Alex Craig

Alex Craig

I watch a lot of movies and decided to give some quick thoughts on the movies I watch.

Favorite films

  • Dune: Part Two
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • The Grand Tour: One For The Road
  • Shōgun

Recent activity

  • The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious

  • The Amazing Bulk


  • Salt


  • Pacific Rim: Uprising


Recent reviews

  • The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious

    The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious

    This anime is alright. I read the manga and it is also alright. The animation is pretty good and the characters are accurate to the manga. It is your basic slice of life anime with a master and maid romance, even if it is between a middle schooler and a young adult......which know...It has its charming moments but it is just average. Overall it is alright.

    Does this deserve a season 2? Not really.

    Also I watched this in Japanese with English subtitles.

  • The Amazing Bulk

    The Amazing Bulk


    "You let dust build up, and before you know it, you've got an army of dust bunnies plotting to take over. Beautiful flowers, where did you get those from? Our garden?"

    Yeah this movie is terrible. Pretty much everything about this movie is bad. From acting, to visuals, to story, it is all bad. The third act is so wild, YouTube Poops have nothing on it. Apparently there is a sequel in the form of a book. Overall this movie is HOT garbage, 1/10.

Popular reviews

  • Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man

    Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man


    "He is not insane. He simply wants to die."

    This movie is ok. The beginning is really good, but over time, it becomes really boring. Despite this being one the of first crossover movies. The Monster and the Wolf Man meet like one time for about 5 minutes and never again. A lot of this is the Wolf Man wanting to die because being a werewolf sucks. 6/10, it was ok.

    Also this is my 900th review!

    Universal Monster Movies Ranked

  • The Electric State

    The Electric State


    "Our world is a tire fire floating on an ocean of piss."

    This movie is alright. The movie is just so generic and formulaic that there really isn't anything to say about it. The story is generic, the acting is fine at best, the characters are a plank of wood, but the robots are cool. The designs of the robots are the best part. If you like the book, you won't like the movie. Overall I think it is overhated, but it isn't exactly good either, 5/10.

    2025 Movies/Shows I Have Seen In 2025
