- Serializd
1* = BAD
3* + heart = GOOD
4* = GREAT
If you thought Crank was bonkers, wait until you see Crank: High Voltage. There’s twice the ridiculousness (yes!), twice the all-in phenomenal experimental filmmaking (yes!), and twice the racism, sexism and homophobia (no!!!). It’s a shame they didn’t make a Crank 3-DD with twice the D’s and twice the Statham (imagine his twin brother showing up for revenge or something, I don’t know). It’s utterly derivative and ridiculous and only ever so enjoyable because it’s Crank: High Voltage. But it’s unashamedly Crank: High Volatage and I respect that.
Absolutely bonkers and, dare I say it, an incredible feat of filmmaking. Yes, it’s in service of entertaining but forgettable nonsense, but the filmmaking is undeniably excellent. It knows exactly what it wants to be and goes all in, which - sure - leads to this but what else could you want from it really?
With only 22 Letterboxd users having seen this flick at the time of writing, I think it’s safe to say that not many people are aware of its existence. This is a shame as ‘Actress Wanted’ has a lot going for it, mainly in the story department. It tells a rather unique tale with a rather compelling character in the mysterious Mr. Vu. While it plays like a straight drama for much of its rather short runtime, there are enough…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Yeah, yeah #notmyRodrick aside… this isn’t bad. It takes a bit of getting used to the new cast, who aren’t - for the record - as good, but it ostensibly feels like a Wimpy Kid movie. It’s not as good as 2 or 3, but I still enjoyed it. The hate for this is unwarranted.
The psycho parody is perfection and Manny navigating the driver in Spanish to get his pig back is pure cinema. I don’t know if that guy was going to literally murder Greg or what… he seemed unhinged so who knows?