Sarcophagus of Aelius Iulius Iulianus, senator, and later superintendent of financial problems an... more Sarcophagus of Aelius Iulius Iulianus, senator, and later superintendent of financial problems and city father of Romula represents probably one of the most successful artistic products of its kind in the entire Roman Dacia. Ornamented on sides with acroteras and gables, this sarcophagus impresses both through the manner of achievement and the attention to detail. The text carved on the front side of the box was framed in a tabula ansata and it is composed almost entirely of verses. Sarcophagus of Aelius Iulius Iulianus from Romula demonstrates on one hand the taste for art of the elites, and on the other hand, their ability to express a message in an artistic manner.
This article deals with several military objects, used for better defense against cavalry. These ... more This article deals with several military objects, used for better defense against cavalry. These are caltrops (lat. tribuli) that come from southern Dacia (today this area is called Oltenia).
Concerning the miniature representations of Roman
weapons and their functionality, several opinio... more Concerning the miniature representations of Roman weapons and their functionality, several opinions have already been expressed in this regard. Despite this fact, the discussions are not finished. I will describe in what follows the discoveries of this kind from Dacia Inferior and its surroundings. All of them are dated to the 2nd or 3rd centuries AD.
During the archaeological campaigns carried out at Cioroiu Nou, between 2011 and 2018, several fr... more During the archaeological campaigns carried out at Cioroiu Nou, between 2011 and 2018, several fragments of Roman inscriptions came to light. For various reasons, they have remained unpublished until now. Discovered inside the Roman fortress and in the civilian settlement, these inscriptions fall chronologically between the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD.
referire la aceast problem. Este vorba despre inscrip ii, piese sculpturale, bronzuri figurate, v... more referire la aceast problem. Este vorba despre inscrip ii, piese sculpturale, bronzuri figurate, vase ceramice cu reprezent ri ori pietre gravate In the following article, the oriental cults from Romula were approached, taking into account the objects that refer to this problem. It is about inscriptions, sculptural pieces, bronze figurines, ceramic vessels with representations or engraved gemstones
Except for the article published by Aurel Metzulescu, no one showed interest in the gemstone with... more Except for the article published by Aurel Metzulescu, no one showed interest in the gemstone with which was adorned the ring of Tudor Vladimirescu, and which can be found today at the National Military Museum, in Bucharest. But there is a major difference between those known from the publication and those seen in the museum, in the sense that A. Metzulescu talks about a gold ring, and at the National Military Museum I saw and photographed a silver ring (most likely, a replica), as well as the gemstone seems to be an imitation of the original (it remains to be clarified in the future). The original gemstone had a slightly oval shape and was made of a dark green semiprecious stone, by deep engraving and polishing. On its surface were carved the figures of two characters, rendered in a face to face posture. The one on the right of the viewer undoubtedly represents the image of a female character wearing a long dress, very draped and with sleeves. She wears a helmet on the head, and with her left arm she holds a spear (?). The right hand is stretched slightly forward, and seems to hold a small object. Her attitude is relaxed and static. The second character depicts the silhouette of a man, rendered in motion, a fact suggested by the dynamics of the long garment he wears. The right hand is easily dropped next to the body. The left arm is flexed at the elbow and raised at the level of the head, in front of the woman. In both hands he seems to be holding an object, difficult to identify. Most likely, the subject engraved on the gemstone depicts the image of a goddess (Minerva or Libertas) rendered in the company of an emperor or priest. No details are known about the place of discovery of the original gemstone, which can be dated, strictly based on the subject and the manner of engraving, in a generous timeframe, between the 2nd and the 3rd centuries AD.
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naționale a României Arheologia mileniului I p. Chr.: cercetări actu... more Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naționale a României Arheologia mileniului I p. Chr.: cercetări actuale privind istoria şi arheologia migraţiilor/.
Responsabilitatea con inutului tiin ific al lucr rilor apar ine în întregime autorilor. Autorii t... more Responsabilitatea con inutului tiin ific al lucr rilor apar ine în întregime autorilor. Autorii trebuie s in cont de propunerile de revizuire sugerate de c tre recenzori.
a small exhibition catalog, the gemstone was not published properly, with photos, drawing and det... more a small exhibition catalog, the gemstone was not published properly, with photos, drawing and detailed information. The engraving manner of the subject, as well as the chosen iconographic type, places the piece chronologically between the 2 nd and 3 rd centuries AD. Keywords * T Romula 1 2 3
Oltenia. Studii i comunic ri. Arheologie-Istorie Gabriela Filip În paginile acestui articol sunt ... more Oltenia. Studii i comunic ri. Arheologie-Istorie Gabriela Filip În paginile acestui articol sunt aduse în aten ia celor interesa i, patru geme romane ce prezint imaginea zei ei Minerva gravat pe suprafa . Canonul iconografic utilizat este acela i, cu u oare varia ii tipologice. Una dintre piese se afl în prezent în colec ia Muzeul de Arheologie i Etnografie din Corabia i are locul de descoperire necunoscut, fiind inedit , iar celelalte trei geme provin de la Romula. Asem narea dintre acestea este evident , în special dac analiz m maniera de gravare, stilul artistic i varianta iconografic aleas . Aceste detalii propun posibilitatea ca toate cele patru geme s reprezinte produse ale atelierului de prelucrare a pietrelor gravate de la Romula, singurul identificat cu certitudine din provincia Dacia Inferior.
This article brings to the attention of those interested, a Roman gemstone coming from Romula, wi... more This article brings to the attention of those interested, a Roman gemstone coming from Romula, with the representation of Lupa Capitolina breastfeeding the twins Romulus and Remus. Except for brief mentions, the piece has not been published so far with illustrations or detailed information. It is about an oval shaped gemstone, engraved in aquamarine, which has on the upper surface etched the image of the She-wolf to the right, standing, with its head turned and bent to the twins. They are depicted next to the body of the she-wolf, face to face, in a sitting position, with their legs flexed and with their right arms raised to the chest of the animal. The lack of a known archaeological discovery context makes it difficult to date the piece, but the schematic style of the work, simplified by lines and spheres, pushes the dating to the second half of the 2nd century-the beginning of the 3rd century AD. The gemstone is currently in the collection of the Romanian National History Museum in Bucharest. Legenda întemeierii Romei, cu frumoasa poveste a supraviețuirii celor doi frați gemeni Romulus și Remus, nu avea cum să nu inspire imaginația artistică a vremii, generând faimosul grup statuar al Lupoaicei alăptând cei doi gemeni, astăzi aflat în "Museo Nuovo" din Palazzo dei Conservatori din Roma 2. Astfel, cu o simbolistică puternică, mitul a prins chip în arta romană, fiind prezent în aproape toate categoriile sale, cu precădere pe monumente sculpturale și epigrafice 3. Un caz cel puțin interesant îl constituie o reprezentare a Lupoaicei cu gemenii care apare pe o gemă romană ce provine de la Romula, capitala 1 Mulțumesc doamnei dr. Mihaela Simion, pentru faptul că mi-a pus la dispoziție, cu generozitate, această piesă pentru studiu.
Oltenia. Studii i comunic ri. Arheologie-Istorie Gabriela Filip În antichitate, pietrele pre ioas... more Oltenia. Studii i comunic ri. Arheologie-Istorie Gabriela Filip În antichitate, pietrele pre ioase i semipre ioase puteau fi sculptate în diferite forme i figuri, adesea în relief, purtând denumirea de camee. Acestea erau purtate în montura unor coliere, cercei sau inele. În prezentul articol mi-am propus s aduc în discu ie dou camee romane lucrate în pietre semipre ioase. Piesele au gravate pe suprafa a lor imaginea unor personaje feminine. În ambele cazuri este vorba despre reprezent rile unor împ r tese romane din secolul al II-lea p.Chr. Prezentarea celor dou piese include o descriere tehnic , un comentariu artistic, o propunere de identificare i datare, invocarea unor analogii, i nu în ultimul rând, fotografii i desene de bun calitate. Ambele camee se g sesc în depozitul Muzeului de Arheologie i Etnografie din Corabia. 1. Prima dintre cele dou camee provine de la Gura Padinii, comuna Orlea, jude ul Olt. Nu sunt cunoscute condi iile de descoperire; probabil este vorba despre o descoperire întâmpl toare. A a cum se prezint personajul feminin redat pe suprafa a sa, este vorba despre o reprezentare a împ r tesei Faustina Minor, so ia împ ratului Marcus Aurelius (161-180) sau despre fiica lor, Lucilla. 2. Cea de-a doua camee are locul de descoperire neprecizat, dar este posibil s provin de la Sucidava. Personajul feminin redat este mai dificil de indentificat, îns coaufura sa permite identificarea stilului împ r tesei Sabina, so ia împ ratului Hadrianus (117-138).
Istorie și civilizaţie de-a lungul Dunării de Jos.Culegere de studii dedicate zilei internaționale a fluviului – 29 iunie/Історія і цивілізація Нижнього Дунаю.Колективна монографія, присвячена Міжнародному дню Дунаю – 29 червня, 2018
This article deals with a bone object coming from the 3rd century inhumation grave no. 271, of th... more This article deals with a bone object coming from the 3rd century inhumation grave no. 271, of the northern cemetery of Sucidava-Celei. It was made like a rod, with an annular protrusion at the inferior end. Taking into account the existing analogies, it can be conclude it is about a distaff. Its presence into a woman grave is natural in all respects.
This approach is primarily due to the large number of Roman gemstones coming from Romula, the cap... more This approach is primarily due to the large number of Roman gemstones coming from Romula, the capital of Lower Dacia, but also of the percentage held by the representations of the supreme roman god, Jupiter, in the subjects approached by the Roman craftsmen. On a number of 12 gemstones, coming from Romula, appears engraved the image of this god, in various iconographic variations. Jupiter, assimilated to Zeus in Greek mythology, was considered by the Romans the supreme divinity, giving life and light, which governed heaven and earth, mastered thunder and lightning, unleashed rains and storms. His attributes, scepter, lightning, and eagle represented symbols of the absolute power of the one who ruled the gods and men alike. Related to these attributes, Jupiter bears a series of epithets, such as: Fulgurator, Conservator, Capitolinus, Stator, Tronans, Fulminator. The image of the god Jupiter depicted on gemstones is extremely common in the art of gliptics in the province of Dacia as well as throughout the Roman Empire. The small, restricted space had been provided by the engraving engineers, conditioned the iconographic canons used in the art of gliptics. Thus, most of the time, the most important attributes of divinities appear, to the detriment of the general artistic aspect, much better represented than the characters themselves.
Ceramic Toys with Oriental Renderings from Roman Settlements on the Olt Valley, în: Archaeologica... more Ceramic Toys with Oriental Renderings from Roman Settlements on the Olt Valley, în: Archaeological small finds and their significance. Proceedings of the Symposium on games and toys (eds. O.Tutilă Nicolae, C. Rișcuța, I.V. Ferencz), Cluj-Napoca 2016, p. 83-94 (coautor Gabriela Filip)
Sarcophagus of Aelius Iulius Iulianus, senator, and later superintendent of financial problems an... more Sarcophagus of Aelius Iulius Iulianus, senator, and later superintendent of financial problems and city father of Romula represents probably one of the most successful artistic products of its kind in the entire Roman Dacia. Ornamented on sides with acroteras and gables, this sarcophagus impresses both through the manner of achievement and the attention to detail. The text carved on the front side of the box was framed in a tabula ansata and it is composed almost entirely of verses. Sarcophagus of Aelius Iulius Iulianus from Romula demonstrates on one hand the taste for art of the elites, and on the other hand, their ability to express a message in an artistic manner.
This article deals with several military objects, used for better defense against cavalry. These ... more This article deals with several military objects, used for better defense against cavalry. These are caltrops (lat. tribuli) that come from southern Dacia (today this area is called Oltenia).
Concerning the miniature representations of Roman
weapons and their functionality, several opinio... more Concerning the miniature representations of Roman weapons and their functionality, several opinions have already been expressed in this regard. Despite this fact, the discussions are not finished. I will describe in what follows the discoveries of this kind from Dacia Inferior and its surroundings. All of them are dated to the 2nd or 3rd centuries AD.
During the archaeological campaigns carried out at Cioroiu Nou, between 2011 and 2018, several fr... more During the archaeological campaigns carried out at Cioroiu Nou, between 2011 and 2018, several fragments of Roman inscriptions came to light. For various reasons, they have remained unpublished until now. Discovered inside the Roman fortress and in the civilian settlement, these inscriptions fall chronologically between the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD.
referire la aceast problem. Este vorba despre inscrip ii, piese sculpturale, bronzuri figurate, v... more referire la aceast problem. Este vorba despre inscrip ii, piese sculpturale, bronzuri figurate, vase ceramice cu reprezent ri ori pietre gravate In the following article, the oriental cults from Romula were approached, taking into account the objects that refer to this problem. It is about inscriptions, sculptural pieces, bronze figurines, ceramic vessels with representations or engraved gemstones
Except for the article published by Aurel Metzulescu, no one showed interest in the gemstone with... more Except for the article published by Aurel Metzulescu, no one showed interest in the gemstone with which was adorned the ring of Tudor Vladimirescu, and which can be found today at the National Military Museum, in Bucharest. But there is a major difference between those known from the publication and those seen in the museum, in the sense that A. Metzulescu talks about a gold ring, and at the National Military Museum I saw and photographed a silver ring (most likely, a replica), as well as the gemstone seems to be an imitation of the original (it remains to be clarified in the future). The original gemstone had a slightly oval shape and was made of a dark green semiprecious stone, by deep engraving and polishing. On its surface were carved the figures of two characters, rendered in a face to face posture. The one on the right of the viewer undoubtedly represents the image of a female character wearing a long dress, very draped and with sleeves. She wears a helmet on the head, and with her left arm she holds a spear (?). The right hand is stretched slightly forward, and seems to hold a small object. Her attitude is relaxed and static. The second character depicts the silhouette of a man, rendered in motion, a fact suggested by the dynamics of the long garment he wears. The right hand is easily dropped next to the body. The left arm is flexed at the elbow and raised at the level of the head, in front of the woman. In both hands he seems to be holding an object, difficult to identify. Most likely, the subject engraved on the gemstone depicts the image of a goddess (Minerva or Libertas) rendered in the company of an emperor or priest. No details are known about the place of discovery of the original gemstone, which can be dated, strictly based on the subject and the manner of engraving, in a generous timeframe, between the 2nd and the 3rd centuries AD.
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naționale a României Arheologia mileniului I p. Chr.: cercetări actu... more Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naționale a României Arheologia mileniului I p. Chr.: cercetări actuale privind istoria şi arheologia migraţiilor/.
Responsabilitatea con inutului tiin ific al lucr rilor apar ine în întregime autorilor. Autorii t... more Responsabilitatea con inutului tiin ific al lucr rilor apar ine în întregime autorilor. Autorii trebuie s in cont de propunerile de revizuire sugerate de c tre recenzori.
a small exhibition catalog, the gemstone was not published properly, with photos, drawing and det... more a small exhibition catalog, the gemstone was not published properly, with photos, drawing and detailed information. The engraving manner of the subject, as well as the chosen iconographic type, places the piece chronologically between the 2 nd and 3 rd centuries AD. Keywords * T Romula 1 2 3
Oltenia. Studii i comunic ri. Arheologie-Istorie Gabriela Filip În paginile acestui articol sunt ... more Oltenia. Studii i comunic ri. Arheologie-Istorie Gabriela Filip În paginile acestui articol sunt aduse în aten ia celor interesa i, patru geme romane ce prezint imaginea zei ei Minerva gravat pe suprafa . Canonul iconografic utilizat este acela i, cu u oare varia ii tipologice. Una dintre piese se afl în prezent în colec ia Muzeul de Arheologie i Etnografie din Corabia i are locul de descoperire necunoscut, fiind inedit , iar celelalte trei geme provin de la Romula. Asem narea dintre acestea este evident , în special dac analiz m maniera de gravare, stilul artistic i varianta iconografic aleas . Aceste detalii propun posibilitatea ca toate cele patru geme s reprezinte produse ale atelierului de prelucrare a pietrelor gravate de la Romula, singurul identificat cu certitudine din provincia Dacia Inferior.
This article brings to the attention of those interested, a Roman gemstone coming from Romula, wi... more This article brings to the attention of those interested, a Roman gemstone coming from Romula, with the representation of Lupa Capitolina breastfeeding the twins Romulus and Remus. Except for brief mentions, the piece has not been published so far with illustrations or detailed information. It is about an oval shaped gemstone, engraved in aquamarine, which has on the upper surface etched the image of the She-wolf to the right, standing, with its head turned and bent to the twins. They are depicted next to the body of the she-wolf, face to face, in a sitting position, with their legs flexed and with their right arms raised to the chest of the animal. The lack of a known archaeological discovery context makes it difficult to date the piece, but the schematic style of the work, simplified by lines and spheres, pushes the dating to the second half of the 2nd century-the beginning of the 3rd century AD. The gemstone is currently in the collection of the Romanian National History Museum in Bucharest. Legenda întemeierii Romei, cu frumoasa poveste a supraviețuirii celor doi frați gemeni Romulus și Remus, nu avea cum să nu inspire imaginația artistică a vremii, generând faimosul grup statuar al Lupoaicei alăptând cei doi gemeni, astăzi aflat în "Museo Nuovo" din Palazzo dei Conservatori din Roma 2. Astfel, cu o simbolistică puternică, mitul a prins chip în arta romană, fiind prezent în aproape toate categoriile sale, cu precădere pe monumente sculpturale și epigrafice 3. Un caz cel puțin interesant îl constituie o reprezentare a Lupoaicei cu gemenii care apare pe o gemă romană ce provine de la Romula, capitala 1 Mulțumesc doamnei dr. Mihaela Simion, pentru faptul că mi-a pus la dispoziție, cu generozitate, această piesă pentru studiu.
Oltenia. Studii i comunic ri. Arheologie-Istorie Gabriela Filip În antichitate, pietrele pre ioas... more Oltenia. Studii i comunic ri. Arheologie-Istorie Gabriela Filip În antichitate, pietrele pre ioase i semipre ioase puteau fi sculptate în diferite forme i figuri, adesea în relief, purtând denumirea de camee. Acestea erau purtate în montura unor coliere, cercei sau inele. În prezentul articol mi-am propus s aduc în discu ie dou camee romane lucrate în pietre semipre ioase. Piesele au gravate pe suprafa a lor imaginea unor personaje feminine. În ambele cazuri este vorba despre reprezent rile unor împ r tese romane din secolul al II-lea p.Chr. Prezentarea celor dou piese include o descriere tehnic , un comentariu artistic, o propunere de identificare i datare, invocarea unor analogii, i nu în ultimul rând, fotografii i desene de bun calitate. Ambele camee se g sesc în depozitul Muzeului de Arheologie i Etnografie din Corabia. 1. Prima dintre cele dou camee provine de la Gura Padinii, comuna Orlea, jude ul Olt. Nu sunt cunoscute condi iile de descoperire; probabil este vorba despre o descoperire întâmpl toare. A a cum se prezint personajul feminin redat pe suprafa a sa, este vorba despre o reprezentare a împ r tesei Faustina Minor, so ia împ ratului Marcus Aurelius (161-180) sau despre fiica lor, Lucilla. 2. Cea de-a doua camee are locul de descoperire neprecizat, dar este posibil s provin de la Sucidava. Personajul feminin redat este mai dificil de indentificat, îns coaufura sa permite identificarea stilului împ r tesei Sabina, so ia împ ratului Hadrianus (117-138).
Istorie și civilizaţie de-a lungul Dunării de Jos.Culegere de studii dedicate zilei internaționale a fluviului – 29 iunie/Історія і цивілізація Нижнього Дунаю.Колективна монографія, присвячена Міжнародному дню Дунаю – 29 червня, 2018
This article deals with a bone object coming from the 3rd century inhumation grave no. 271, of th... more This article deals with a bone object coming from the 3rd century inhumation grave no. 271, of the northern cemetery of Sucidava-Celei. It was made like a rod, with an annular protrusion at the inferior end. Taking into account the existing analogies, it can be conclude it is about a distaff. Its presence into a woman grave is natural in all respects.
This approach is primarily due to the large number of Roman gemstones coming from Romula, the cap... more This approach is primarily due to the large number of Roman gemstones coming from Romula, the capital of Lower Dacia, but also of the percentage held by the representations of the supreme roman god, Jupiter, in the subjects approached by the Roman craftsmen. On a number of 12 gemstones, coming from Romula, appears engraved the image of this god, in various iconographic variations. Jupiter, assimilated to Zeus in Greek mythology, was considered by the Romans the supreme divinity, giving life and light, which governed heaven and earth, mastered thunder and lightning, unleashed rains and storms. His attributes, scepter, lightning, and eagle represented symbols of the absolute power of the one who ruled the gods and men alike. Related to these attributes, Jupiter bears a series of epithets, such as: Fulgurator, Conservator, Capitolinus, Stator, Tronans, Fulminator. The image of the god Jupiter depicted on gemstones is extremely common in the art of gliptics in the province of Dacia as well as throughout the Roman Empire. The small, restricted space had been provided by the engraving engineers, conditioned the iconographic canons used in the art of gliptics. Thus, most of the time, the most important attributes of divinities appear, to the detriment of the general artistic aspect, much better represented than the characters themselves.
Ceramic Toys with Oriental Renderings from Roman Settlements on the Olt Valley, în: Archaeologica... more Ceramic Toys with Oriental Renderings from Roman Settlements on the Olt Valley, în: Archaeological small finds and their significance. Proceedings of the Symposium on games and toys (eds. O.Tutilă Nicolae, C. Rișcuța, I.V. Ferencz), Cluj-Napoca 2016, p. 83-94 (coautor Gabriela Filip)
Ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine engraved gems in the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea area. An international e-conference on archaeological and archaeogemological approaches, 2024
Records of the e-conference in YouTube: more Records of the e-conference in YouTube:
Papers by Gabriela Filip
framed in a tabula ansata and it is composed almost entirely of verses.
Sarcophagus of Aelius Iulius Iulianus from Romula demonstrates on one hand the taste for art of the elites, and on the other hand, their ability to express a message in an artistic manner.
weapons and their functionality, several opinions have
already been expressed in this regard. Despite this fact, the
discussions are not finished. I will describe in what follows
the discoveries of this kind from Dacia Inferior and its
surroundings. All of them are dated to the 2nd or 3rd
centuries AD.
But there is a major difference between those known from the publication and those seen in the museum, in the sense that A. Metzulescu talks about a gold ring, and at the National Military Museum I saw and photographed a silver ring (most likely, a replica), as well as the gemstone seems to be an imitation of the original (it remains to be clarified in the future).
The original gemstone had a slightly oval shape and was made of a dark green semiprecious stone, by deep engraving and polishing. On its surface were carved the figures of two characters, rendered in a face to face posture.
The one on the right of the viewer undoubtedly represents the image of a female character wearing a long dress, very draped and with sleeves. She wears a helmet on the head, and with her left arm she holds a spear (?). The right hand is stretched slightly forward, and seems to hold a small object. Her attitude is relaxed and static. The second character depicts the silhouette of a man, rendered in motion, a fact suggested by the dynamics of the long garment he wears. The right hand is easily dropped next to the body. The left arm is flexed at the elbow and raised at the level of the head, in front of the woman. In both hands he seems to be holding an object, difficult to identify.
Most likely, the subject engraved on the gemstone depicts the image of a goddess (Minerva or Libertas) rendered in the company of an emperor or priest.
No details are known about the place of discovery of the original gemstone, which can be dated, strictly based on the subject and the manner of engraving, in a generous timeframe, between the 2nd and the 3rd centuries AD.
framed in a tabula ansata and it is composed almost entirely of verses.
Sarcophagus of Aelius Iulius Iulianus from Romula demonstrates on one hand the taste for art of the elites, and on the other hand, their ability to express a message in an artistic manner.
weapons and their functionality, several opinions have
already been expressed in this regard. Despite this fact, the
discussions are not finished. I will describe in what follows
the discoveries of this kind from Dacia Inferior and its
surroundings. All of them are dated to the 2nd or 3rd
centuries AD.
But there is a major difference between those known from the publication and those seen in the museum, in the sense that A. Metzulescu talks about a gold ring, and at the National Military Museum I saw and photographed a silver ring (most likely, a replica), as well as the gemstone seems to be an imitation of the original (it remains to be clarified in the future).
The original gemstone had a slightly oval shape and was made of a dark green semiprecious stone, by deep engraving and polishing. On its surface were carved the figures of two characters, rendered in a face to face posture.
The one on the right of the viewer undoubtedly represents the image of a female character wearing a long dress, very draped and with sleeves. She wears a helmet on the head, and with her left arm she holds a spear (?). The right hand is stretched slightly forward, and seems to hold a small object. Her attitude is relaxed and static. The second character depicts the silhouette of a man, rendered in motion, a fact suggested by the dynamics of the long garment he wears. The right hand is easily dropped next to the body. The left arm is flexed at the elbow and raised at the level of the head, in front of the woman. In both hands he seems to be holding an object, difficult to identify.
Most likely, the subject engraved on the gemstone depicts the image of a goddess (Minerva or Libertas) rendered in the company of an emperor or priest.
No details are known about the place of discovery of the original gemstone, which can be dated, strictly based on the subject and the manner of engraving, in a generous timeframe, between the 2nd and the 3rd centuries AD.