9765 41435 1 PB
9765 41435 1 PB
9765 41435 1 PB
2 (2022): 115-125
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21580/wjit.2022.4.2.9765
Copyright © 2022 WJIT: Walisongo Journal of Information Technology
Currently, it is believed that information technology (IT) plays an important
role in enhancing competitive advantage. Facts have proven that information
technology creates value for organizations. Organizations are increasingly
relying on information technology to stay competitive, including at Al Islam
boarding school, Kidul Pasar, Malang. In this study, the design of the IT
governance model for Al Islam boarding school is presented using the Control
Objective for Information Technologies (COBIT) framework version 4.1 in the
Deliver and Support (DS) and Monitor and Evaluate (ME) domains. The model
design is adapted to the business characteristics, strategies and objectives of
the Al Islam Boarding School. This research is expected to be a reference in IT
management at Al Islam Boarding School and other Islamic boarding schools.
The research method begins with identifying the vision, mission and goals of the
Al Islam boarding school organization. The next step is to identify management
awareness of the functions of IT assets in supporting the achievement of the
boarding school’s vision and mission. From these data it can be determined
the appropriate maturity target for Al Islam Boarding School. After that, it
was followed by assessing the current level of maturity through questionnaires
and interviews with respondents related to IT management. The follow-up is
to make recommendations on 16 objective controls in the DS domain and 4
objective controls in the ME domain.
Saat ini, diyakini bahwa teknologi informasi (TI) berperan penting dalam
meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif. Fakta telah membuktikan bahwa
teknologi informasi menciptakan nilai bagi organisasi. Organisasi semakin
bergantung pada teknologi informasi agar tetap kompetitif, termasuk di
Pondok Pesantren Al Islam, Kidul Pasar, Kota Malang. Dalam penelitian ini
Arliyana, A. (2018), ‘Analisa Tingkat Kematangan Tata Kelola Sistem Teknologi
Informasi dan Komunikasi (Studi Kasus : UPT Perpustakaan STMIK Palangkaraya)’,
Jurnal SAINTEKOM 8(1), 52.
URL: https://ojs.stmikplk.ac.id/index.php/saintekom/article/view/46
Marzuki, K., Apriani dan Azhar Mardedi, L. Z. (2019), ‘Evaluasi Penerapan Teknologi
Informasi E-Learning Pada Kampus Swasta Menggunakan Cobit 4.1 (Study Kasus
Prodi Ilkom Universitas Bumigora)’, Jurnal Bumigora Information Technology
(BITe) 1(2), 161–166.
URL: https://journal.universitasbumigora.ac.id/index.php/bite/article/view/598