I loved this movie, sue me.
You can feel the weight of the 20th century when watching this movie. It reminded me how last century saw the new world in the making, the birth of new humanism and new mankind. While at the same time it saw the evil in its purest form, guilt-free and greed-driven. The clash of the two marked the first year of Congolese independence. Despite the later winning in a most despicable way, we have to remember the ideas of resistance, ideas…
-“I love you”
-“Thank you”
-“Your scars heal wonderfully”
-“You bore me!”
Extremely relatable depiction of female sexuality that is wonderfully presented in all its glory, with a special focus on its randomness, silliness and lunacy, that ultimately create quite a joyful and humorous experience!
Stunning costumes (must be mentioned!)
Overall, what I like about this movie is that the interactions between Buñuel’s characters are completely surreal (OBVIOUSLY!), yet somehow make perfect sense within the framework of the movie, which I dare say wasn’t the case in “The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie”, which I personally liked slightly less.