"Cafe"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문

"Cafe"의 번역

"Cafe" 관련 추가 질문

Q: A: Do you know that there is a cafe other than Star bucks at near station?
B: Yeah, I know. Why?
A: The pasta what I ate was delicious when I went there with acquaintance for meeting.
B: Is that so?
B: I might eat that someday.
A: Let’s go together.
이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
A: × A: Do you know that there is a cafe other than Star bucks at near station?
✓ A: Do you/did you know that there's a cafe other than Starbucks near the station? /// Do you/did you know there's a cafe near the station, that isn't Starbucks?

× B: Yeah, I know.
✓ B: Yeah, I know. / Yeah, I knew that. (both reponses are interchangeable and are perfectly fine)

× A: The pasta what I ate was delicious when I went there with acquaintance for meeting.
✓ A: I went there (recently) with an acquaintance for a meeting/to hang out, and the pasta I ordered was delicious.

× B: Is that so?
✓ B: Is that so? / Really? (interchangeable, but "is that so?" sounds more skeptical than "really?")

× B: I might eat that someday.
✓ B: I might go there/try it someday. (also interchangeable)

1. asking "did you know?" is asking if B knew about the cafe before A told them about it (past tense). "do you know" asks about the present, and questions B's current knowledge (present tense). both are useable, however for an event that happened in the past with no need for present or future resolution (A visiting the cafe), "did you know" is used more than "do you know".

"do you know" is used when an event happened recently, but is still ongoing. it's also used when the person asking wants to find more information because it hasn't been resolved, and needs a future resolution.

for example, "do you know what happened to C's dog? it went missing yesterday" means C's dog has already gone missing (past) but hasn't been found yet (present). this person has been asked if they KNOW anything useful so the dog can be found (future).

asking "did you know what happened?" would imply they DID know something, but has now forgotten about it. so therefore, "do you know" is used in these situations.

2. this sounds like an informal discussion. it's fine to use contractions like "don't", "isn't", "i'm", etc.

3. i put both "meeting" or "hang out" here, in case you meant "business meeting" or "meet(ing) up".

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