
Anthony Pro

I am a publishing operations manager with and a journalist who has covered film, art, music, theater, sports, and science.

Favorite films

  • Annie Hall
  • Little Children
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Reservoir Dogs

Recent activity

  • Sideways


  • Beverly Hills Cop

  • In Bruges


  • The Nutty Professor

Pinned reviews

  • Nickel Boys

    Nickel Boys

    There is an editing choice about a third of the way into Ramel Ross’ "Nickel Boys" that is so brilliant that it almost beggars belief. In order to preserve one of the film’s many beautiful revelations, I will not describe it in detail here. All I will reveal is that the sequence in question is repeated near the end of the film with greater context and our own greater understanding, and that repetition retroactively serves to give deeper meaning to…

  • Anatomy of a Fall

    Anatomy of a Fall

    The first thing we see is a tennis ball haphazardly tumbling down the stairs. We never see what caused it to tumble, who might have thrown it, dropped it, or perhaps accidentally knocked it. We accept the mystery because in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter. "Anatomy of a Fall" will ask us to accept the mystery many more times over the course of its story, and we will learn bitterly that some mysteries are easier to…

Recent reviews

  • Con Air

    Con Air

    One of the great in-universe cinematic what-ifs:

    Agent Larkin off-handedly mentions that Denzel Washington is in talks to play Diamond Dog in the movie of his life.

    Being that Diamond Dog's life ends with the events of Con Air, in the Con Air universe, there is more than likely a Denzel Washington movie that ends with all the major events of Con Air taking place -- but starring Denzel Washington.

    I must have this movie.

  • The Night Before

    The Night Before

    "3D gives me a headache, but I'm a sucker for Leo."

    Michael Shannon is cameo Jesus.

Popular reviews

  • Moonlight



    Some movies are about transformations. Others are transformative. "Moonlight," inspired by the play “In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue” by Tarell Alvin McCraney, is both. It would seem impossible to walk out of Jenkins’ beautiful tone poem without thinking a different way about the world and our responsibility in it. The trick of the film is to bring the margins and its marginalized people to the foreground, to show you their lives as they experience them, and to force you…

  • O.J.: Made in America

    O.J.: Made in America


    Take a good look at that picture above. There is a good chance you recognize it. Some of you just said to yourselves, “If the glove don’t fit, you must acquit.” You probably know a lot about that image and could tell tales of your life directly related to it. Contained within that moment, which is the culmination of many smaller moments, is everything about us, our society, and the world we have built. It is our cultural Waterloo, after…