US)? preguntas
Preguntas = Questions 😊
Por ejemplo : Those questions of the exam were so hard! (esas preguntas del examen eran muy difíciles!)
Por ejemplo : Those questions of the exam were so hard! (esas preguntas del examen eran muy difíciles!)
How do you say this in English (US)? preguntas llenas, respuestas vacías
Full questions, empty answers
How do you say this in English (US)? ¡Cuantas preguntas renacieron en su mente frente a ese caserón! Durante años las ocultó en el subconsciente como quien se empeña en tapar el sol con un dedo, a sabiendas que el sol tarde o temprano se impone y expone y quema y prevalece
How many questions in your mind they reborn in front of that big house ! For years he hid in the subconscious as one who strives to cover the sun with a finger , knowing that sooner or later the sun prevails and forth and burn and prevails in
Other questions about "Preguntas"
¿Qué preguntas puedo hacer para la siguiente respuesta: Every 4 years.?
How often does a leap year occur?
When are the Olympics held?
When are the Olympics held?
¿Hay preguntas con "some"? ¿Cómo serían por ejemplo?, si alguien me pueda aclarar porque estoy aprendiendo de excepciones ya que este se usa en mayoría como tengo entendido en oraciones afirmativas.
Do you have some money to borrow ?
Have you heard some good music recently ?
Have you heard some good music recently ?
cómo le preguntas a alguien si tuvo un buen viaje?
Have you had a good trip?
Have you had a good journey?
Have you had a good journey?
¿Qué preguntas puedo hacer para mantener una buena conversación?
¿Con persona nueva o persona conocida?
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