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This investigation was performed to see the regularity of parameters in the modified mixture of experts (MoE) to direct parameter selection in real applications. The experiment was performed on the mean of monthly precipitation in May... more
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      Software EngineeringInformation ScienceExpert SystemsStatistical Analysis
With the proliferation of novel paradigms in distributed systems, including service-oriented computing, ubiquitous computing or self-organizing systems, an efficient distributed management system needs to work effectively even in face of... more
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      Service Oriented ComputingUbiquitous ComputingDistributed SystemBayesian Network
In real-life distributed systems, dynamic changes are unavoidable properties because of the degeneration or improvement in system performance. Hence to understand the dynamic changes and to "catch the trend" of the changes in distributed... more
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      Distributed SystemBayesian NetworkDegenerationSystem performance
The level of seriousness and sophistication of recent cyber-attacks has risen dramatically over the past decade. This brings great challenges for network protection and the automatic security management. Quick and exact localization of... more
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      Network ManagementSecurity ManagementIntrusion DetectionParallel & Distributed Computing
Overlay networks are becoming widely used for content delivery and file sharing services because they provide effective and reliable services by creating a virtual topology on top of existing networks. However, the management of overlay... more
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      Network ManagementVirtual Private NetworkFile SharingPeer to Peer
When a complex information system is modelled by a Bayesian network the backward inference is normal requirement in system management. This paper proposes one inference algorithm in Bayesian networks, which can track the strongest causes... more
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      System ManagementParallel & Distributed ComputingBayesian NetworkInformation System
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      Artificial IntelligentInternet ArchitectureBayesian NetworkProbabilistic Inference
With the rising popularity of the Internet, the resulting increase in the number of available vulnerable machines, and the elevated sophistication of the malicious code itself, the detection and prevention of unknown malicious codes meet... more
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      Software EngineeringInformation ScienceComputer VisionStatistical Analysis
The growing complexity of distributed systems in terms of hardware components, operating system, communication and application software and the huge amount of dependencies among them have caused an increase in demand for distributed... more
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      Distributed ComputingPerformance ManagementDistributed SystemOPERATING SYSTEM
The growing complexity of IP networks in terms of hardware components, operating system, communication and application software and the huge amount of dependencies among them have caused an increase in demand for network management... more
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      Fault DetectionOPERATING SYSTEMIP networksdynamic Bayesian network
As networks grow in size, heterogeneity, and complexity of applications and network services, an efficient network management system needs to work effectively even in face of incomplete management information, uncertain situations and... more
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      Network ManagementBayesian NetworkNetwork ServicesProbabilistic Inference
Recent years, requirements in network management and control have been amended by emerging network and computing models, including wireless networks, ad-hoc networks, overlay networks, Grid networks, optical networks, multimedia networks,... more
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      Network ManagementMultimedia NetworkingWireless NetworkService management
Bayesian networks have been used widely in modelling complex network systems. Probabilistic inferences are normal requirements in control and management of networks, particularly in modelling diagnosis systems for large and complex... more
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      Complex networkBayesian NetworkDynamic EnvironmentProbabilistic Inference
As demands for higher data rates increase, DSL systems become incapable of keeping up due to the electromagnetic coupling present in the binders of the telephone lines. This electromagnetic coupling, known as crosstalk, is several orders... more
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      CrosstalkDigital Subscriber LinesLow ComplexityElectromagnetic coupling
Email categorization is challenging due to its sparse and noisy feature space. To address this problem, a novel semantic Vector Space Model (sVSM) using WordNet is proposed in this paper. The basic idea of sVSM is to select related... more
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      Vector Space ModelExperimental EvaluationFeature Space
Recent years, requirements in network management and control have been amended by emerging network and computing models, including wireless networks, ad-hoc networks, overlay networks, Grid networks, optical networks, multimedia networks,... more
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      Network ManagementMultimedia NetworkingWireless NetworkService management
Overlay networks are becoming widely used for content delivery and file sharing services because they provide effective and reliable services by creating a virtual topology on top of existing networks. However, the management of overlay... more
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      Network ManagementVirtual Private NetworkFile SharingPeer to Peer
Detta arbete har som syfte att studera upplevd Agency. I bakgrunden för arbetet presenteras tidigare studier kring Agency och val i spel. Dessa används sedan för att ta fram tre designprinciper: Tydlighet, motivation och variation.... more
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      Video Game DesignAgency