Selim Gool
Cool guygool: docselim@gmail.comhttp://facebook.com/selimgoolWent to Alexander Sinton High, Athlone, C.T. High School teacher at:Vallermyrene videregående skoleLektor · August 1984 to 1994 · Porsgrunn, NorwayTeacher in Social-economics (Business studeis, organiational theory
Address: Telemark , Norway
Address: Telemark , Norway
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Papers by Selim Gool
COVID-19 appears to be an ‘unknown unknown’, like the ‘black swan’-type global financial crash that triggered the Great Recession over ten years ago. But COVID-19, just like that financial crash, is not really a bolt out of the blue – a so-called ‘shock’ (to use the terminology of Naomi Klein: Disaster Capitalism or Coronavirus Capitalism @ https://readersupportednews.org/.../61903-focus..., to an otherwise harmoniously growing capitalist economy.
Even before the pandemic struck, in most major capitalist economies, whether in the so-called developed world or in the ‘developing’ economies of the ‘Global South’, economic activity was slowing to a stop, with some economies already contracting in national output and investment, and many others on the brink.
BE PREPARED! "here is every possibility that the pandemic will trigger a worldwide economic collapse and a massive intensification of the social tensions created by 40 years of neoliberalism and 10 years of austerity. Expect forms of police power trialled in the context of the pandemic then to be deployed again and again as the global crisis deepens in other ways.
For it will deepen.
The coronavirus crisis provides a lens through which to observe the deep pathology of neoliberal capitalism – the grotesque profiteering of the international capitalist class, the shocking negligence of political elites and state agencies, and the way in which unregulated processes of capital accumulation trample human need and shred planetary eco-systems.
Three factors – agribusiness, urbanisation, and globalisation – have combined to turn this natural process into what Mike Davis calls ‘the monster at our door’ (@ https://jacobinmag.com/.../mike-davis-coronavirus...). The world has, in effect, become a gigantic Petri-dish for the cultivation and dissemination of new strains of deadly disease.
Fast rising demand for meat has driven a ‘livestock revolution’, with global meat production increasing from about 150 million tonnes in 1990 to more than twice that today. The response of capital-intensive agribusiness has included the commodification of wild species and a wholesale shift to intensive factory production.
Rising numbers of diverse animals in close proximity means increasing chances of virus mutation and species jumping. Needless to say, the agribusiness complexes generate vast amounts of waste, much of which is simply dumped, and sometimes turns out to be contaminated.
Alongside are the ever-growing slum cities of neoliberal industrialisation in the Global South, where highly concentrated populations are forced to live in squalor, overcrowding, underemployment with only the most rudimentary levels of public-health infrastructure.
Here are the virus pressure-cookers for replicating disease once a mutant strain has made the leap from animal to human.
Then there are the globalised supply-chains and increased movements of people, with sea-freight trebled and air travel up eight-fold in the last four decades, giving us a mechanism for turning a localised outbreak into a global pandemic in double-quick time.
Like the social devastation and ecological destruction wrought by competitive capital accumulation, the production and distribution of disease is, for the system, just another ‘externality’. It does not register on corporate capital’s balance sheets. It is therefore irrelevant to the accumulation process. (from: COVID-19: The politics of the pandemic - @ http://links.org.au/covid-19-the-politics-of-the-pandemic. (As is happening NOW in the USA and the EU countries, a regime of the Hard Right, not the Centre Right – who will use the opportunity to test-run the more authoritarian or totalitarian forms of state control they favour).
This may prove very necessary for them.
There is every possibility that the pandemic will trigger a worldwide economic collapse and a massive intensification of the social tensions created by 40 years of neoliberalism and 10 years of austerity. (also: It was the virus that did it, @ https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/.../it-was-the.../
It was the bad winter @ https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2014/05/02/it-was-the-bad-winter/?fbclid=IwAR3VyK8RVIExXNiNSrC1-gxjrlRgl0PG7eiryScDoF09JdOr5lE7XbPsQsQ
Is Xi Jinping Attaining Cult Status Like Mao Zedong?
Xi Jinping consolidates grip over Chinese Communist Party apparatus
@ https://www.globalresearch.ca/chinas-strategic-economic-planning-versus-americas-failed-capitalism/5616703
@ https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2017/10/25/xi-takes-full-control-of-chinas-future/
social and political developments of the working
class and oppressed, as well as their organizations,
we shall now move on to a discussion of several issues
related to this revolutionary tactic.
We have shown that petty-bourgeois populist parties
have become important forces in recent years, and it is
therefore crucial for revolutionaries to apply the united
front tactic towards such forces. Clearly this includes the
call for joint actions against neoliberal governments, imperialist
aggression, etc.
What should be the attitude of revolutionaries towards
petty-bourgeois populist parties? And how should they
apply the united front tactic to such parties during elections
as well as when formulating slogans calling for the
desired type of governmental control?
A revolutionary socialist programme for a workers’ government, based on the poor peasants and the urban poor should always include slogans that mark the decisive break with the bourgeoisie, black or "white", and the kleptocrats in the State machinery and the petty bourgeois strata who rule the ANC and its "Alliance".
The effects and "politics of production" is discussed critically.
The current interventions and debates on "Democratic Socialism" in the wake of the statements Bernie Sanders in the USA are reviewed and critically examined.
A bibliography is also provided.
COVID-19 appears to be an ‘unknown unknown’, like the ‘black swan’-type global financial crash that triggered the Great Recession over ten years ago. But COVID-19, just like that financial crash, is not really a bolt out of the blue – a so-called ‘shock’ (to use the terminology of Naomi Klein: Disaster Capitalism or Coronavirus Capitalism @ https://readersupportednews.org/.../61903-focus..., to an otherwise harmoniously growing capitalist economy.
Even before the pandemic struck, in most major capitalist economies, whether in the so-called developed world or in the ‘developing’ economies of the ‘Global South’, economic activity was slowing to a stop, with some economies already contracting in national output and investment, and many others on the brink.
BE PREPARED! "here is every possibility that the pandemic will trigger a worldwide economic collapse and a massive intensification of the social tensions created by 40 years of neoliberalism and 10 years of austerity. Expect forms of police power trialled in the context of the pandemic then to be deployed again and again as the global crisis deepens in other ways.
For it will deepen.
The coronavirus crisis provides a lens through which to observe the deep pathology of neoliberal capitalism – the grotesque profiteering of the international capitalist class, the shocking negligence of political elites and state agencies, and the way in which unregulated processes of capital accumulation trample human need and shred planetary eco-systems.
Three factors – agribusiness, urbanisation, and globalisation – have combined to turn this natural process into what Mike Davis calls ‘the monster at our door’ (@ https://jacobinmag.com/.../mike-davis-coronavirus...). The world has, in effect, become a gigantic Petri-dish for the cultivation and dissemination of new strains of deadly disease.
Fast rising demand for meat has driven a ‘livestock revolution’, with global meat production increasing from about 150 million tonnes in 1990 to more than twice that today. The response of capital-intensive agribusiness has included the commodification of wild species and a wholesale shift to intensive factory production.
Rising numbers of diverse animals in close proximity means increasing chances of virus mutation and species jumping. Needless to say, the agribusiness complexes generate vast amounts of waste, much of which is simply dumped, and sometimes turns out to be contaminated.
Alongside are the ever-growing slum cities of neoliberal industrialisation in the Global South, where highly concentrated populations are forced to live in squalor, overcrowding, underemployment with only the most rudimentary levels of public-health infrastructure.
Here are the virus pressure-cookers for replicating disease once a mutant strain has made the leap from animal to human.
Then there are the globalised supply-chains and increased movements of people, with sea-freight trebled and air travel up eight-fold in the last four decades, giving us a mechanism for turning a localised outbreak into a global pandemic in double-quick time.
Like the social devastation and ecological destruction wrought by competitive capital accumulation, the production and distribution of disease is, for the system, just another ‘externality’. It does not register on corporate capital’s balance sheets. It is therefore irrelevant to the accumulation process. (from: COVID-19: The politics of the pandemic - @ http://links.org.au/covid-19-the-politics-of-the-pandemic. (As is happening NOW in the USA and the EU countries, a regime of the Hard Right, not the Centre Right – who will use the opportunity to test-run the more authoritarian or totalitarian forms of state control they favour).
This may prove very necessary for them.
There is every possibility that the pandemic will trigger a worldwide economic collapse and a massive intensification of the social tensions created by 40 years of neoliberalism and 10 years of austerity. (also: It was the virus that did it, @ https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/.../it-was-the.../
It was the bad winter @ https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2014/05/02/it-was-the-bad-winter/?fbclid=IwAR3VyK8RVIExXNiNSrC1-gxjrlRgl0PG7eiryScDoF09JdOr5lE7XbPsQsQ
Is Xi Jinping Attaining Cult Status Like Mao Zedong?
Xi Jinping consolidates grip over Chinese Communist Party apparatus
@ https://www.globalresearch.ca/chinas-strategic-economic-planning-versus-americas-failed-capitalism/5616703
@ https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2017/10/25/xi-takes-full-control-of-chinas-future/
social and political developments of the working
class and oppressed, as well as their organizations,
we shall now move on to a discussion of several issues
related to this revolutionary tactic.
We have shown that petty-bourgeois populist parties
have become important forces in recent years, and it is
therefore crucial for revolutionaries to apply the united
front tactic towards such forces. Clearly this includes the
call for joint actions against neoliberal governments, imperialist
aggression, etc.
What should be the attitude of revolutionaries towards
petty-bourgeois populist parties? And how should they
apply the united front tactic to such parties during elections
as well as when formulating slogans calling for the
desired type of governmental control?
A revolutionary socialist programme for a workers’ government, based on the poor peasants and the urban poor should always include slogans that mark the decisive break with the bourgeoisie, black or "white", and the kleptocrats in the State machinery and the petty bourgeois strata who rule the ANC and its "Alliance".
The effects and "politics of production" is discussed critically.
The current interventions and debates on "Democratic Socialism" in the wake of the statements Bernie Sanders in the USA are reviewed and critically examined.
A bibliography is also provided.
The New Left represented the coming together of two related but different traditions—also of two political experiences or generations. One was the tradition I would call, for want of a better term, communist humanism, symbolized by the New Reasoner and its founders, John Saville and Edward and Dorothy Thompson.
The second is perhaps best described as an independent socialist tradition, whose centre of gravity lay in the left student generation of the 1950s and which maintained some distance from ‘party’ affiliations.
Towards 1968: The period 1965-7 saw a series of escalating student struggles in British universities: a number of these were over calls for dis-investment by universities in apartheid South Africa.
Indeed South Africa was prior to Vietnam, the one international issue that united the left over a long period.
The raw material that saw an explosion of radicalism was coming together through the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (in Britain) and student radicalism, ignited by events in Vietnam, Czechoslovakia , Southern Africa and France.
The real, imagined, mythological and ideological identification of a generation of the New Left drew its inspiration from Castroism (and the Maoist "Cultural Revolution" from the mid-1960s)-and it is necessary with a Balance Sheet of its POSITIVE as well as NEGATIVE results and consequences for political action today. Background:
Like the social devastation and ecological destruction wrought by competitive capital accumulation, the production and distribution of disease is, for the system, just another ‘externality’. It does not register on corporate capital’s balance sheets. It is therefore irrelevant to the accumulation process. (from: COVID-19: The politics of the pandemic - @ http://links.org.au/covid-19-the-politics-of-the-pandemic)
see results analysed: @ http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2016-08-15-analysis-da-vs-anc-shattering-myths-creating-new-perceptions/#.V7FbSyOLS_E
Dispatches from Alternate Reality: Zuma and ANCYL lead the way to ANC 2017 conference by RANJENI MUNUSAMY @ http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2016-08-19-dispatches-from-alternate-reality-zuma-and-ancyl-lead-the-way-to-anc-2017-conference/#.V7g1JyOLReU
Unprecedented reverses for the ANC in local South African elections.
The huge reserves of moral and political legitimacy won in the struggle against Apartheid have finally been used up in the implementation of neoliberalism ...
@ https://www.bookdepository.com/We-Are-Cuba.../9780300230031 By (author) Helen Yaffe, ISBN13 9780300230031 - Publication date, 06 April 2020, Publisher Yale University Press
Selim Gool
Goal: We witness the incredible creativity and sacrifice of Cuban workers to free themselves from the grip of imperialism. We eavesdrop on the discussions on the Law of Value led by Che - the `Great Debate' from 1961 - 1964. Many international contributors participate.
We discover Che's innermost thoughts about socialist transition as he reads and annotates the Soviet Manual of Political Economy.
We watch the development and implementation of the Budgetary Finance System, in opposition to the soviet Auto-Financing System.
I can recommend the following works. In his study of corruption in the ANC in government, 'Eye on the Money: One Man's Crusade against Corruption' (Umuzi, Johannesburg, 2007), the anti-apartheid banker Terry Crawford-Browne writes that the 'arms deal' is 'central to the succession crisis that dominates the ANC', while Andrew Feinstein's 'After the Party: A Personal and Political Journal Inside the ANC' (2007, 2009), is in fact an 'insider' expose of the wheeling n' dealing behind the 'arms deal', "which has poisoned the whole political system".
The latter quote is from R. W. ('Bill') Johnson's tour de force of 646 pages, 'South Africa's Brave New World - The Beloved Country since the End of Apartheid', on the last page in fact. The cover blurb says it all: "(this) new book tells the story of South Africa from the magic period from 1994 to the bitter disappointment of the present ... At the heart of the book lies the ruinous figure of Thabo Mbeki, whose over-reaching ambitions led to catastrophic failure on almost every front.
August 24, 2009 at 4:51am
Bokanmeldelse/Book Review: Sweden and National Liberation in Southern Africa
by Tor Sellsröm
Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, 2002
TO Vote or Not to Vote?
A cautious word from your sponsor: In this 'Age of Dis-Information', it is good that we have some reliable tutors who can provide a glossary of terms and terminology that is unfettered from the cliches and unashamed lies of the yellow tabloids, the Economics Professors in all the academic institutions in the Western World (Samuelson and co) and the rubbish that is put out by the business journalists who rely on whispers, rumours, hearsay and manufactured statistics 'Made in Washington' [or any other capital really] as it is "falsified"!
So here are some alternative concepts and explanations to explain the 'Crisis of Capital'(alt. Finance Capital - FinansKapitalensKrise):
... as Alice was told by the curious figure Humpty Dumpty in "Alice_in_Wonderland":
" ..... a word is what I make it to mean!"