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Favorite films

  • The Princess Bride
  • Before Sunrise
  • Legally Blonde
  • 13 Going on 30

Recent activity

  • Blue Steel


  • O.J.: Made in America


  • On the Basis of Sex


  • Eve's Bayou


Recent reviews

  • Blue Steel

    Blue Steel


    Half of my thoughts during the film:

    “That’s Mr. Krabs! He’s Mr. Krabs! That’s Mr. Freaking Krabs!!!”  

    🦀 Easily Clancy Brown’s most iconic role.
          You can’t tell me otherwise.

  • O.J.: Made in America

    O.J.: Made in America


    Janie told me to write down the silly and stupid quotes while we were watching, so here they are:

    Gotta start with my favorite and objectively the best one. “I’m not black, I’m O.J.” I will be quoting this for the rest of my life. It will never get old. 

    “He ran through ‘em like foreign water through a tourist.” About three minutes into the doc and a mf said this and it was one of the funniest and realest…

Popular reviews

  • The Creator

    The Creator


    At one point Gavin turned to me and asked, “Are they about to do a 9/11?” and that was really funny 

    The movie was about five minutes in, and I already knew what was gonna go down. Nice visuals, but the story was lacking. Lots of potential, but it wasn’t taken anywhere.

    But actually wtf was these bitches’ problem? AI blew up LA, and they decided that was the final straw? Chill the fuck out bro it’s only LA. Like it was literally just LA and nowhere else. SMH🙄

  • Babylon



    I’ve never known of anyone as horny for trumpets (and jazz in general) as Damien Chazelle

    Being high while watching this movie for the first time was an experience. There is maybe, maybe, 10% of me that can tell you what happened in this movie. The other 90% has no idea who the characters were or what they were even doing, where they were, and what the fuck was going on (but I do know it was a whole fucking lot).…