actor, writer, recovering phd dropout.
ambivalent and partly okay with it.
EEAAO is one of those holy films.
Daniels manage to pluck out the most fundamental pearls of what it means to be human -- our fears, anxieties, loneliness, despair, our hopes and our desires and our most sublime experiences of beauty, connection, and love -- and at once distill them and explode them across every humanly imaginable scale in a story brimming with tenderness and yearning and pain. It's like they put all of our questions and doubts and curiosities…
I have to confess that, though I saw and enjoyed the first two A Quiet Place films, I didn’t have that much interest in this prequel until I started hearing positive reviews. I heard the movie was effectively tense. I heard it was unexpectedly nuanced in its direction and script. I heard that half the fun was sitting in a silent theater and feeling the visceral tension of that silence as the audience remained as breathlessly silent as the characters…
(had to bump this one from 3 to 2.5 to 2 the more I thought about it 😬)
ohhh boy. I was ready to give this flick a solid 4. thrilling, surprising, well shot, deliciously uncomfortable, with a pretty effective narrative structure to boot. it was taking me for a hell of a ride that I really appreciated in the moment (which apparently might only be because I didn't watch the trailer and went in knowing nothing about the story,…