Papers by Vincenzo Minenna
la mostra è stata presentata all'interno del padiglione italian
The ReSTONED research investigates the theme of environmental sustainability related to the produ... more The ReSTONED research investigates the theme of environmental sustainability related to the production cycle, starting with the reuse of the stone waste material, to be transformed into new material for indoor and outdoor products. The research is based on the product innovation field, with particular reference to materials from natural sources and furniture. With a view to strengthening the regional circular economy, the research hypothesis is that the production waste, defined as ‘processing mud’, can be re-processed in order to obtain new material with renewed characteristics both from a technical and an aesthetic point of view.
The Design Journal, 2017
The present paper 1 focuses on the cultural value of making, identifying the methods for sharing ... more The present paper 1 focuses on the cultural value of making, identifying the methods for sharing the knowledge and the technical skills, particularly, in the context of digital design and fabrication. Starting from the renewed interest in manufacturing processes directly linked to creativity, sustainability, mass customization, practical innovation and experimentation, enhanced by the so called makers' revolution and by the new arts and crafts movements, the paper explores the on going transformations in the manufacturing places focusing on the Fab Lab sites as new hubs for sharing knowledge and skills. The dissertation is supported by a practical experimentation, carried out by the authors, based on a co-design workshop and a proactive interdisciplinary activity addressed to identify the processes of social innovation involving both expert and not expert designers in the context of digital design and fabrication processes. As a result Bright Light, a small lamp, has been produced in order to finalize the codesign processes with a smart artefact.
The ReSTONED research investigates the theme of environmental sustainability related to the produ... more The ReSTONED research investigates the theme of environmental sustainability related to the production cycle, starting with the reuse of the stone waste material, to be transformed into new material for indoor and outdoor products. The research is based in the product innovation field, with particular reference to materials from naturale sources and furniture. With a view to strengthening the regional circular economy, the research hypothesis is that the production waste, defined as ‘processing mud’, can be re-processed in order to obtain new material with renewed characteristics both from a technical and an aesthetic point of view.
The Design Journal, 2017
The present paper focuses on the cultural value of making, identifying the methods for sharing th... more The present paper focuses on the cultural value of making, identifying the methods for sharing the knowledge and the technical skills, particularly, in the context of digital design and fabrication. Starting from the renewed interest in manufacturing processes directly linked to creativity, sustainability, mass customization, practical innovation and experimentation, enhanced by the so called makers' revolution and by the new arts and crafts movements, the paper explores the on going transformations in the manufacturing places focusing on the Fab Lab sites as new hubs for sharing knowledge and skills. The dissertation is supported by a practical experimentation, carried out by the authors, based on a co-design workshop and a proactive interdisciplinary activity addressed to identify the processes of social innovation involving both expert and not expert designers in the context of digital design and fabrication processes. As a result Bright Light, a small lamp, has been produced in order to finalize the co-design processes with a smart artefact.
Actas Del Septimo Congreso Nacional De Historia De La Construccion Santiago De Compostela 26 29 Octubre De 2011 Vol 2 2011 Isbn 9788497283724 Pags 929 936, 2011
L'articolo prende spunto dalle ricerche sull'architettura Vandelviriana, effettuata all'interno d... more L'articolo prende spunto dalle ricerche sull'architettura Vandelviriana, effettuata all'interno del Dottorato in Progettazione Architettonica per i Paesi del Mediterraneo della Facoltà di Architettura del Politecnico di Bari e indaga il rapporto tra tradizione e innovazione con una particolare attenzione agli aspetti stereotomici dei sistemi voltati complessi.
Catalogo della mostra omonima per Inside Marmomacc & Abitare il Tempo Veronafiere, Verona 2014
L' architettura italiana per la Città cinese - Italian Architecture for Chinese city, Dec 2010
… of the Third International Congress on …, Jan 1, 2009
During the eighteenth century the theme of the ponts biais involved eminent teachers of geometry ... more During the eighteenth century the theme of the ponts biais involved eminent teachers of geometry and stereotomy, as well as mechanical and technical experts from the stone buildings: The input for this research was the significant increase in rail networks in Europe at the beginning of the century, which often posed professional workers with the need of having to cross inclined lines of the rail, just with an oblique bridge. This requirement forced the engineers engaged in the design of rail infrastructure to deal with the appearance of geometric and tectonic cut stone, feeding an international debate on the issue of stone bridges. Among the most significant achievements we could report at the time, there was the bridge on Trilport Marne, designed by Hupeau and Chézy between 1756 and 1760 (destroyed by a mine during the war in 1814), but above all the Pont Neuf in Paris (the oldest stone bridge in the capital, designed by J. du Androuet Cerceau, F. des Isles, G. Marchand, T. Métezeau, one of whose segments which consists of 5 arches applianced with orthogonal method) opened in 1603. Despite significant examples in France, the first modern investigation on oblique bridges and related achievements were British studies, such as Chapman in Ireland and Finlay in 1787. The practical initial speculation then became defining the most appropriate solution to the problem, outlining a geographical subdivision (France, Spain, England, Italy) based on the principal methods of equipment, whose supporters argued with detailed studies of the stereotomic treatises of the principles of geometry, the essays of applied mechanics. This short essay will attempt to reconstruct, through the nineteenth sources, the process of the historical and academic subject of oblique bridges, from the roots of stereotomic treatises to modern publications.
Conferences & Lectures by Vincenzo Minenna
Polytechnic of Bari, DICAR, April 17th 2018, Aula Magna Domus Sapientiae
Il seminario organizzat... more Polytechnic of Bari, DICAR, April 17th 2018, Aula Magna Domus Sapientiae
Il seminario organizzato nell’ambito delle attività del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Industrial Design mette insieme esperti delle discipline del progetto negli ambiti del prodotto industriale, della moda e dell’architettura degli interni ed esperti degli studi umanistici negli ambiti della semiologia e sociologia.
Il dibattito interdisciplinare indagherà il valore simbolico delle “cose”, nella complessa accezione che la contemporaneità propone della dimensione materiale e immateriale, delle pratiche d’uso e consumo e del rapporto tra identità locale e globale.
Il senso degli oggetti, degli abiti e del cibo, attraverso il significato che gli viene attribuito nella dimensione di artefatto nel rapporto intersoggettivo con l’ambiente, sarà oggetto della riflessione critica che scaturirà dai diversi interventi dei docenti invitati (Imma Forino, Gianfranco Marrone, Patrizia Ranzo, Medardo Chiapponi, Viviana Trapani, Patrizia Calefato)
Papers by Vincenzo Minenna
Conferences & Lectures by Vincenzo Minenna
Il seminario organizzato nell’ambito delle attività del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Industrial Design mette insieme esperti delle discipline del progetto negli ambiti del prodotto industriale, della moda e dell’architettura degli interni ed esperti degli studi umanistici negli ambiti della semiologia e sociologia.
Il dibattito interdisciplinare indagherà il valore simbolico delle “cose”, nella complessa accezione che la contemporaneità propone della dimensione materiale e immateriale, delle pratiche d’uso e consumo e del rapporto tra identità locale e globale.
Il senso degli oggetti, degli abiti e del cibo, attraverso il significato che gli viene attribuito nella dimensione di artefatto nel rapporto intersoggettivo con l’ambiente, sarà oggetto della riflessione critica che scaturirà dai diversi interventi dei docenti invitati (Imma Forino, Gianfranco Marrone, Patrizia Ranzo, Medardo Chiapponi, Viviana Trapani, Patrizia Calefato)
Il seminario organizzato nell’ambito delle attività del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Industrial Design mette insieme esperti delle discipline del progetto negli ambiti del prodotto industriale, della moda e dell’architettura degli interni ed esperti degli studi umanistici negli ambiti della semiologia e sociologia.
Il dibattito interdisciplinare indagherà il valore simbolico delle “cose”, nella complessa accezione che la contemporaneità propone della dimensione materiale e immateriale, delle pratiche d’uso e consumo e del rapporto tra identità locale e globale.
Il senso degli oggetti, degli abiti e del cibo, attraverso il significato che gli viene attribuito nella dimensione di artefatto nel rapporto intersoggettivo con l’ambiente, sarà oggetto della riflessione critica che scaturirà dai diversi interventi dei docenti invitati (Imma Forino, Gianfranco Marrone, Patrizia Ranzo, Medardo Chiapponi, Viviana Trapani, Patrizia Calefato)