asian cinema enthusiast
Watched the finale again. I'm sorry i doubted you The bad kids (2020). You are a masterpiece.
I was gaslighting myself to feel that i liked the ending. I was like of course they did this...they had to do this...but in honesty i felt the ending was kinda bland and fairytailish...i mean how could they wrap it up so neatly...
Omg i have never felt so stupid about a how did i miss these details? Low attention span? distraction?...anyways im glad i read all about it and yeah this…
So human, so beautiful. 💕
Longish thoughts:
Binged this 16 episode (1 + hrs each) on a couple of days. How is that even possible? Lol. Rare for me especially for a kdrama.
I skip a lot in kdramas when it comes to annoying sub plots. But My Ajusshi was unskkipable from start to finish. Infact i went back to rewatch many many scenes after each episodes.
I have seen Broker but this is where i was really really gobsmacked…
Everytime i come back to this film (which is a lot), i get a feeling of looking back at the old, faded, grainy pictures of myself on the photo album. I cannot stop tginking of who i was and what became of me.