Papers by Margareta Gregurović
![Research paper thumbnail of Law Students and Social Distance towards Migrants and Some Other Relevant Groups in Croatia](
Treatises and Documents, Journal of Ethnic Studies, 2022
Increased migration and the effects of the 2015/16 European migration/refugee crisis are reflecte... more Increased migration and the effects of the 2015/16 European migration/refugee crisis are reflected in changes in the attitudes towards migrants and members of certain religions. Law students, who are thought to come into contact with the issue of migration in their work, are of greater concern. This paper presents the results of a survey conducted in 2019 among 1 st and 4 th year law students at four law schools in Croatia. The study aims to determine how close a relationship (on Bogardus' social distance scale) law students would achieve with the various types of migrants, Roma, and members of different religions. The results show that law students are likely to have the closest relationship with immigrants from North America and Western European countries and express the greatest average distance towards asylum seekers. They associate the greatest social closeness with Catholics. The analyses of the effects of sociodemographic characteristics, contextual indicators, and value orientations and attitudes on social distance imply that nationalism has the strongest effect on all groups.
![Research paper thumbnail of Pandemic Management Systems and Migration](
Migracijske i etničke teme /Migration and Ethnic Themes, 2020
Fast development and transmission of disease poses a health threat for a larger population and af... more Fast development and transmission of disease poses a health threat for a larger population and affects the functioning of almost all social systems, both within and outside nation-state borders, thus also affecting the possibilities of free migration and movement. The main aim of this article is to discuss the principal mechanisms of disease control in relation to migration in various socio-historical contexts. It identifies and compares historical patterns and contemporary measures of preventive control systems while considering the wider social context and migrants’ specific position. This paper combines the historical insights into various administrative and political systems in Europe and Croatia that have sought adequate measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases with the current state of the affair in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of the regulation and management of the contemporary COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions have been introduced on cross-border movement and travel. Those restrictions and quarantine measures have abruptly halted not only international but also migration within the borders of nation-states, especially during the first wave of the pandemic in spring 2020. Emphasis has been placed on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on labour and forced migration, as well as on the trends in public attitudes on immigrants affected by pandemic management mechanisms.
![Research paper thumbnail of Stambena integracija imigranata iz Bih u Hrvatskoj: primjer Grada Zagreba / Housing integration of immigrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Croatia: example of the City of Zagreb](
Geoadria, 2020
This paper analyses the results of the research on housing integration as the important part of f... more This paper analyses the results of the research on housing integration as the important part of functional integration of most numerous immigrant group in Croatia – Croatian citizens who were born in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The analysed survey (CAPI) was conducted in 2014 in Sesvete, a district in the City of Zagreb, on a judgemental/purposive sample of 301 respondents. The aim of the paper is to analyse objective housing conditions (home ownership, housing quality, and neighbourhood) and subjective assessments of the indicators of housing integration of immigrants from BiH living in one of City of Zagreb. Mostly descriptive analyses were employed, complemented with selected tests of relations between two or more respondents’ characteristics and their estimations of housing standard and quality. While deriving conclusions from the obtained results, special attention was attached to the limitations of the sampling methods and specific characteristics of the target population of immigrants from BiH. Depending on the ethnic affiliation of immigrants, their language, history and cultural tradition are identical (for Croats) or very similar (Serbs and Bosniaks) to the majority population in the host country creating the circumstances and characteristics which make the process of integration easier in all of its aspects. The analysed indicators of housing integration and development of housing quality of immigrants included in the survey confirmed a high level of its successfulness. In all characteristics of housing: home ownership, type of dwelling (house or apartment) and infrastructural facilities, the immigrants from BiH do not differ from the total population of Croatia, while they are above average in size of total living area and number of rooms. Significant differences were obtained in regard to period and main reason of migration to Croatia. The analysis of comparative estimation of housing quality and general life standard in Zagreb in 2014 and in BiH in the period of migration showed that significant proportion of respondents (57%) considers their housing and living standard in Croatia to be better than if they stayed in BiH.
Pandemija i migracije, 2020
According to the 2011 census, among the 584,947 people born abroad who live in Croatia 70 per cen... more According to the 2011 census, among the 584,947 people born abroad who live in Croatia 70 per cent were born in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). With the aim of determining the perception of acceptance and sense of belonging to the new social environment, i.e. the City of Zagreb and Croatia, this paper presents the results of empirical research conducted on judgemental/purposive sample (N = 301) of adult Croatian citizens born in B&H and living in Zagreb-Sesvete. The results suggest that, on average, the immigrants from B&H feel very accepted in the local community, and their origin is not an obstacle to acceptance and adaptation to the social environment. They also cherish their relationships with neighbours. Furthermore, they show a higher level of sense of belonging to the city and the country in which they live as opposed to the country of origin.
![Research paper thumbnail of Doseljavanje iz BiH u Hrvatsku: migracijski obrasci doseljenika u Zagrebu (Migration from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Croatia: Migration Patterns of Immigrants in Zagreb)](
Stanovništvo, 2018
The 2011 population census recorded 4,290,612 residents of Croatia among which 584,947 or 13.7% w... more The 2011 population census recorded 4,290,612 residents of Croatia among which 584,947 or 13.7% were born abroad. Even though the most of them were born in Bosnia and Herzegovina (70% or 409,357) no research was conducted about this significant group of immigrants. This paper analyses the migration flows between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia during the last 60 years, especially focusing on demographic data available from diverse secondary sources and data on migration history and transnational activities obtained through empirical study “The Effects of Immigration from Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Sociodemographic Development of Croatian Urban Areas”. The survey was conducted in 2014 in Sesvete, district of City of Zagreb on a judgemental/purposive sample of 301 adult Croatian residents born in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Historical events (especially war) and economic developments had the influence on the number of immigrants as well as their motivation and decision to move from Bosnia and Hercegovina to Croatia. The data obtained through secondary sources and the results of conducted survey confirmed the shift in dominant migration patterns during three periods. First period, after the WWII until beginning of 1990s, indicated mostly labour migration where the migrations from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Croatia were mostly driven by economic underdevelopment of the country of origin and directed towards Croatian commercial and industrial centres. In the first half of 1990s the change of socio-political system (breakup of the former federal state) and the war in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina induced significant forced migrations directed towards Croatia. After the end of the war and due to the consequences of armed conflict effecting the contemporary socioeconomic and political development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a part of its citizens who were temporary settled in Croatia (as labour migrants or refugees) or elsewhere abroad, decided not to move back to Bosnia and Herzegovina but permanently stay in or move to Croatia. This was followed by the new period of migration driven (again) mostly by economic reasons complemented by general social situation and advanced unfavourable demographic processes in Bosnia and Hercegovina. These conditions stimulated the citizens of Bosnia and Hercegovina to migrate more frequently to other, economically more developed countries (Germany, Austria) effecting significantly the number of immigrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Croatia. The respondents included in empirical research are mostly Croats by ethnic affiliation (93.4%) and 99% of them have Croatian citizenship. In the highest proportion they migrated to Croatia during the 1990s. The results showed statistically significant correlation between the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina from where they moved to Croatia and the period of migration (the most numerous migrations were recorded from the area of the contemporary Republika Srpska). Three most frequent reasons of migration were war destruction (41.5%), economic reasons (33.2%) and family reasons (13%). Almost two thirds of respondents (63.1%) had no prior migration experience and more than 90% plan to stay permanently in Croatia. The study also confirmed significant social and transnational activities of immigrants. However, these respondents cannot be considered as the “typical mi-grants” since they largely share language, culture and tradition of receiving society which presents a favourable environment for their legal/political, socioeconomic and sociocultural integration.
![Research paper thumbnail of Kulturni kapital i obrazovne nejednakosti u Hrvatskoj, Njemačkoj i Danskoj: usporedna analiza PISA 2009 podataka (Cultural Capital and Educational Inequality in Croatia, Germany and Denmark: A Comparative Analysis of the PISA 2009 Data)](
Starting from Bourdieu's theory of cultural and social reproduction, the paper seeks to examine t... more Starting from Bourdieu's theory of cultural and social reproduction, the paper seeks to examine the relationship between socioeconomic background, cultural capital and academic achievement in three national educational systems: Croatian, German and Danish. The analyses are based on PISA 2009 survey data (N(C)=4 994; N(G)=4 979; N(D)=5 924). Regression analyses were performed in order to examine the effects of students’ socioeconomic background on their scientific literacy, the mediation of this relationship by cultural capital, and the effects of cultural capital for students of lower or higher socioeconomic status. The results indicate a positive correlation between students’ socioeconomic status and scientific literacy in all three countries, with the correlation strength in German students’ sample being the highest. Cultural capital of students in all three countries mediates the effect of family’s socioeconomic status on scientific literacy, although the mediator effects vary significantly between the Croatian, German and Danish students. Interaction effects of socioeconomic status and cultural capital are present in the German and Danish students’ samples, in which educational exclusion occurs primarily through embodied cultural dispositions.
![Research paper thumbnail of Minority Status Effect: Ethnic Distance and Attitudes Towards Ethnic Minorities in Eastern Croatia and Vojvodina](
Ethnic Groups at the Beginning of the 21st Century, 2018
Different social statuses of three groups: Croats from Eastern Croatia (ethnic majority), Croats ... more Different social statuses of three groups: Croats from Eastern Croatia (ethnic majority), Croats from Vojvodina (ethnic minority) and Serbs from Eastern Croatia (ethnic minority) and the country-specific legislative frameworks referring to ethnic minority rights are taken as the starting point in this paper aiming to identify the differences between these groups in expressing specific ethnic attitudes and social distance towards members of ethnic/national minorities. The paper is based on the survey data collected in 2013 (N = 1431) in eastern Croatia (Slavonia) and north Serbia (Vojvodina). Along with the modified Bogardus social distance scale, several measuring scales have been employed to analyse the attitudes expressed towards ethnic minorities (ethnocentrism scale, ethnic minority threat perception scale, ethnic exclusionism scale and Serbian minority rights perception scale). Series of bivariate analyses yielded several significant results: 1)Croats in the status of ethnic majority to the greatest extent perceive ethnic minorities as threat, support to the most the activities that exclude members of ethnic minorities from everyday social life, they especially stand out in diminishing of the importance of special rights of Serbian ethnic minority in Croatia, and express the strongest ethnic distance towards Serbs ; 2) Serbs from Croatia, in the status of ethnic minority, most oppose the exclusionist attitudes towards ethnic minorities, particularly emphasize the importance of realization of the rights of the Serbian national minority in Croatia but express the strongest ethnic distance towards Croats and members of other ethnic minorities in Croatia ; and 3) Croats from Serbia, in the status of ethnic minority, to the lowest extent incline towards ethnocentric attitudes and express lowest social distance towards members of the constituent peoples of former Yugoslavia in the status of ethnic minorities. The obtained results are interpreted within the context of threat perception theory and the results of other studies in the field of sociology of ethnic relations.
Sažetak U članku se prikazuju pokušaji konceptualiziranja i objašnjenja segregacije te se ukazuje... more Sažetak U članku se prikazuju pokušaji konceptualiziranja i objašnjenja segregacije te se ukazuje na činjenicu da općenite klasifi kacije i taksonomije ne mogu objasniti fenomen, a pogotovo ne mogu predvidjeti koncentraciju populacija i grupa u analitički ciljanim fi zičkim prostorima. Segregacija populacija u različitim sredinama varira prema demografskim karakteristikama segregirane populacije kao i prema stupnju koncentriranosti i miješanja s ostalim populacijama u određenom fi zičkom prostoru. Osim u slučajevima potpune segregacije, poput geta, nije moguće teorijski utvrditi koliki stupanj koncentracije i odvojenosti od ostalih populacija nedvosmisleno određuje fenomen segregacije. Upravo zato su pokušaji postavljanja teorija koji se temelje većinom samo na opažanju koncentracije sličnih populacija te post hoc objašnjenjima vrlo ograničeni te se njihove tvrdnje često ne mogu transferirati na druge, čak i slične slučajeve. Čini se da jedino teorije socijalnih prostora, posebice konzekventnija primjena teorije socijalnog prostora i prisvojenog fi zičkog prostora Pierrea Bourdieua može koncep-tima segregacije dati objašnjavajuću i predviđajuću moć te ih tako riješiti površnosti i zatvorenosti deskripcije i paušalne klasifi kacije.
Croat Med J, Jan 1, 2005
To asses the prevalence and correlates of female sexual problems in a community sample in the Cro... more To asses the prevalence and correlates of female sexual problems in a community sample in the Croatian capital of Zagreb.
![Research paper thumbnail of Attitudes towards Immigrant Workers and Asylum Seekers in Eastern Croatia: Dimensions, Determinants and Differences](
SUMMARY Croatia's accession to the EU has brought new challenges and issues in researching and an... more SUMMARY Croatia's accession to the EU has brought new challenges and issues in researching and analysing migration flows and trends as well as attitudes and perceptions of real and potential newcomers. The aim of this paper is to explore attitudes of the residents of the two most easterly Croatian counties towards two distinct categories of newcomers: immigrant workers and asylum seekers. The research was conducted shortly after Croatia's entry into the EU, in September 2013, and the presented data are a part of a larger survey that included various migration and ethnicity issues. The survey was applied on a convenience sample of 1 110 adult respondents in two counties: Osijek-Baranja and Vukovar-Srijem. Data were analysed in a series of mul-tivariate procedures. Results indicated significant perceptions of immigrant workers within the dimension of cultural threat, along with the expression of a considerable degree of social distance towards them. Asylum seekers were further perceived as a security and economic threat. Within two analysed regression models, the effects on attitudes towards immigrant workers and asylum seekers were similar. Among the spectrum of socio-demographic variables, a statistically significant effect on both dependent variables came from age and political orientation, indicating that older and politically right-oriented respondents expressed more negative attitudes towards both groups. Among other socio-demographic variables, education was significant in predicting attitudes towards immigrant workers, while ethnicity was significant in predicting the attitudes towards asylum seekers. The second model analysed the effect of selected political attitudes and value orientations resulting in significant prediction of negative attitudes towards both groups by pronounced conservativ-ism, support of aggression and submission, social-dominance, dominant submis-40_Gregurović-Župarić-Iljić-Kuti.indd 91 5/9/2016 4:07:42 PM
![Research paper thumbnail of Satisfaction with the quality of life on Croatian small islands: Zlarin, Kaprije and Žirje](
Island Studies Journal, May 3, 2015
The purpose of this study is to determine the levels of satisfaction with various life domains th... more The purpose of this study is to determine the levels of satisfaction with various life domains that constitute objective conditions of the quality of island life, and which influence the perception of islanders’ personal well-being among the inhabitants of three small islands (Zlarin, Kaprije and Žirje) in Croatia. The obtained results are based on a resident survey (N=141). A quality of life assessment was carried out by recognizing the specificity of an island’s surface area and its population (small communities, mostly elderly people), as well as by evaluating choices that respondents perceive to be important for their well-being. Based on applied multivariate analyses, the research suggests that life satisfaction, besides a significant correlation with material status (income), is also greatly affected by the extent of preserved social values, common to the rural communities to which the observed islands belong, such as the closeness of personal relationships (level of acceptance in the local community, solidarity) and the social order maintained through informal control (which provides a sense of security). Both islanders who have never lived off their island, as well as returnees and in-migrants, positively value the way of life in island communities.
British Journal of Sociology of Education, Feb 6, 2015
Using PISA 2009 data for Croatia, this paper addresses the relationship between socio-economic ba... more Using PISA 2009 data for Croatia, this paper addresses the relationship between socio-economic background, cultural capital and educational attainment. Following Bourdieu, we emphasized the importance of interpreting cultural capital effects as effects of family habitus. The results indicated that the material and the relational dimension of cultural capital
had independent effects on science literacy results. Although there was no significant interaction effect between socio-economic status and cultural capital, the analysis suggested both a tendency for social reproduction as well as the possibility for social mobility of students with lower socio-economic status.
![Research paper thumbnail of Generacijske razlike u odnosu prema etničkoj različitosti: stavovi hrvatskih srednjoškolaca i njihovih roditelja (Generational Differences in Relation to Ethnic Diversity: The Attitudes of Croatian Secondary School Pupils and Their Parents)](
Revija za sociologiju, Dec 1, 2014
Starting from the importance attached to ethnicity in contemporary Croatian society, this paper i... more Starting from the importance attached to ethnicity in contemporary Croatian society, this paper is based on research aimed at exploring the similarities and differences in attitudes regarding ethnic diversity expressed by two family generations in Croatia, secondary school pupils and their parents. The purpose of these attitude comparisons is to try to establish intergenerational similarities and differences, to determine their indicators and explain possible reasons for their occurrence. In the first part of the paper the authors indicate socialization aspects within the sociological theories of ethnicity and generation and outline the socio-historic context of the socialization of the studied family generations. In the central part of the paper the results of a survey conducted in 2009 are analysed on a convenience sample of secondary school pupils and their parents (N = 1902). The attitudes towards ethnic diversity and social distance towards members of selected ethnic groups (Albanians, Roma, Slovenians and Serbs) and foreign (migrant) workers are analysed. Although positive correlations in the expression of attitudes and social distance between secondary school pupils and their parents are obtained, t-test (paired samples method) resulted in some intergenerational differences. They are, among other, reflected in greater inclination among secondary school pupils towards ethnocentric attitudes, and closeness to cultural and ethnic diversity in comparison to their parents, while parents express significantly greater social distance towards Albanians, Slovenes and foreign workers compared to their secondary school children. Regression analyses conducted on each sub-sample tested the effect of socio-demographic, socio-cultural and socio-economic characteristics of respondents as well as their value orientation on the examined attitudes and expressed social distance. Finally, it is concluded that, on one hand, the results confirmed the importance of family in the process of ethnic socialization, and, on the other, the role of great social changes, especially traumatic socio-historical events, in both shaping attitudes towards ethnic diversity and in shaping generational characteristics.
![Research paper thumbnail of Combating Corruption in Croatia: From Expert Perceptions to Policy-Oriented Action Strategies and Back](
Revija za sociologiju, 2009
In this paper a comparative analysis of various perceptions of corruption in Croatia is presented... more In this paper a comparative analysis of various perceptions of corruption in Croatia is presented. The investigation is based on the research results obtained within the FP6 project "Crime as Culture”, started in 2006, which focused on the perception of corruption in seven European countries. The grounded theory method was used to organize and interpret data collected in interviews with experts from six target groups. The aim of this paper is to provide some policy-oriented insights based on a synthesis of the project findings. The paper is divided into four sections focusing on the major dimensions of combat against corruption: (1) research on corruption, (2) sanctioning corruption, (3) corruption prevention, and (4) increasing anti-corruption awareness. As our analyses suggest, the social embeddedness of corruption in Croatia is well reflected in the dominant expert perceptions of corruption. The observed heterogeneity and
fragmentariness of the existing (and often competing) perceptions of corruption found in this study are potential obstacles to a systematic, well-coordinated, and efficacious anti-corruption strategy.
![Research paper thumbnail of Social Stereotyping of Left-Handers in Serbia](
Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 2013
Social tolerance towards left-handed people is commonly accepted in the twenty-first century, tho... more Social tolerance towards left-handed people is commonly accepted in the twenty-first century, though not universal. However, at the level of social cognition a subtle bias against this visible minority group might not have disappeared. To investigate this possibility we adopted the theoretical framework of the stereotype content model (SCM) whereby two fundamental dimensions (warmth and competence) are sufficient to explain group differences in stereotype content. We examined how a large sample of medical students (N=300) perceived nine social groups (seven with various physical, social, or mental handicaps, and the two target groups of left- and right-handers), and four "anchor" groups comprising educated people, pensioners, drug addicts, and rich people) which are considered as prototypical in terms of the SCM. Hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to determine similarity of groups in the warmth×competence two-dimensional space. Four clusters were identified, with left- and right-handers located in the same cluster together with educated people. This cluster had higher ratings on both warmth and competence (i.e., more positive stereotype) compared with all other groups. However, within-cluster analysis showed that the left-handed group was perceived as lower on both dimensions compared to the right-handed group. This statistically significant difference suggests that implicit bias against left-handed individuals has not vanished despite pervasive social tolerance. Possible mechanisms that may explain this subtle and subliminal stereotyping are discussed.
![Research paper thumbnail of Seksualno zdravlje, zadovoljstvo i seksualna orijentacija žena (Women's Sexual Health,Sexual Satisfaction,and Sexual Orientation)](
Društvena istraživanja, 2003
The paper analyzes psychosocial and sociocultural correlates of women's sexual health and satisfa... more The paper analyzes psychosocial and sociocultural correlates of women's sexual health and satisfaction, as well as the relationship between sexual orientation and sexual health and satisfaction. Our respondents were 547 women from Zagreb, between 20 and 60 years of age, who filled in and posted a questionnaire on women's sexual health based on the Brief Index of Sexual Functioning for Women. As expected, the correlation between sexual satisfaction and sexual health was confirmed. (The most frequently reported sexual problems in our community sample were hypoactive sexual desire and difficulties in reaching orgasm.) Age, intimate aspects of the relation (especially partner's satisfaction) and sexual performance (frequency of sexual contacts and orgasmic efficiency) proved to be the significant predictors of sexual satisfaction. In contrast to some earlier studies, homosexual and bisexual respondents reported higher levels of sexual satisfaction and sexual health than heterosexual women did. The authors identify four dimensions (sub-sample characteristics, characteristics of lesbian sexual contacts and lesbian intimacy, and sex-as-rebellion ideology) that should be helpful in explaining this finding.
![Research paper thumbnail of Učinak socioekonomskog statusa na obrazovno postignuće učenika: Primjer PISA istraživanja, Hrvatska 2006 (Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Students’ Educational Achievement: The Example of PISA Study, Croatia 2006)](
Revija za socijalnu politiku, 2010
One's socio-economic status affects almost every aspect of his/hers life, including education. Th... more One's socio-economic status affects almost every aspect of his/hers life, including education. The main objective of this paper is to determine the relationship between familial socioeconomic status and students’ educational achievement. The paper is based on the OECD – PISA international study carried out in Croatia in 2006 on the sample of 5 209 15-year-old students involved in secondary education. Students’ results in scientific literacy, as well as variables and indices constructed by OECD, were used in analyses. The distributions of selected variables linked to socio-economic status definition, such as parental education, monthly household income, educational expenses and home educational resources are presented, as well as their regional differences. Multiple regression analysis proved the relationship between socioeconomic factors and students’ science test accomplishment. Regression model which includes three indices (Highest International Socioeconomic Index of Occupational Status, Index of home educational resources and Index of cultural possessions) and four variables (average monthly household income, average monthly educational expenses, household book number and highest educational status of parents) explain 23 per cent of the total variance of students’ achievement in scientific literacy. The second regression model with the region of residence additionally contributes to variance explanation by 1 per cent, indicating significant relation between living in specific Croatian region and science achievement. The main conclusion of this paper is that socio-economic status (along with the region of residence) represents a significant predictor of the educational achievement, and that it is relevant in analyses and interpretations of PISA results, even though Croatia could use an adaptation of PISA indices in order to trustworthy represent the data. It is advisable to continuously analyse the test results and, besides some general indicators of educational success, such as educational system, teacher qualifications and school infrastructure, also to consider the effect of students’ socioeconomic status.
![Research paper thumbnail of Stavovi studenata prema traziteljima azila u Republici Hrvatskoj (Student Attitudes towards Asylum Seekers in Croatia)](
Društvena istraživanja, 2013
This paper describes the construction of "The Scale of Attitudes towards Asylum Seekers" based on... more This paper describes the construction of "The Scale of Attitudes towards Asylum Seekers" based on a survey conducted on a convenience sample of 277 students of social, natural and engineering studies within the University of Zagreb. Applied exploratory factor analysis, using the direct oblimin rotation, resulted in three factors: "perception of social threat"; "perception of cultural threat"; and "perception of health and economic threat". The obtained factors explain 60.8% of the instrument’s variance and were used as foundation for the construction of additive subscales, which were in further ANOVA analyses treated as the dependent variables. The independent variables used were selected socio-demographic, socio-cultural and contextual variables. The results indicate that a greater perception of asylum seekers as a social and cultural threat is expressed by male students, who study engineering sciences, are politically positioned right and extremely right, are convinced believers or religious, and do not have, or have only one friend who is a foreigner in Croatia (significant only for perception of social threat). On the other hand, a greater perception of the asylum seekers as a health and economic threat is expressed only by students who study engineering or natural sciences. The expected correlations between the attitudes towards asylum seekers and the variables "personal experience of displacement" (including refugee experience), "contact with asylum seekers and asylees" and "primary source of information on asylum" were not statistically significant.
Papers by Margareta Gregurović
had independent effects on science literacy results. Although there was no significant interaction effect between socio-economic status and cultural capital, the analysis suggested both a tendency for social reproduction as well as the possibility for social mobility of students with lower socio-economic status.
fragmentariness of the existing (and often competing) perceptions of corruption found in this study are potential obstacles to a systematic, well-coordinated, and efficacious anti-corruption strategy.
had independent effects on science literacy results. Although there was no significant interaction effect between socio-economic status and cultural capital, the analysis suggested both a tendency for social reproduction as well as the possibility for social mobility of students with lower socio-economic status.
fragmentariness of the existing (and often competing) perceptions of corruption found in this study are potential obstacles to a systematic, well-coordinated, and efficacious anti-corruption strategy.
This report brings the results of PISA 2018 cycle - an assessment of students' global competences. National and international results od 15-year-old students are presented and interpreted.
The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is an international, large-scale survey of teachers, school leaders and the learning environment in schools. This report presents the second volume of findings based on the reports of Croatian lower secondary and upper secondary teachers and their school leaders in mainstream public and private schools obtained within the 2018 cycle.
This report brings the results of PISA 2018 cycle. National and international results od 15-year-old students in reading, math and science literacy are presented and interpreted.
TALIS 2018 Učitelji, nastavnici i ravnatelji-cjeloživotni učenici TALIS 2018 treći je ciklus OECD-ova Međunarodnog istraživanja učenja i poučavanja, najvećeg istraživanja u svijetu koje daje priliku učiteljima, nastavnicima i ravnateljima škola da podijele svoja iskustva o radu s ciljem unapređenja kvalitete učenja i poučavanja. TALIS istraživanje pokrenula je Organizacija za ekonomsku suradnju i razvoj (OECD) početkom 2000-ih godina s ciljem prikupljanja valjanih i usporedivih međunarodnih podataka o učenju i poučavanju kako bi se zemljama sudionicama pomoglo u evaluaciji i redefiniranju politika vezanih uz učenje i poučavanje. Istraživanja se provode u petogodišnjim ciklusima, a Republika Hrvatska priključila se 2010. godine sudjelujući u drugom ciklusu istraživanja (TALIS 2013). Istraživanje TALIS 2018 provedeno je 2018. godine na otprilike 240 000 učitelja i 13 000 ravnatelja iz 48 zemalja, među kojima je i Republika Hrvatska. U Hrvatskoj je u istraživanju sudjelovalo 3358 učitelja predmetne nastave i 188 ravnatelja iz 196 osnovnih škola te 2661 nastavnik i 145 ravnatelja iz 150 srednjih škola. U ovom izvješću opisan je prvi dio rezultata istraživanja TALIS 2018 usmjerenih na prvu dimenziju profesionalizma učitelja, nastavnika i ravnatelja u Hrvatskoj: bazu znanja i kompetencija, što uključuje razvoj njihovih specifičnih znanja i vještina tijekom formalnog inicijalnog obrazovanja i stručnog usavršavanja tijekom karijere. Između ostalog, naglasak je na vezama između sadržaja i karakteristika inicijalnog obrazovanja i kontinuiranog stručnog usavršavanja te osjećaja pripremljenosti za rad, primjene nastavnih strategija, samoučinkovitosti učitelja i njihova zadovoljstva poslom i profesijom. Detaljnije informacije i analize rezultata mogu se pronaći u OECD-ovu međunarodnom izvješću TALIS 2018 Results: Teachers and School Leaders as Lifelong Learners dostupnim na adresi education/talis-2018-results-volume-i_1d0bc92a-en, a međunarodna baza podataka na službenim stranicama OECD-a na adresi: education/talis/.
In the project document "Preliminary Analysis of Survey Results on the Project 'Intercultural Approach to Ethnic Diversity and Identity: Croatia – Europe': Analysis of Response Frequencies on a Convenience Sample of Members of National Minorities in Croatia", basic data (frequencies) obtained from the convenience sample of members of national minorities in Croatia (N = 475) are presented. The survey was conducted from June to September 2009, and the data were processed using SPSS.
In the project document "Preliminary Analysis of Survey Results on the Project 'Intercultural Approach to Ethnic Diversity and Identity: Croatia – Europe': Analysis of Response Frequencies on a Convenience Sample of Parents of Secondary School Pupils in Croatia", basic data (frequencies) obtained from the convenience sample of parents of secondary school pupils in Croatia (N = 1113) are presented. The survey was conducted in June 2009, and the data were processed using SPSS.
In the project document "Preliminary Analysis of Survey Results on the Project 'Intercultural Approach to Ethnic Diversity and Identity: Croatia – Europe': Analysis of Response Frequencies on a Representative Sample of Secondary School Pupils in Croatia", basic data (frequencies) obtained from the representative sample of secondary school pupils in Croatia (N = 1603) are presented. The survey was conducted in May and June 2009, and the data were processed using SPSS.
In the project document "Preliminary Analysis of Survey Results on the Project 'Intercultural Approach to Ethnic Diversity and Identity: Croatia – Europe': Analysis of Response Frequencies on a Representative Sample of Adult Citizens of Croatia", basic data (frequencies) obtained from the representative sample of the adult population in Croatia (N = 1300) are presented. The sample was stratified by gender, age, level of education, and ethnic affiliation. The survey was conducted from June to September 2009, and the data were processed using SPSS.
Margareta Gregurović, Snježana Gregurović, Sanja Klempić Bogadi, Josip Kumpes, Simona Kuti, Sanja Lazanin, Dubravka Mlinarić, Sonja Podgorelec