
13crashes Pro

Favorite films

  • Mudhoney
  • Jackie Brown
  • Lost Highway
  • Forbidden Planet

Recent activity

  • Little Caesar


  • The Public Enemy


  • From Beyond


  • Crazy Joe


Recent reviews

  • From Beyond

    From Beyond


    Loosely based based on a HPL story I read when I was a kid. Insane scientists and their machine see into, and bring horrors from, another dimension into ours. The fun doesn't end there, contact with the realm beyond time brings full body horror corruption and other perversions. Despite the ichor it's a sexy flick. Barbara Crampton goes from bespectacled scientist to leather goddess, Jeffrey Combs gives maybe his best performance, and Ken Foree adds a little bit of badass. Hard for me to call this the best Lovecraftian film when Re-Animator exists, but it's close.

  • The Battle of the Mods

    The Battle of the Mods


    Starts off with mods vs. rockers 7 years before the album Quadrophenia (13 years before the film) with the rockers on motorcycles and the mods...on foot, no Vespas. A barroom brawl leaves a girl dead and mod Ricky bails to knock around Europe. It's not a rock opera though there are some shitty songs laid down by Ricky. The movie is interesting as a British JD flick even though it's kind of a train wreck.

Popular reviews

  • Lost Highway

    Lost Highway


    David Lynch has left us so I had to watch this again. Murder, crime, insanity about sums it up. Visually enthralling. The best mindfuck in cinema. Patricia Arquette is stunning. Fantastic soundtrack. Lou Reed covering The Drifters. Bowie and NIN. In my opinion the best use of music in a film is Pete's hallway scene with Rammstein driving it and I am not a Rammstein fan. My favorite David Lynch film and maybe the best movie of the 90s.

  • Vice Squad

    Vice Squad


    Wings Hauser at his sleaziest, Rerun from What's Happening as a pimp, MTV VJ Nina Blackwood as a hooker, an old man named Wong that beats the shit out of 2 cops, and the really, really shitty theme song performed by good old Wings himself. I did see it in the 80s on HBO and it actually left an impression. This flick is a hookersploitation classic.