submissive wives とはどういう意味ですか?
A "submissive person" is a someone who allows to be controlled by someone else.
A "submissive wife" or "submissive wives (plural)" is a wife that obeys every word or order that her husband gives to her.
A "submissive wife" or "submissive wives (plural)" is a wife that obeys every word or order that her husband gives to her.
submissive とはどういう意味ですか?
Someone who allows someone else to command him/her, control him/her.
submissive を使った例文を教えて下さい。
"Damn boy you're looking submissive and breedable. We're starting a family NOW and I know you won't say no."
"They dump all their work on you because you're submissive. You have to stand up for yourself!"
"I'm sorry I'm so submissive I really tried to stand up for myself. What should I do?"
"They dump all their work on you because you're submissive. You have to stand up for yourself!"
"I'm sorry I'm so submissive I really tried to stand up for myself. What should I do?"
submissive を使った例文を教えて下さい。
1. In many patriarchal societies, women are expected to be submissive to men.
2. Injustices exist because the truth is submissive to power and money.
2. He is a submissive servant.
2. Injustices exist because the truth is submissive to power and money.
2. He is a submissive servant.
submissive を使った例文を教えて下さい。
1. Stop being so submissive.
2. Why are you acting submissive towards him? He has no power over you.
3. She was shy and submissive around men.
4. They starved us until we became submissive.
5. If he wasn't a loyal and submissive servant, would he have bowed down to the king?
2. Why are you acting submissive towards him? He has no power over you.
3. She was shy and submissive around men.
4. They starved us until we became submissive.
5. If he wasn't a loyal and submissive servant, would he have bowed down to the king?
submissive と obedient と meek はどう違いますか?
not big difference just most people see submissive apart of being weak spirited but obediently is more following the rules very strictly
She is very submissive and always does what her husband tells her to. と She is very submissive and always does what her husband tells her. はどう違いますか?
You need to put “to” after “her” because it is a short way to say “to do”. You can also say “She is very submissive and always does what her husband tells her to do.” But, is more natural to say “She is very submissive and always does what her husband tells her to.”
submissive と obedient はどう違いますか?
"You should stop being submissive, they'll start thinking they're better than you."
"Camille is always so obedient, the teacher always praises her".
"We are unwilling to continue being submissive".
"When I was a kid, I was so obedient, while the others were so noisy".
I had fun making these sentences, hope you noticed the difference!
"Camille is always so obedient, the teacher always praises her".
"We are unwilling to continue being submissive".
"When I was a kid, I was so obedient, while the others were so noisy".
I had fun making these sentences, hope you noticed the difference!
submissive と obedient はどう違いますか?
A submissive person is under a force/person that forces them to do things.They either do not have a choice or simply feel the need to submiss themselves.
For example: In medieval England many villagers were submissive to their king.
An obedient person chooses to do actions given by someone.
For example: He was an obedient child because he followed the orders.
Hope I could help.
Надеюсь, я смогу помочь.
For example: In medieval England many villagers were submissive to their king.
An obedient person chooses to do actions given by someone.
For example: He was an obedient child because he followed the orders.
Hope I could help.
Надеюсь, я смогу помочь.
submissive と compliant はどう違いますか?
Ex. A submissive wife
Ex. A compliant student
Submission has to do with following rules because of RESPECT.
Compliant is following the rules.
Ex. A compliant student
Submission has to do with following rules because of RESPECT.
Compliant is following the rules.
submissive 和obedident 区别 は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
Obedient: they do what they are told. They “obey”
Submissive: they also do what they are told: they “submit”
Both words are used very infrequently. ESPECIALLY submissive, submissive generally has sexual cannotations. Obedient is used for dogs and children, and in the cases of religion it can be used for anyone.
“Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.”- Ephesians 5:22 (Niv bible)
Both words mean basically the same thing, but you wont have to worry about them as they have negative cannotations (atleast in this day and age) so you wont use them very much.
Parents use “well behaved” or simply “good” when refurring to their children these days.
Obedient: they do what they are told. They “obey”
Submissive: they also do what they are told: they “submit”
Both words are used very infrequently. ESPECIALLY submissive, submissive generally has sexual cannotations. Obedient is used for dogs and children, and in the cases of religion it can be used for anyone.
“Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.”- Ephesians 5:22 (Niv bible)
Both words mean basically the same thing, but you wont have to worry about them as they have negative cannotations (atleast in this day and age) so you wont use them very much.
Parents use “well behaved” or simply “good” when refurring to their children these days.
submissive は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
new submissive and breedable lookin' schedule just dropped.
I ask you to transfer this sentence.
If breathable means 繁殖可能な, I feel weird.
then, tell me the meaning, and how to use "lookin'".
I ask you to transfer this sentence.
If breathable means 繁殖可能な, I feel weird.
then, tell me the meaning, and how to use "lookin'".
I don’t understand this.
I think submissive and breedable/breathable don’t make sense to describe a schedule.
Lookin’/looking here refers to how the schedule appears/looks/seems.
The schedule looks flexible.
The schedule is flexible looking.
I like the flexible looking schedule.
I like the schedule that looks flexible.
I think submissive and breedable/breathable don’t make sense to describe a schedule.
Lookin’/looking here refers to how the schedule appears/looks/seems.
The schedule looks flexible.
The schedule is flexible looking.
I like the flexible looking schedule.
I like the schedule that looks flexible.
to be submissive to your husband ⁉⁉❓❓
Isn't that mentality a trap, a recipe for a disaster ?
I wonder what people think regarding that?
I know that is what the Bible teaches but the Bible contains a lot of blatant violation of human rights. The Bible , the content of it is just outrages in that sense
Isn't that mentality a trap, a recipe for a disaster ?
I wonder what people think regarding that?
I know that is what the Bible teaches but the Bible contains a lot of blatant violation of human rights. The Bible , the content of it is just outrages in that sense
that's an interesting concept
I choose to be submissive with my wife to prevent war. この表現は自然ですか?
Thanks a lot for the help.
You're so submissive only in this situation. この表現は自然ですか?
is correct, but you should also know using the word "submissive" sounds rather formal. In conversation, we would usually say something like...
He's always begging for money,
She begged me to take her to that fancy restaurant that just opened.
Please don't beg. I'll help you in just a minute.
He's always begging for money,
She begged me to take her to that fancy restaurant that just opened.
Please don't beg. I'll help you in just a minute.
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