Dr. Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek
Mr. Siddiek got his BA in English with (MERIT) from Khartoum University in 1982, an MA in Translation from the Islamic Institute for Translation in Khartoum, an M.ED in (TEFL) from Juba University - Sudan in 2001 and a Ph.D with (EXCELLENT) in (Language Testing)) in 2004 from Omdurman Islamic University - Sudan.
Since then Dr. Siddiek has been lecturing in Sudan and Saudi Arabia. He has published articles in ELT journals in USA,UK,Canada,Finland and Australia.He attended conferences and read papers in Harvard, Purdue, Ohio State University & Riverside University in USA, Germany, France & Canada. Dr. Siddiek is the Author of: (Assessment of the Sudan School Certificate English Examinations) & ( Language Challenges in Post War Sudan). Both books are available at amazon.net.
Dr. Siddiek's major fields of interest are language testing,language planning & English Language Teacher Training and translation.
Dr. Siddiek is a member of the editorial Board of (International Journal of English Linguistic, English Language and Literature Studies- in Canada). He is also Associate Editor in (International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature - Australia).
He is a member of the Centre for Promoting Ideas (CPI) -USA, the Sudan Studies Association in the USA and Sudanese Association of Translators in KSA.
He has recently been assigned reviewing task by (APPLIED LINGUISTICS), the highly impact-factored-journal of Oxford.
Phone: 00966536872406
Address: Dawadami Community College,P.O.Box 18,KSA 11911
Since then Dr. Siddiek has been lecturing in Sudan and Saudi Arabia. He has published articles in ELT journals in USA,UK,Canada,Finland and Australia.He attended conferences and read papers in Harvard, Purdue, Ohio State University & Riverside University in USA, Germany, France & Canada. Dr. Siddiek is the Author of: (Assessment of the Sudan School Certificate English Examinations) & ( Language Challenges in Post War Sudan). Both books are available at amazon.net.
Dr. Siddiek's major fields of interest are language testing,language planning & English Language Teacher Training and translation.
Dr. Siddiek is a member of the editorial Board of (International Journal of English Linguistic, English Language and Literature Studies- in Canada). He is also Associate Editor in (International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature - Australia).
He is a member of the Centre for Promoting Ideas (CPI) -USA, the Sudan Studies Association in the USA and Sudanese Association of Translators in KSA.
He has recently been assigned reviewing task by (APPLIED LINGUISTICS), the highly impact-factored-journal of Oxford.
Phone: 00966536872406
Address: Dawadami Community College,P.O.Box 18,KSA 11911
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Books by Dr. Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek
Integrating technology into language education has indeed
become essential, especially for teaching language skills. Teaching through technology can facilitate interactive learning as technology offers interactive tools like language learning apps, online
games, and virtual reality experiences that engage students in a
more dynamic way compared to traditional methods. The Digital
platforms also provide access to a vast array of resources, including multimedia content, online dictionaries, and language practice
websites, which can enhance vocabulary acquisition and comprehension as well as adaptive learning technologies can tailor lessons to individual students’ needs, offering personalized feedback
and targeted practice based on their proficiency levels and learning
styles. So tools like video conferencing and language exchange
platforms enable students to practice speaking with native speakers or peers from around the world, providing authentic language
use opportunities. The interaction through technology can offer instant feedback on exercises and quizzes, helping students to quickly understand their mistakes and learn more effectively. The Game-field learning platforms and interactive content can increase student
motivation and engagement, making the learning process more
enjoyable and effective. The Online courses and resources provide
flexible learning options, allowing students to learn at their own
pace and access materials anytime and anywhere.
Key words: E-Learning. Educational technology, language skills,
electronic devices
Integrating technology into language education has indeed
become essential, especially for teaching language skills. Teaching through technology can facilitate interactive learning as technology offers interactive tools like language learning apps, online
games, and virtual reality experiences that engage students in a
more dynamic way compared to traditional methods. The Digital
platforms also provide access to a vast array of resources, including multimedia content, online dictionaries, and language practice
websites, which can enhance vocabulary acquisition and comprehension as well as adaptive learning technologies can tailor lessons to individual students’ needs, offering personalized feedback
and targeted practice based on their proficiency levels and learning
styles. So tools like video conferencing and language exchange
platforms enable students to practice speaking with native speakers or peers from around the world, providing authentic language
use opportunities. The interaction through technology can offer instant feedback on exercises and quizzes, helping students to quickly understand their mistakes and learn more effectively. The Gamefied learning platforms and interactive content can increase student
motivation and engagement, making the learning process more
enjoyable and effective. The Online courses and resources provide
flexible learning options, allowing students to learn at their own
pace and access materials anytime and anywhere.
Key words: E-Learning. Educational technology, language skills,
electronic devices
Papers by Dr. Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek
supervisors about the use and implementation of the Teacher’s Guide by EFL
teachers in the classroom. The problem stemmed from that fact this document,
despite its importance and effective role in language education yet, it is not
used as a teaching material that can help teachers to enhance language teaching
and language learning. The samples have purposively drawn from supervisors’
population gathering in the Sudan School Certificate Marking Centre in
Khartoum during 2021-2022. An interview is designed by the researchers and
directly distributed to supervisors. Out of the whole population of markers
who were more than 500 people in the centre, the researchers were only able
to reach 13 participants who deemed to have used this document in EFL
teaching environment. The research came with very disappointing results that
most of the supervisors admitted that the TG has disappeared a long time ago
from the teaching sphere. But they all agreed about the importance of the TG
in boosting language education as well as helping in controlling the whole
educational practice of teachers in schools. They almost all agreed that the
TG is one of the tricks that can help teachers plan their lessons and create
productive and effective educational environment. The researchers
recommended some points to make this document effective. Some suggestions
for further studies have been provided for further investigators in this field.
The results of the research can be generalized to other disciplines in similar
context and similar environment, so the study can be duplicated to serve
educational objectives in similar situation.
Keywords: educational supervision, teacher’s book, training, novice teacher
Integrating technology into language education has indeed
become essential, especially for teaching language skills. Teaching through technology can facilitate interactive learning as technology offers interactive tools like language learning apps, online
games, and virtual reality experiences that engage students in a
more dynamic way compared to traditional methods. The Digital
platforms also provide access to a vast array of resources, including multimedia content, online dictionaries, and language practice
websites, which can enhance vocabulary acquisition and comprehension as well as adaptive learning technologies can tailor lessons to individual students’ needs, offering personalized feedback
and targeted practice based on their proficiency levels and learning
styles. So tools like video conferencing and language exchange
platforms enable students to practice speaking with native speakers or peers from around the world, providing authentic language
use opportunities. The interaction through technology can offer instant feedback on exercises and quizzes, helping students to quickly understand their mistakes and learn more effectively. The Game-field learning platforms and interactive content can increase student
motivation and engagement, making the learning process more
enjoyable and effective. The Online courses and resources provide
flexible learning options, allowing students to learn at their own
pace and access materials anytime and anywhere.
Key words: E-Learning. Educational technology, language skills,
electronic devices
Integrating technology into language education has indeed
become essential, especially for teaching language skills. Teaching through technology can facilitate interactive learning as technology offers interactive tools like language learning apps, online
games, and virtual reality experiences that engage students in a
more dynamic way compared to traditional methods. The Digital
platforms also provide access to a vast array of resources, including multimedia content, online dictionaries, and language practice
websites, which can enhance vocabulary acquisition and comprehension as well as adaptive learning technologies can tailor lessons to individual students’ needs, offering personalized feedback
and targeted practice based on their proficiency levels and learning
styles. So tools like video conferencing and language exchange
platforms enable students to practice speaking with native speakers or peers from around the world, providing authentic language
use opportunities. The interaction through technology can offer instant feedback on exercises and quizzes, helping students to quickly understand their mistakes and learn more effectively. The Gamefied learning platforms and interactive content can increase student
motivation and engagement, making the learning process more
enjoyable and effective. The Online courses and resources provide
flexible learning options, allowing students to learn at their own
pace and access materials anytime and anywhere.
Key words: E-Learning. Educational technology, language skills,
electronic devices
supervisors about the use and implementation of the Teacher’s Guide by EFL
teachers in the classroom. The problem stemmed from that fact this document,
despite its importance and effective role in language education yet, it is not
used as a teaching material that can help teachers to enhance language teaching
and language learning. The samples have purposively drawn from supervisors’
population gathering in the Sudan School Certificate Marking Centre in
Khartoum during 2021-2022. An interview is designed by the researchers and
directly distributed to supervisors. Out of the whole population of markers
who were more than 500 people in the centre, the researchers were only able
to reach 13 participants who deemed to have used this document in EFL
teaching environment. The research came with very disappointing results that
most of the supervisors admitted that the TG has disappeared a long time ago
from the teaching sphere. But they all agreed about the importance of the TG
in boosting language education as well as helping in controlling the whole
educational practice of teachers in schools. They almost all agreed that the
TG is one of the tricks that can help teachers plan their lessons and create
productive and effective educational environment. The researchers
recommended some points to make this document effective. Some suggestions
for further studies have been provided for further investigators in this field.
The results of the research can be generalized to other disciplines in similar
context and similar environment, so the study can be duplicated to serve
educational objectives in similar situation.
Keywords: educational supervision, teacher’s book, training, novice teacher
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تركز معظم البحوث على تأثير المناهج الدراسية على مدى عام أو عامين. ولكن بمرور الوقت ، فان حجم التأثير السنوي الصغير +0.10 ، بدءاً من الصف الأول ، يمكن أن يصبح +0.60 بنهاية الصف الخامس - تقريباً ما يعادل نسبة 74 % مقابل 50%. وعلي الرغم من أن التأثير التراكمي على تعليم الطلاب يكون على مدى عدة سنوات لكنه ربما يكون هو المحدد الأكبر لتأثير المنهج الدراسي، ولكن معظم الدراسات تركز على التقدم الأكاديمي على مدار عام دراسي واحد فقط - ونادرًا جدًا ما يكون على مدى فترات أطول. وبذلك يمكننا أن نرى صعوبة ان يستغرق المعلمون سنوات لإتقان التحول من نهج إلى آخر. وعلى المدى الطويل، يمكن أن يكون للاستخدام المتسق للمنهج الجديد على مدى سنوات متعددة تأثير تراكمي كبير على تعليم الطالب. وتحسب هذه الآثار المترتبة على سياسة المناهج الدراسية للولاية أو المنطقة، وبالتالي يتم الحصول على فوائد الاستخدام متعدد السنوات للمنهج الدراسي. وهذا امر جوهري ويستحق الاهتمام. تبحث هذه الورقة في العديد من المشكلات التي تنجم باستمرار من المناهج الدراسية. ونظراً للتركيز على قانون (كل طالب يجب أن ينجح (ESSA Every Student Succeeds Act ؛ واستناداً على الممارسة المبنية على البراهين، وتوافر الدليل القاطع على أهمية المناهج الدراسية- يتوجب على وكالات التعليم الحكومية ومقاطعات المدارس والباحثين والممولين معرفة ما يجب مراعاته، لاتخاذ اختيار مناهج ذكية، ذات جودة، قائمة على البراهين والدليل