Sociology of Sexuality
Recent papers in Sociology of Sexuality
Symbolic interactionist approaches to sexuality state that human beings become sexual as they become whatever else and learn sexual definitions and sexual meanings just like they learn any other kind of meaning. Therefore, interactionist... more
The aim of my paper is to propose a model that illustrates the adolescents’ gender socialization process. This work moves from my doctoral research held at the University of Turin. The research path was based on: a quantitative and... more
Book review for "Zeitschrift für Theoretische Soziologie" (German) on Sigusch, Volkmar (2014): Sexualitäten. Eine kritische Theorie in 99 Fragmenten. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus
Dopo una prima riflessione storico-sociale sui «copioni» sessuali e sul corteggiamento tra maschi omosessuali nell’età contemporanea, si arriva a problematizzare la dicotomia sesso-amore, mettendo in rilievo la natura di costruzione... more
While studies have consistently observed an association between pornography use and depressive symptoms, data limitations have precluded understanding the nature of this relationship. Drawing on data from a representative panel study of... more
This course is an intensive survey of the theory and methods of the study of gender in psychology. We will review psychological perspectives on gender, sexuality, and intersecting dimensions of human social and cultural diversity (e.g.,... more
Objectives. Americans are generally increasing in their pornography viewership. While devout, theologically conservative Christians have been among the most ardent opponents to pornography's dissemination and use historically, there is a... more
Internet pornography use (IPU) remains a controversial topic within sexual behavior research fields. Whereas some people report feeling dysregulated in their use of pornography, mental health and medical communities are divided as to... more
Bodies have always been a site of contestations, caught between realms of public laws and private desires. There have been studies focusing on the life of concealment by the LGBT community due to the laws made by the state, especially... more
Religious Americans, and conservative Protestants in particular, have historically been the most ardent opponents of pornography's production, dissemination, and use. And yet, while religiously committed and theologically conservative... more
Recently, ‘rent boys’ have become increasingly visible in the queer social spaces of Istanbul. They come from impoverished areas of the city and engage in compensated sex with other men. In this article, I examine how these heterosexually... more
In the sociology of sexuality, sexual conduct has received extensive theoretical attention, while sexual desire has been left either unattended, or, analyzed through a scripting model ill-suited to the task. In this article, I seek to... more
Forthcoming Chapter in "Neurointerventions and the Law" with Oxford University Press ed. Nicole Vincent. Feedback Appreciated Abstract: Current legal arguments for gay rights use gay primarily to refer to individuals that have same-sex... more
Appendices 48 Acknowledgements I would like to thank Maud Perrier, my supervisor, for her continued support and encouragement throughout this entire process. I would also like to thank all my friends and family who directly or indirectly... more
Kao, Ying-Chao. 2013. “The Rise of BDSM (Sub)culture and Its (Dis)contents: A Literature Review.” Sexuality Research in China 34-2:160–80. *
Popular narratives cite religion as the driving force behind homophobia in Africa, portraying Christianity and LGBT expression as incompatible. Without denying Christianity’s contribution to the stigma, discrimination, and exclusion of... more
Na de hoogtijdagen van de seksuele revolutie heten kinderen weer onschuldig te zijn en stuiten hun seksuele gevoelens op ontkenning en verbod. Hoe is deze omslag van seksuele zelfbepaling van jongeren naar juist bescherming tegen... more
This is a short description of Wiccan sexuality, written for the Springer Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, edited by David A Leeming (pp 1638-1641). It locates Wicca's ethos and practice as contemporaneous with the twentieth... more
While some research has uncovered racial differences in patterns of pornography viewership, no studies to date have considered how these patterns may be changing over time or how these trends may be moderated by other key predictors of... more
Numerous studies have examined the association between pornography use and various measures of relationship quality. Yet scholars have also pointed out the limitations of many such studies, including inconsistent findings for men and... more
The queer metropolis has developed across three periods of time. During the closet era (1870—World War II), “scattered gay places” like cabarets and public parks were based in bohemian parts of the city. Distinct gay neighborhoods , such... more
Numerous studies have observed a persistent, and most often negative, association between pornography use and romantic relationship quality. While various theories have been suggested to explain this association, studies have yet to... more
In alignment with the feminist "sex wars", sexual objectification and sexual agency are considered to be opposites that exclude each other. I used the sexual script theory to perform a qualitative content analysis of the five most-watched... more
Research on sexuality and space makes assumptions about spatial singularity: Across the landscape of different neighborhoods in the city, there is one, and apparently only one, called the gayborhood. This assumption, rooted in an enclave... more
«Il lavoro sessuale maschile è un fantasma dell'immaginario, gravato di eccessi di significazione. Da un lato, esso viene rappresentato come tema romanzato, finzionale, un topos letterario e cinematografico denso di riferimenti alle... more
"Confessions of a Frigid Man: A Philosopher’s Journey into the Hidden Layers of Men’s Sexuality" is the translation of a Japanese 2005 bestseller, "Kanjinai Otoko." Soon after the publication, this book stirred controversy over the nature... more
This course serves as a critical introduction to the historical foundations and contemporary innovations of the interdisciplinary field known generally as “queer theory.” Through a 15-week survey of selected “greatest hits” of the field,... more
First draft of a collaborative and inter-disciplinary research report on the ethic of contraception. The advisory committee members are: Prof Giuseppe Benagiano (Rome); Dr Mark Joseph Calano (Manila); Dr Luca Badini Confalonieri (London);... more
angestrebter akademischer Grad Magistra der Philosophie (Mag. phil.) Wien, Dezember 2007 Studienkennzahl lt. Studienblatt: A 312 295 Studienrichtung lt. Studienblatt: Geschichte Betreuer: a.o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Franz X. Eder 2 DANKSAGUNG An... more
ABSTRACT: This paper analyses the notions of honour and reputation as masculinity construction tools among young Moroccan people arriving in Europe, notably in France and Italy. By exploiting qualitative data collected through... more
The aim of this paper is to propose a research strategy to analyze some specific forms of sexual deviance: transactional sex, specifically sexual symbolic transactions among adolescents. This proposal is partially based on some parts of... more
Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality are usually quite biased, going as far as to deny the reality of biology. Drawing on the Catholic tradition (Aquinas), this article presents an accessible argument aimed at... more
English abstract: This article addresses a new kind of entanglement between visualized sexuality and sexualized violence within hard-core and especially soft-core pornography in the 1970s and 1980s. It reconstructs and contextualizes how... more
The LGBT community is well aware of the phenomenon of “straight girls” seeking out and engaging in intimate sexual relationships with women. However, there is a dearth of research on women who openly identify themselves as heterosexual,... more
, private security officers blocked me from passing through the main entrance to the Boğaziçi University campus, although I am an alumnus and a former professor. It was the hundredth day of what has been termed the Boğaziçi resistance... more