Anything but a connoisseur.
My opinions are likely to be very unpopular.
After this and Rogue One I actually had to look up if Donnie Yen is blind
Great film, better than the previous one. Hopefully they don’t screw it up with the next one.
Painfully robotic delivery (I thought this was Barbie, not Transformers?) of what could’ve been a decent Plato’s Cave allegory and anti-patriarchy piece. Ryan Gosling almost made the experience worth it, but this was still a dull film despite the fact it tries to drive home the moral of the story with a steel chair.
Yeah yeah yeah, The Martian is a great film, etc. etc. But actually, for those of us who read the book beforehand, I think this ultimately shaped up to be a disappointment - relative to the novel, that is. If you watched this as a standalone piece of media, it holds up as a great film. But does it do its source material justice? I don’t think so.
Puerile and mediocre. Yes, I’ve come back after five years just so I can add to the not-insignificant number of brutal - but honest - reviews left here. This was not only the worst Star Wars film in existence (yes, the Phantom Menace looks like a cinematic masterpiece once you’ve seen TRoS) but also a magnificent failure of filmmaking technique. Poor dialogue, incessant tropes - it’s impressive that a film can fall so flat with such a ridiculously large budget.