Panca Maha Bhuta

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1. Prthivi adalah unsur padat atau tanah

2. Apah adalah unsur cair atau air
3. Teja adalah unsur cahaya atau api
4. Bayu adalah unsur angina atau udara
5. Akasa adalah ruang atau ether
6. Trana adalah jenis rumput yang hidup di air maupun di darat
7. Lata adalah jenis tumbuh-tumbuhan yang menjalar pada pohon dan
8. Taru adalah jenis semak dan pepohonan
9. Gulma adalah jenis pohon yang bagian dalamnya berongga
10. Janggama adalah jenis tumbuhan yang hidupnya menumpang pada
tumbuhan yang lain
11. Swedaya adalah jenis binatang yang memiliki satu sel dan hidup di air
maupun di darat
12. Andaya adalah jenis binatang yang bertelur dan biasanya hidup di air
maupun di darat
13. Jarayudha adalah jenis binatang yang menyusui
14. Nara marga adalah manusia setengah binatang
15. Wamana adalah manusia kerdil
16. Jatma adalah manusia yang paling sempurna
Panca Maha Bhuta

1. Prthivi is a solid or soil element

2. Apah Is the element of liquid or water
3. Teja is an element of light or fire
4. Bayu is an element of air
5. Akasa is space or ether
6. Trana is a type of grass that lives in water and on land
7. Lata is a type of plant that spreads to tress and soil
8. Taru is a type of bush and trees
9. Weed is a type of tree with a hollow inside
10. Janggama is a type of plant that lives in other plants
11. Swedaya is a type of animal that has one cell and lives in water and on
12. Andaya is a type of animal that lays eggs and usually lives in water and
on land
13. Jarayudha is a type of breastfeeding animal
14. Nara Marga is a half-animal human
15. Wamana is a dwarf human
16. Jatma is the most perfect human being
However, one of the main ideas behind Hinduism is the idea of “Dharma” or “duty”.

The word “Dharma” is a difficult word to translate into English because it has so many

However, Dharma usually means ‘right conduct or behavior’. But remember that what is
right conduct for a king may well be quite different from what is right conduct for a

Unlike most other religions, Hinduism has no agreed set of beliefs which every follower
must accept. Hindus are free to believe what they like about God, life after death and
the creation of the world.

However, there are, at least, three parts of Hinduism that most Hindus accept.

a. The Vedas : a collection of ancient hymns to the Gods

b. The practice of castle, the complex class structure of indian society
c. The belief in moksha or freedom from the cycle of birth and rebirth.

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