Tim Kim

Tim Kim

My film takes are the most based and valid.

Favorite films

  • The Raid
  • The Karate Kid
  • The Night Comes for Us
  • Tim Kim's Great Escape 2

Recent activity

  • Battle Royale


  • Bicycle Thieves

  • Michael Clayton

  • Signs


Recent reviews

  • Battle Royale

    Battle Royale


    I liked the premise but thought the delivery was alright. If there were crazy Tim Kim choreographed fight scenes in it I would’ve rocked with it more.

  • Michael Clayton

    Michael Clayton

    Shout out Michael Sooy for the w soundtracks and loved Clayton

Popular reviews

  • Earth Abides

    Earth Abides

    Watched a movie recap so it doesn’t really count that I watched it but the story is so good and the way the story lasts decades during the post apocalyptic world following a small community who go through  so many highs and lows shows the humanity of the characters very well. I feel like this is super underrated and would’ve prob enjoyed it a lot if I watched the whole thing.
    (did not realize this was a show until I searched it up)

  • Goodbye, Dragon Inn

    Goodbye, Dragon Inn


    This the type of stuff babies watch while their parents are doing chores. Nothing happens. I couldn’t tell the diff between Baby Einstein and this.
    (Ethan I love you tho)