Tim Mitchell

Tim Mitchell

Favorite films

  • Alien
  • Blade Runner
  • The Exorcist
  • The Thing

Recent activity

  • Upstream Color


  • 8MM


  • Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation


  • The Mothman of Point Pleasant


Recent reviews

  • Upstream Color

    Upstream Color


    Fantastic heady sci-fi pointlessly alienating viewers with confused & jarring narration missing substantial loads of significant detail.

    People robbed of all wealth due to a drug that facilitates total mind control use that same psychic link to get justice & freedom.

    Fine production & score with some great visuals & sound design. Richly rewards contemplation but, alas, doesn't seem to inspire any.

  • 8MM



    Fine mystery thriller with a very subdued Nicholas Cage performance. Decent directing, cast & score. Could stand 15 min shaved off.

    A P.I. building his reputation is hired to authenticate a snuff film which plunges him into the scary, deadly world of hardcore BDSM.

    The whole underground culture feels sanitized for mainstream audiences & the last kill went on too long but otherwise a decent feature.

Popular reviews

  • Portals



    Alright sci-fi horror anthology. Weird but stays interesting, some decent gore & their effects range from skanky to solid.

    An event leads to dimensional portals appearing on Earth that compel people to go through them with varying results.

    All good directors. It's great at not being predictable but that often comes at the expense of things making more sense.

  • Lifeforce



    Fun British electro-space-zompire-apocalypse sci-fi. It’s like Tobe Hooper doing Hammer doing Queen of Blood.

    Astronauts studying Halley’s Comet find members of the original vampire race coming to feed on human energy.

    Decent effects & nudity but the story gets muddy on points regarding the vampires or their zombie-like victims.
