movi e 🥺😈👹👺🦧
I like movies and I like horror
I also like horror movies sometimes
First movie to actually make me like Tony Stark, beyond all the repetitive jokes.
Some cool political messaging and general depth in this one 😁👍
This was kinda awesome? These early MCU movies had so much charm and sincerity, this one especially really felt like a comic book movie. Big Sam Raimi Spider-Man vibes
Did have some bad pacing but I don't know if I really care that much, was very fun and cheesy👍
This genuinely sucked so much ass.
People fr praising the horror elements even though it's 94% cheap jumpscares?? Rest of the movie was just the same Disney nothingness.. Doctor Strange is such a boring, dull character in this and you're given 0 emotional attachment to anyone, the cool characters are killed before you can even notice them (the deaths are sick admittedly).
1 star for Zombie Strange and a certain telepath.
Straight to the 'Movies that would resurrect Stalin' list that I'm making now
Ooh baybee this was some good scary, uncomfortably realistic horror.
Was itching for a spooky masked killer at first but I fuck with a completely unseen mysterious lurker even more. Enjoyed this quite a bit, vvvery creepy and surprisingly funny? Could def boost the star rating in the future but for now I'd say another solid 4 😀👍
Now does anyone (of the 2 maybe 3 people that will look at this) know where the fuck to watch House (1977) and Ghostwatch?? Had to skip a few on my list 🫤
Edit: 4 and a half...