ranked according to how much i enjoyed them personally, not necessarily how "actually" "good" they are. everything after #10 gets…
challenge: classiqué filmés
challenge by Christian - challenge requirements in notes
i'm about to get head over heels into yet another challenge that…
only the most premium movie selections from the overwatch dick cord chat!
black mirror ranked
aka "durr hburr technology is bad fire is scary and thomas edison was a witch": the series
i didn't really…
movies that i have very specific memories of
or movies i just watched a lot as a kid and have ingrained into my subconsciousness
in theatres
movies i paid actual money to see surrounded by other real human beings
films i saw for the first time in 2017: ranked
ranked according to how much i enjoyed them personally, not necessarily how "actually" "good" they are. everything after #10 gets…
it's the presentation!
a list of movies i want to watch (or have watched) simply because i like the cover artwork (doesn't everyone…
challenge: queer film 2k18 🌈
challenge by Zā - weekly requirements in notes
since "watch one movie every day" challenges usually end up as just…
a collection of movies that feature women in them that actually made me stop and just think about how gay…
take two 🎬
some movies you just have to see more than once. this is my own personal list; films i didn't really…
movies that focus a lot on men despite being titled after a woman
alt title: any movie that made me wonder where the titular character even was for at least one (1) scene…