

😘 im so pretty and i watch movies

Favorite films

  • Buddies
  • Alexandria… Why?
  • The Flying Luna Clipper
  • My First Film

Recent activity

  • So Long, My Son

  • Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person

  • Revenge

  • House


Recent reviews

  • So Long, My Son

    So Long, My Son

    the pain, the dread, the shadows of regret that tether us to beds.  i was not expecting this film to sit so close to me.  ive been thinking about the scene where they visit their close friend in jail after he gets caught at a gay dance party and then they eventually move into their own puddles of grief and guilt.  that bystander portrayal was so real.  

    i wanna see all my friends at once
    i wanna see all my friends at once

  • Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person

    Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person

    this was BOROOOOOOING. a sad revival of the manic pixie dream girl vibe. its cute but could have been cut down to 30 mins tbh.  91 mins was way too long for such a simple plot. nothing was dwelled on. this is the type of movie you never hope to find.

Popular reviews

  • Center Jenny

    Center Jenny


    my life inside every exaggerated moment run through a intel core i7 processor 

    “i know longer look for the meaning of things, its not my responsibility.”

  • The Flying Luna Clipper

    The Flying Luna Clipper

    😘✨🍌 🍓⚡️🌎✈️ 💨🍋🍭🌠
