

Anything but a connoisseur.

My opinions are likely to be very unpopular.

Favorite films

  • The Prestige
  • Inception
  • The Batman
  • Apocalypse Now

Recent activity

  • John Wick: Chapter 4


  • Barbie


  • The Lego Batman Movie


  • Brazil


Recent reviews

  • John Wick: Chapter 4

    John Wick: Chapter 4


    After this and Rogue One I actually had to look up if Donnie Yen is blind

    Great film, better than the previous one. Hopefully they don’t screw it up with the next one.

  • Barbie



    Painfully robotic delivery (I thought this was Barbie, not Transformers?) of what could’ve been a decent Plato’s Cave allegory and anti-patriarchy piece. Ryan Gosling almost made the experience worth it, but this was still a dull film despite the fact it tries to drive home the moral of the story with a steel chair.

Popular reviews

  • The Martian

    The Martian


    Yeah yeah yeah, The Martian is a great film, etc. etc. But actually, for those of us who read the book beforehand, I think this ultimately shaped up to be a disappointment - relative to the novel, that is. If you watched this as a standalone piece of media, it holds up as a great film. But does it do its source material justice? I don’t think so.

  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


    Puerile and mediocre. Yes, I’ve come back after five years just so I can add to the not-insignificant number of brutal - but honest - reviews left here. This was not only the worst Star Wars film in existence (yes, the Phantom Menace looks like a cinematic masterpiece once you’ve seen TRoS) but also a magnificent failure of filmmaking technique. Poor dialogue, incessant tropes - it’s impressive that a film can fall so flat with such a ridiculously large budget.
