

Favorite films

  • Possession
  • Silent Light
  • Lost Highway
  • Brazil

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  • Juror #2


  • Paddington in Peru


Recent reviews

  • In a Violent Nature

    In a Violent Nature


    classic pitch that wins the opportunity to became a movie without a script.

    First: isn’t a movie which “tells the story from the point pf view of the monster”. not saying that wasn’t the intention but it completely miss it in both directional and writing point of view (and also because when it goes there basically it finds nothing interesting to say but following him in the forest). 

    doesn't matter if you're a small film or faced any kind of production problems : you can't disrespect the audience, and those final twenty minutes are just a a joke.

  • The Book of Solutions

    The Book of Solutions

    unbearable film about an unbearable human being

Popular reviews

  • Bad Tales

    Bad Tales

    un film fasullo e disonesto ad ogni livello, una messa in scena mossa da solo spirito di autocompiacimento, attori allo sbando mal (mai?) diretti e completamente a disagio in personaggi involontariamente ridicoli nella
    loro cattiveria da quattro soldi stereotipati fino al fastidio, in uno script inconcludente meschino e ricattatorio. il vuoto totale, di forma e contenuti messo insieme con i soliti quattro cliché (ah la periferia romana abitata da facce da cazzo con i denti sporchi).  questo è il cinema italiano che si autoproclama d'autore.

  • Suspiria



    mind blowing and supremely directed. not a remake, just a great movie we will talk about for years. and the last act is one of the most violent visionary creepy disturbing thing I've ever seen.