Adam Harnish

Adam Harnish

Favorite films

  • The Wild Bunch
  • Suspiria
  • The Thing
  • Blue Velvet

Recent activity

  • Stoker


  • Spring Breakers


  • West of Memphis


  • Amour


Recent reviews

  • Killer Joe

    Killer Joe


    This is a brilliant piece of misanthropic sleaze. It just get getting sketchier and slimier until it reaches it's brilliant conclusion. Yes, the ending of this film is insane and brilliant. I'm drunk I might finish this later... Whoops

  • My Big Fat Greek Wedding

    My Big Fat Greek Wedding


    I'm going to take this opportunity to talk about suicide.

    I was fucking around on my phone yesterday and came across a picture that Jacob Bannon of Converge had posted on his instagram. It was of a bag of coffee he had purchased from, and all the proceeds went to HOPE FOR THE DAY (, a non-profit out of Chicago that helps kids use music and the arts to keep themselves from committing suicide. See this really appeals to…

Popular reviews

  • On the Silver Globe

    On the Silver Globe


    I don't really know how to approach this movie. In its fragmented state, I don't feel it expresses all its ideas, and even if it did, it's not a movie that is digestible 5 minutes after viewing it. The closet comparison is Jodorowsky. On the Silver Globe is heavy on the religious allegory, and it comes across as completely insane and beautiful. This movie could easily be one of the planet delegate scenes from The Holy Mountain spread out for…

  • Cloud Atlas

    Cloud Atlas


    I am going to warn people ahead of time that this review might come across as completely insane.

    Let me start with the Warchowski's first. This is 2012. So it's been 13 years since the Matrix. I was a Matrix hater. I liked it enough, but thought it was shallow and extremely overrated. I've mellowed on that view a ton. It is the most important action movie of the last 15 years, and I feel at this point that fact…