This paper discusses the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Austr... more This paper discusses the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Australian education and training within the context of standardisation activities. A range of historical and theoretical perspectives are discussed, with emphasis upon the fact that there exists scope for a variety of interpretations as to how best to develop and/or express an application profile. Through providing summaries of a selection of Australian initiatives informed by international standards development that span some ten years, it is demonstrated that developing clarity about business requirements can be seen as the most important step in the process. In this broad historical context, it is also highlighted that both theory and practice inform each other. From the diversity in requirements, it is clear that one standard, one schema, or one application profile is not sufficient in the diversity of learning, education, training, and research contexts.
The prevalence of informal publishing or grey literature in education appears to have increased a... more The prevalence of informal publishing or grey literature in education appears to have increased as digital technologies have become mainstream , educators have become more proficient and policies have moved increasingly towards supporting its use. In addition, the take up of social networking technologies and innovative methods of digital publishing have encouraged educators to produce, distribute and share content and commentary. Grey literature may make a substantial contribution to education even though issues such as credibility, access and a lack of standards can pose problems for producers and users. This paper begins by providing a context for the discussion of grey literature within the broader policy and education environment in Australia. An overview of grey literature as it appears in education in Australia introducing evidence of its usage, dissemination and application in Australian education then follows. Evidence about the access, dissemination and use of grey literature is drawn from an examination of the characteristics of a leading social networking and digital publishing service that was used by educators in schools, training institutes and teacher education faculties. This evidence is discussed in the context of influential national, state and institutional policies that address the use of digital technologies in education. As the take up of digital technologies in education increases, there is an expectation that the access to, dissemination of and use of digital publishing by and for educators will increase and have an impact on online professional learning and awareness of education research and practices.
International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, Aug 27, 2007
This paper discusses the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Austr... more This paper discusses the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Australian education and training within the context of standardisation activities. A range of historical and theoretical perspectives are discussed, with emphasis upon the fact that there exists scope for a variety of interpretations as to how best to develop and/or express an application profile. Through providing summaries of a selection of Australian initiatives informed by international standards development that span some ten years, it is demonstrated that developing clarity about business requirements can be seen as the most important step in the process. In this broad historical context, it is also highlighted that both theory and practice inform each other. From the diversity in requirements, it is clear that one standard, one schema, or one application profile is not sufficient in the diversity of learning, education, training, and research contexts.
Support for the production of this report has been provided by the Australian Government Departme... more Support for the production of this report has been provided by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training .
ABSTRACT Transmission of drug-resistant tuberculosis, especially multidrug-resistant tuberculosis... more ABSTRACT Transmission of drug-resistant tuberculosis, especially multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and extensive drug-resistant tuberculosis is an important public health problem worldwide, particularly in high TB burden developing countries. DOTS does help by providing effective treatment but needs to be supplemented with aggressive case finding. A simple and efficient way to reduce the transmission of drug-resistant TB is urgently needed. Efficient rapid diagnostic techniques, aggressive case finding and improved patient management and optimized treatment need help to reduce community transmission of drug-resistant TB.
Support for the production of this report has been provided by the Australian Government Departme... more Support for the production of this report has been provided by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training .
The EdNA Metadata Standard comprises a set of guiding principles together with a set of metadata ... more The EdNA Metadata Standard comprises a set of guiding principles together with a set of metadata elements and element qualifiers which are situated within the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) framework. Version 1.0 of the EdNA Metadata Standard was published in August 1998 and 1.1 in 2000. The Standard aims to provide cross-sectoral utility, to be used by the state and territory education systems, to provide a platform for interoperability, and a consistent means of resource description. This paper explores the future of the EdNA Metadata Standard and how relevant and useful is it as a basis for resource discovery and interoperability.
Sustaining the Momentum Directions for Interoperability in the VET Sector Key vocabularies and cl... more Sustaining the Momentum Directions for Interoperability in the VET Sector Key vocabularies and classification schemes used include the Australian Qualifications Framework and the NTIS codes. VETADATA has mandated the use of the NTIS competency codes in the description of learning objects and in particular, Toolboxes.
This paper discusses the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Austr... more This paper discusses the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Australian education and training within the context of standardisation activities. A range of historical and theoretical perspectives are discussed, with emphasis upon the fact that there exists scope for a variety of interpretations as to how best to develop and/or express an application profile. Through providing summaries of a selection of Australian initiatives informed by international standards development that span some ten years, it is demonstrated that developing clarity about business requirements can be seen as the most important step in the process. In this broad historical context, it is also highlighted that both theory and practice inform each other. From the diversity in requirements, it is clear that one standard, one schema, or one application profile is not sufficient in the diversity of learning, education, training, and research contexts.
The Grey Journal an International Journal on Grey Literature, 2013
The prevalence of informal publishing or grey literature in education appears to have increased a... more The prevalence of informal publishing or grey literature in education appears to have increased as digital technologies have become mainstream , educators have become more proficient and policies have moved increasingly towards supporting its use. In addition, the take up of social networking technologies and innovative methods of digital publishing have encouraged educators to produce, distribute and share content and commentary. Grey literature may make a substantial contribution to education even though issues such as credibility, access and a lack of standards can pose problems for producers and users. This paper begins by providing a context for the discussion of grey literature within the broader policy and education environment in Australia. An overview of grey literature as it appears in education in Australia introducing evidence of its usage, dissemination and application in Australian education then follows. Evidence about the access, dissemination and use of grey literature is drawn from an examination of the characteristics of a leading social networking and digital publishing service that was used by educators in schools, training institutes and teacher education faculties. This evidence is discussed in the context of influential national, state and institutional policies that address the use of digital technologies in education. As the take up of digital technologies in education increases, there is an expectation that the access to, dissemination of and use of digital publishing by and for educators will increase and have an impact on online professional learning and awareness of education research and practices.
The VET E-portfolio Roadmap was commissioned by the national training system’s e-learning strateg... more The VET E-portfolio Roadmap was commissioned by the national training system’s e-learning strategy, the Australian Flexible Learning Framework’s (Framework) national E-portfolio business activity in 2008 to assist in the development of a national standards-based framework to support interoperable e-portfolio systems in the national training system.
This investigation focuses on collaborative learning as it relates to information and communicati... more This investigation focuses on collaborative learning as it relates to information and communication technologies (ICT). The investigation found that effective collaborative learning using ICT is dependent on services and skills that are not specific to collaborative learning, but are essential for the provision of ICT in education more generally.
This paper is divided into two main sections that cover the theory and practice of metadata appli... more This paper is divided into two main sections that cover the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Australian education and training. A range of historical and theoretical perspectives are discussed with emphasis upon the fact that there exists scope for a variety of interpretations as to how best to develop and/or express an application profile. Through providing summaries of a selection of Australian initiatives that span some ten years it is demonstrated that developing clarity about business requirements can be seen as the most important step in the process. In this broad historical context it is also highlighted that both theory and practice inform each other. From the diversity in requirements it is clear that one standard, one schema, or one application profile is not sufficient in the diversity of learning, education, training, and research contexts.
This paper is divided into two main sections that cover the theory and practice of metadata appli... more This paper is divided into two main sections that cover the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Australian education and training. A range of historical and theoretical perspectives are discussed with emphasis upon the fact that there exists scope for a variety of interpretations as to how best to develop and/or express an application profile. Through providing summaries of a selection of Australian initiatives that span some ten years it is demonstrated that developing clarity about business requirements can be seen as the most important step in the process. In this broad historical context it is also highlighted that both theory and practice inform each other. From the diversity in requirements it is clear that one standard, one schema, or one application profile is not sufficient in the diversity of learning, education, training, and research contexts.
This paper discusses the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Austr... more This paper discusses the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Australian education and training within the context of standardisation activities. A range of historical and theoretical perspectives are discussed, with emphasis upon the fact that there exists scope for a variety of interpretations as to how best to develop and/or express an application profile. Through providing summaries of a selection of Australian initiatives informed by international standards development that span some ten years, it is demonstrated that developing clarity about business requirements can be seen as the most important step in the process. In this broad historical context, it is also highlighted that both theory and practice inform each other. From the diversity in requirements, it is clear that one standard, one schema, or one application profile is not sufficient in the diversity of learning, education, training, and research contexts.
The prevalence of informal publishing or grey literature in education appears to have increased a... more The prevalence of informal publishing or grey literature in education appears to have increased as digital technologies have become mainstream , educators have become more proficient and policies have moved increasingly towards supporting its use. In addition, the take up of social networking technologies and innovative methods of digital publishing have encouraged educators to produce, distribute and share content and commentary. Grey literature may make a substantial contribution to education even though issues such as credibility, access and a lack of standards can pose problems for producers and users. This paper begins by providing a context for the discussion of grey literature within the broader policy and education environment in Australia. An overview of grey literature as it appears in education in Australia introducing evidence of its usage, dissemination and application in Australian education then follows. Evidence about the access, dissemination and use of grey literature is drawn from an examination of the characteristics of a leading social networking and digital publishing service that was used by educators in schools, training institutes and teacher education faculties. This evidence is discussed in the context of influential national, state and institutional policies that address the use of digital technologies in education. As the take up of digital technologies in education increases, there is an expectation that the access to, dissemination of and use of digital publishing by and for educators will increase and have an impact on online professional learning and awareness of education research and practices.
International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, Aug 27, 2007
This paper discusses the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Austr... more This paper discusses the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Australian education and training within the context of standardisation activities. A range of historical and theoretical perspectives are discussed, with emphasis upon the fact that there exists scope for a variety of interpretations as to how best to develop and/or express an application profile. Through providing summaries of a selection of Australian initiatives informed by international standards development that span some ten years, it is demonstrated that developing clarity about business requirements can be seen as the most important step in the process. In this broad historical context, it is also highlighted that both theory and practice inform each other. From the diversity in requirements, it is clear that one standard, one schema, or one application profile is not sufficient in the diversity of learning, education, training, and research contexts.
Support for the production of this report has been provided by the Australian Government Departme... more Support for the production of this report has been provided by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training .
ABSTRACT Transmission of drug-resistant tuberculosis, especially multidrug-resistant tuberculosis... more ABSTRACT Transmission of drug-resistant tuberculosis, especially multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and extensive drug-resistant tuberculosis is an important public health problem worldwide, particularly in high TB burden developing countries. DOTS does help by providing effective treatment but needs to be supplemented with aggressive case finding. A simple and efficient way to reduce the transmission of drug-resistant TB is urgently needed. Efficient rapid diagnostic techniques, aggressive case finding and improved patient management and optimized treatment need help to reduce community transmission of drug-resistant TB.
Support for the production of this report has been provided by the Australian Government Departme... more Support for the production of this report has been provided by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training .
The EdNA Metadata Standard comprises a set of guiding principles together with a set of metadata ... more The EdNA Metadata Standard comprises a set of guiding principles together with a set of metadata elements and element qualifiers which are situated within the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) framework. Version 1.0 of the EdNA Metadata Standard was published in August 1998 and 1.1 in 2000. The Standard aims to provide cross-sectoral utility, to be used by the state and territory education systems, to provide a platform for interoperability, and a consistent means of resource description. This paper explores the future of the EdNA Metadata Standard and how relevant and useful is it as a basis for resource discovery and interoperability.
Sustaining the Momentum Directions for Interoperability in the VET Sector Key vocabularies and cl... more Sustaining the Momentum Directions for Interoperability in the VET Sector Key vocabularies and classification schemes used include the Australian Qualifications Framework and the NTIS codes. VETADATA has mandated the use of the NTIS competency codes in the description of learning objects and in particular, Toolboxes.
This paper discusses the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Austr... more This paper discusses the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Australian education and training within the context of standardisation activities. A range of historical and theoretical perspectives are discussed, with emphasis upon the fact that there exists scope for a variety of interpretations as to how best to develop and/or express an application profile. Through providing summaries of a selection of Australian initiatives informed by international standards development that span some ten years, it is demonstrated that developing clarity about business requirements can be seen as the most important step in the process. In this broad historical context, it is also highlighted that both theory and practice inform each other. From the diversity in requirements, it is clear that one standard, one schema, or one application profile is not sufficient in the diversity of learning, education, training, and research contexts.
The Grey Journal an International Journal on Grey Literature, 2013
The prevalence of informal publishing or grey literature in education appears to have increased a... more The prevalence of informal publishing or grey literature in education appears to have increased as digital technologies have become mainstream , educators have become more proficient and policies have moved increasingly towards supporting its use. In addition, the take up of social networking technologies and innovative methods of digital publishing have encouraged educators to produce, distribute and share content and commentary. Grey literature may make a substantial contribution to education even though issues such as credibility, access and a lack of standards can pose problems for producers and users. This paper begins by providing a context for the discussion of grey literature within the broader policy and education environment in Australia. An overview of grey literature as it appears in education in Australia introducing evidence of its usage, dissemination and application in Australian education then follows. Evidence about the access, dissemination and use of grey literature is drawn from an examination of the characteristics of a leading social networking and digital publishing service that was used by educators in schools, training institutes and teacher education faculties. This evidence is discussed in the context of influential national, state and institutional policies that address the use of digital technologies in education. As the take up of digital technologies in education increases, there is an expectation that the access to, dissemination of and use of digital publishing by and for educators will increase and have an impact on online professional learning and awareness of education research and practices.
The VET E-portfolio Roadmap was commissioned by the national training system’s e-learning strateg... more The VET E-portfolio Roadmap was commissioned by the national training system’s e-learning strategy, the Australian Flexible Learning Framework’s (Framework) national E-portfolio business activity in 2008 to assist in the development of a national standards-based framework to support interoperable e-portfolio systems in the national training system.
This investigation focuses on collaborative learning as it relates to information and communicati... more This investigation focuses on collaborative learning as it relates to information and communication technologies (ICT). The investigation found that effective collaborative learning using ICT is dependent on services and skills that are not specific to collaborative learning, but are essential for the provision of ICT in education more generally.
This paper is divided into two main sections that cover the theory and practice of metadata appli... more This paper is divided into two main sections that cover the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Australian education and training. A range of historical and theoretical perspectives are discussed with emphasis upon the fact that there exists scope for a variety of interpretations as to how best to develop and/or express an application profile. Through providing summaries of a selection of Australian initiatives that span some ten years it is demonstrated that developing clarity about business requirements can be seen as the most important step in the process. In this broad historical context it is also highlighted that both theory and practice inform each other. From the diversity in requirements it is clear that one standard, one schema, or one application profile is not sufficient in the diversity of learning, education, training, and research contexts.
This paper is divided into two main sections that cover the theory and practice of metadata appli... more This paper is divided into two main sections that cover the theory and practice of metadata application profile development in Australian education and training. A range of historical and theoretical perspectives are discussed with emphasis upon the fact that there exists scope for a variety of interpretations as to how best to develop and/or express an application profile. Through providing summaries of a selection of Australian initiatives that span some ten years it is demonstrated that developing clarity about business requirements can be seen as the most important step in the process. In this broad historical context it is also highlighted that both theory and practice inform each other. From the diversity in requirements it is clear that one standard, one schema, or one application profile is not sufficient in the diversity of learning, education, training, and research contexts.
Papers by Helen Galatis