trading profits leapt とはどういう意味ですか?
It means that the profits that a person or a company earned from trading stocks, bonds, currency, cryptocurrency and/or commodities increased sharply.
You're not selling it.
I'm not buying it
Isn't 'sell' and 'buy' used when trading things?
It doesn't seem to fit the situation.
Are there any other meanings of sell and buy? とはどういう意味ですか?
I'm not buying it
Isn't 'sell' and 'buy' used when trading things?
It doesn't seem to fit the situation.
Are there any other meanings of sell and buy? とはどういう意味ですか?
Think of it in this way.
If someone is selling something to you because they want you to pay money for it, they're going to try to convince you that it's a good product, that you need it, that it'd be a mistake to not buy it, etc. If they do a good job of convincing you, then you'll buy the product and they have successfully sold it to you.
In this way, "selling" an idea or a story to someone is trying to convince them that is true or worth their time. If you "buy" the idea or story, you're saying that they've convinced you that it's a true story/explanation or that the idea is worth their time. If you "don't buy" the story, they haven't convinced you, and if they "aren't selling" the story, then they aren't being very convincing.
If someone is selling something to you because they want you to pay money for it, they're going to try to convince you that it's a good product, that you need it, that it'd be a mistake to not buy it, etc. If they do a good job of convincing you, then you'll buy the product and they have successfully sold it to you.
In this way, "selling" an idea or a story to someone is trying to convince them that is true or worth their time. If you "buy" the idea or story, you're saying that they've convinced you that it's a true story/explanation or that the idea is worth their time. If you "don't buy" the story, they haven't convinced you, and if they "aren't selling" the story, then they aren't being very convincing.
trading candy とはどういう意味ですか?
Trading means to exchange or switch something.
So "trading candy for an apple" would mean giving up candy and getting an apple back.
If I were to trade my candy for Alex's apple, now Alex has candy and I have an apple.
Trading means to exchange or switch something.
So "trading candy for an apple" would mean giving up candy and getting an apple back.
If I were to trade my candy for Alex's apple, now Alex has candy and I have an apple.
"A" trading as "B" is a company registered in the uk.
Does that mean "B" is the brand name of the "A" company ?
or "A" buys "B" company ?
(like the recent news : google buys hp?)
Thanks :) とはどういう意味ですか?
Does that mean "B" is the brand name of the "A" company ?
or "A" buys "B" company ?
(like the recent news : google buys hp?)
Thanks :) とはどういう意味ですか?
"A trading as B" means customers are buying from an organisation that they know by the name B, but its legal name is A.
He worked in a trading company. と He worked for a trading company. はどう違いますか?
They're about the same, and you could also say "He worked at a trading company." There's basically no difference in meaning, even with the minor wording changes.
trading と transaction はどう違いますか?
Transaction is more so used for paying
trading と transaction はどう違いますか?
Trading is the act of exhanging items for example I have a black pen and you have a blue pen and I tell you hey lets trade pens. In the end I'll have the blue pen that belongs to you while you have my black pen. As for transaction it's the act of carrying out or conducting something or dealing with business and also the transfer of goods or money. For example: there are thousands of transactions which take place on the stock market every day.
trading と transaction はどう違いますか?
I would like to name the trading company 'C.LINK'
( Connection Link)
Does this sound natural?
Do you think it fits the name of a trading company? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
( Connection Link)
Does this sound natural?
Do you think it fits the name of a trading company? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
미국에서 “connection” and “link” are very similar and often end company names. Your idea is very forward thinking and efficient, but maybe you could pair one of those words with another and use that as your company name. However, the name must suit your tastes, so choose one with which you are comfortable!🙂👍 수고하세요!
I love trading は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
"long has global trading played a particularly significant role in boosting economy". is the grammar correct? thanks は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
I would say: "For a long time, global trading has played a particularly significant role in boosting the economy."
"So they're trading us John for money…"
Is this sentence correct? It is a line from a show and I thought 'us' was unnecessary here.
Is this sentence correct? It is a line from a show and I thought 'us' was unnecessary here.
As a sentence, "us" is not necessary to make the sentence correct.
But it does add information.
"So they're trading John for money..." (ransom situation?)
means that someone is paying money for John, but it doesn't say who.
"So they're trading us John for money..." means that WE will pay the money and get John in return.
If you already know who is paying, then "us" is not really necessary, but there's nothing wrong with putting it in.
But it does add information.
"So they're trading John for money..." (ransom situation?)
means that someone is paying money for John, but it doesn't say who.
"So they're trading us John for money..." means that WE will pay the money and get John in return.
If you already know who is paying, then "us" is not really necessary, but there's nothing wrong with putting it in.
I have been working at trading company as a product planner for 6 years. この表現は自然ですか?
I have been working at a trading company as a product planner for 6 years.
I have worked for a trading company, taught English at high school as a substitute one-year contract teacher, taught preschool kids at a private English school and shown foreighners around Aizu as a tourguide.
it’s a little long, with one typo. I may switch it to “school. I have also shown foreigners around Aizu as a tour guide.”
What does "proprietary trading" mean?
Components of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. A key component of Dodd-Frank, the Volcker Rule (Title VI of the Act), restricts the ways banks can invest, limiting speculative trading and eliminating proprietary trading.
Components of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. A key component of Dodd-Frank, the Volcker Rule (Title VI of the Act), restricts the ways banks can invest, limiting speculative trading and eliminating proprietary trading.
Proprietary Trading means when a firm or bank invests its own direct market gain instead of earning commission dollars by trading on behalf of clients.
The trading volume show modest growth. この表現は自然ですか?
I would make its shows, not show
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