Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Unbreakable"s
Il significato di "Unbreakable" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa unbreakable?
You cannot break the item no matter how hard you try or what you do. It is unbreakable.
e.g. An unbreakable plate.
e.g. An unbreakable plate.
Che cosa significa unbreakable ?
cannot be broken
Che cosa significa I'm unbreakable ?
It means that you are strong and determine and will not give up no matter what happens
Che cosa significa unbreakable ?
irrompible o inquebrantable
Frasi esempio "Unbreakable"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con unbreakable.
His faith was unbreakable.
He tried hard, but the safe was unbreakable.
It was protected by an unbreakable lock.
The system code was unbreakable.
He tried hard, but the safe was unbreakable.
It was protected by an unbreakable lock.
The system code was unbreakable.
Traduzionde di "Unbreakable"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? unbreakable
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Altre domande riguardo "Unbreakable"
We supposed to act as if we were unbreakable. But I'm totally broken right now. sembra naturale?
Thank you for correcting me.
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia unbreakable.
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The unbreakable toy on the morning after Sam's birthday, the boy's mother came into the dining room where her husband was reading a newspaper.
"Do you remember that unbreakable toy you gave Sam yesterday?" she asked him.
"Of course I do", he answered.
"Do you want to tell me that he has already broken it?" "Not at all", said the mother.
"But he has broken all his other toys with it". sembra naturale?
"Do you remember that unbreakable toy you gave Sam yesterday?" she asked him.
"Of course I do", he answered.
"Do you want to tell me that he has already broken it?" "Not at all", said the mother.
"But he has broken all his other toys with it". sembra naturale?
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the unbreakable war sembra naturale?
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