12-second bursts とはどういう意味ですか?
"12-second bursts" means something that shines or explodes for 12 seconds, it is used for astronomical or scientific reports.
Here is a metaphorical way, most likely saying that "we see something (classical movies) in 12 seconds".
That is the meaning, and reading the piece of the article you added I dare to say it means something like "instead of enjoying things fully we change our attention every 12 seconds".
Here is a metaphorical way, most likely saying that "we see something (classical movies) in 12 seconds".
That is the meaning, and reading the piece of the article you added I dare to say it means something like "instead of enjoying things fully we change our attention every 12 seconds".
"burst into innovation" in the sentence "With the muscle of steam in their toolkit, the inventors of the 18th century burst into innovation." とはどういう意味ですか?
It means they started innovating very fast and intensely. A burst is like a small explosion. So, their innovation rapidly increased once steam power was invented.
burst your bubble とはどういう意味ですか?
It means to shatter the illusions that someone may have about something. For example if someone believes that hamburgers are very healthy you could say: I don't want to burst your bubble, but hamburgers are not healthy.
burst とはどういう意味ですか?
1 : to break open, apart, or into pieces usually from impact or from pressure from within
2 a : to give way from an excess of emotion
b : to give vent suddenly to a repressed emotion 3 a : to emerge or spring suddenly
b : launch, plunge 4 : to be filled to the breaking point transitive verb1 : to cause to burst
2 a : to force open (as a door or a way) by strong or vigorous action
b : to flood over
3 : to produce by or as if by bursting
1 : to break open, apart, or into pieces usually from impact or from pressure from within
2 a : to give way from an excess of emotion
b : to give vent suddenly to a repressed emotion 3 a : to emerge or spring suddenly
b : launch, plunge 4 : to be filled to the breaking point transitive verb1 : to cause to burst
2 a : to force open (as a door or a way) by strong or vigorous action
b : to flood over
3 : to produce by or as if by bursting
bursts とはどういう意味ですか?
Bursts are explosions. For example, a firework bursts.
A watermelon fell from the counter and bursted all over the floor.
In this case I think the article is referring to corn exploding to make the designs.
A watermelon fell from the counter and bursted all over the floor.
In this case I think the article is referring to corn exploding to make the designs.
burst your bubble を使った例文を教えて下さい。
"I hate to burst your bubble, but all your calculations are wrong."
It means. "I don't want to be the person to give bad news."
It means. "I don't want to be the person to give bad news."
'burst your bubble' を使った例文を教えて下さい。
'burst your bubble' を使った例文を教えて下さい。
I don't want to burst your bubble, but she is already engaged to Tom.....
burst into を使った例文を教えて下さい。
burst into tears/song/laughter
She burst into laughter/tears.
burst into flames
The house burst into flames.
She burst into laughter/tears.
burst into flames
The house burst into flames.
burst(verb) を使った例文を教えて下さい。
I started to burst with laughter.
When I chewed, it burst in my mouth.
When I threw the water balloon it burst on the ground.
When I chewed, it burst in my mouth.
When I threw the water balloon it burst on the ground.
burst someone bubble を使った例文を教えて下さい。
•Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think that's going to happen.
•Way to burst his bubble.
•Way to burst his bubble.
burst と bust はどう違いますか?
As nouns the difference is that bust is a sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders or bust can be (slang) the act of arresting someone for a crime, or raiding a suspected criminal operation: while burst is an instance of, or the act of bursting .
As verbs the difference is that bust is to break something while burst is to break from internal pressure.
As an adjective bust is (slang) without any money, broke.
As verbs the difference is that bust is to break something while burst is to break from internal pressure.
As an adjective bust is (slang) without any money, broke.
burst と block と crack と break はどう違いますか?
Burst is abrupt and quick.
example: There was a burst of fresh air.
Block is to not let something near another thing.
example: I had to block the sun from my eyes.
Crack is a broken line across an object.
example: there was a crack in the sidewalk.
Break is to damage an item with force.
example: I will break the pencil in half.
example: There was a burst of fresh air.
Block is to not let something near another thing.
example: I had to block the sun from my eyes.
Crack is a broken line across an object.
example: there was a crack in the sidewalk.
Break is to damage an item with force.
example: I will break the pencil in half.
burst と erupt はどう違いますか?
Burst=爆裂, 多用于形容内压过高的情况
Erupt=爆发/喷发, 多用于形容火山,喷泉
The pipe is bursting! 水管快爆了!
The volcano is erupting! 火山快喷了!
Erupt=爆发/喷发, 多用于形容火山,喷泉
The pipe is bursting! 水管快爆了!
The volcano is erupting! 火山快喷了!
burst と bust はどう違いますか?
Burst is when something full of liquid breaks from pressure, bust is a general, informal synonym for "break."
burst your bubble と burst your balloon はどう違いますか?
'burst your bubble' is a metaphor
'burst your balloon' is only used when someone actually bursts your balloon.
'burst your balloon' is only used when someone actually bursts your balloon.
What does “sorry to burst your bubble” mean? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
mi dispiace per aver rotto le scatole (spesso ironico)
burst into tears は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
it means to suddenly start crying a lot
burst は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
burst は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
you're in burst a blood vessel { can you explain it english? you can suggest more natural expression, thanks} この表現は自然ですか?
in which concept are you using it?
you're in burst a blood vessel { can you explain it english? you can suggest more natural expression, thanks} この表現は自然ですか?
i dont understand what you are trying to say but to “burst a blood vessel” means to get really angry that your blood vessel will burst
He angrily burst the door open. この表現は自然ですか?
He angrily burst through the door.
He angrily burst open the door.
He angrily burst open the door.
burst out laughting この表現は自然ですか?
@sidney: yes "I burst out crying" is fine 👍
I sometimes burst out laughing at the memory at that time. この表現は自然ですか?
I sometimes burst out laughing at what had happened that time.
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