「mused to donors 」 とはどういう意味ですか?
This is a strange sentence. "Muse", as a verb, means to think deeply or for a long time about something.
"As a child, she would muse about her future, imagining all sorts of careers."
"Thomas stood in front of the painting, musing about what the artist wanted to say."
It is a little bit odd to use muse to mean saying something to someone else. To muse is usually done privately. It is sometimes used to describe when someone speaks out loud something what they are thinking deeply about, and maybe this is what the author was trying to say. But you are really just talking to yourself and not to anyone else when you muse.
"She considered all of the options for a long time and finally mused "I will accept that job in China!', speaking to no one in particular. Her decision didn't seem real until she said it out loud."
It is not a word I would have used in this sentence. Besides, I don't think ex-president Trump ever has deep thoughts. I think your sentence just means "Trump said to donors ...".
"As a child, she would muse about her future, imagining all sorts of careers."
"Thomas stood in front of the painting, musing about what the artist wanted to say."
It is a little bit odd to use muse to mean saying something to someone else. To muse is usually done privately. It is sometimes used to describe when someone speaks out loud something what they are thinking deeply about, and maybe this is what the author was trying to say. But you are really just talking to yourself and not to anyone else when you muse.
"She considered all of the options for a long time and finally mused "I will accept that job in China!', speaking to no one in particular. Her decision didn't seem real until she said it out loud."
It is not a word I would have used in this sentence. Besides, I don't think ex-president Trump ever has deep thoughts. I think your sentence just means "Trump said to donors ...".
a donor promises to contribute funds to defray construction costs of a new building contingent upon securing operating funding for the program which it is to house. とはどういう意味ですか?
"securing operating funding" - getting money (for the program to operate)
"the program which it is to house" - the sentence talks about a new building being constructed, which will house (be used for, contain) the program.
hope this helps :)
"the program which it is to house" - the sentence talks about a new building being constructed, which will house (be used for, contain) the program.
hope this helps :)
the donor とはどういう意味ですか?
The donor is the person whose fluids are going to be tested by the lab.
donor とはどういう意味ですか?
It usually refers to the person who has donated something.
donor と donator はどう違いますか?
Technically the same. Donor is the one to use in daily speech. I've never heard anyone use donator.
donor と sponsor はどう違いますか?
Sponsor --- more formal than donor, they give things or sponsor someone because of a formal part of the arrangement ; usually for advertising, commercial, publicity and bussiness purposes. Usually they DO expect something in return.
Donor--- can be close, friends with the one that they will donate or it can be also because they're just willing to help, without something in return.
Donations---for support
Sponsorship--for revenue or income
Donor--- can be close, friends with the one that they will donate or it can be also because they're just willing to help, without something in return.
Donations---for support
Sponsorship--for revenue or income
As a donor service officer I would like to read customer needs and provide information which they seek to as they can not witness on how their donations will be used to support people in need of medical assistance, so that they can become satisfied with donating their money. この表現は自然ですか?
As a donor service officer I would like to read customer needs and provide information which they seek to as they can not witness on how their donations will be used to support people in need of medical assistance, so that they can become satisfied with donating their money. この表現は自然ですか?
Maybe yould try this :
Since donors can not witness how their donations is used to support people in need of medical assistance and more... As a donor service officer, I would like to better understand the customer's need and provide them (with) the proper information they seek; So that they can understand how their donations are properly used and be satisfied about donating.
I did rephrase some of it, I hope it helps...
良い一日を :)
Since donors can not witness how their donations is used to support people in need of medical assistance and more... As a donor service officer, I would like to better understand the customer's need and provide them (with) the proper information they seek; So that they can understand how their donations are properly used and be satisfied about donating.
I did rephrase some of it, I hope it helps...
良い一日を :)
As a donor service officer I would like to read customer needs and provide information which they seek to as they can not witness on how their donations will be used to support people in need of medical assistance, so that they can become satisfied with donating their money. この表現は自然ですか?
Is great
As a donor service officer I would like to read customer needs and provide information which they seek to as they can not witness on how their donations will be used to support people in need of medical assistance, so that they can become satisfied with donating their money. この表現は自然ですか?
As a donor services officer, I aim to understand customer needs and provide them with the information they are looking for regarding how their donations will be used to support people in need of medical assistance, as they cannot obtain this information on their own, so they can feel confident in donating their money.
・contact prospective donors by email to inform them of the current refugee situation and how to contribute to it by donation and also send appreciation letters to donors to maintain relationships with them. この表現は自然ですか?
"to maintain relationships with them.", seems abit out of place
its unneeded information
its unneeded information
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