James McAvoy this entire movie:
James McAvoy this entire movie:
So on one hand yes this is the more “Hollywood” version but damn if I didn’t stand and cheer during all of act 3.
The original still exists as the chilly, Haneke-like parable that it is, but there’s a visceral satisfaction in seeing how most people like to think they’d eventually act in this situation.
Kinda feels like a Ringu / The Ring or Let the Right One In / Let Me In situation where we get two very good, very different versions of the same story.
Especially dug the Straw Dogs / Last House on the Left vibes of act 3.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
If only it was Grady at the end instead of Lisa who saves Jesse :(
Freddy as shame and hatred of the repressed self and overcoming it
A strange movie with awesome body horror and an awesome lead, embarrassing dance and all.
Not sure who wins the awkward dancing award in an 80s slasher, Jesse or Crispin Glover in Friday 4
“It’s a strange world, isn’t it?”
Finished my Lynch rewatch with Blue Velvet, the movie that sent me on my Lynch journey so many years ago.
It’s bittersweet reaching the end like this, knowing we’ll never get another Lynch movie or show to watch for the first time.
It’s just as miraculous that he left us a beautiful body of work to treasure again and again.
We love you, David. Thank you for the gift of your dreams.