Matt Christopher

Matt Christopher

I do my best reviews from the bowl

Favorite films

  • Reservoir Dogs
  • Shin Godzilla
  • A Bronx Tale
  • Dead Poets Society

Recent activity

  • Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah


  • Godzilla vs. Biollante


  • The Return of Godzilla


  • Godzilla


Recent reviews

  • Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah

    Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah


    Maybe it’s that I started this movie and ended it days later, maybe it’s not the strongest entry in the Heisei era, maybe it’s me.

    A lot of the good things in this era get shelved with GvKG. It’s not a new foe, well sort of.  it’s not an overly unique or different plot line, and it’s not the strongest in terms of set & some of the human element falls off the rails, but damn is it good. 

    First thing…

  • Godzilla vs. Biollante

    Godzilla vs. Biollante


    I’m on a Godzilla kick, sue me. 

    This movie has a lot of things going for it; you see a shift from the post World War II, anti-atomic, governmental critique sentiments to a deeply 80’s almost spy / espionage / thriller. I’m not going to sit here and tell you the hodgepodge works, but I’m not going to hate.

    The aforementioned sentiments of anti-atomic, governmental critique are still there, but they’re dialed back for some of the more touching scenes…

Popular reviews

  • Godzilla



    I’ve seen the Americanized version of the 1954 Godzilla numerous times, I never really grasped how much better the unedited Japanese version is in comparison.

    Sure, there are some parts where Godzilla looks like absolute dog-water, but to dwell on that is missing the point of the whole message of this film.

    After viewing Shin & Minus One and circling back to the original inspiration, it’s incredible to see how much homage those two films pay to Godzilla 1954. It’s actually…

  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi


    And with that, all of the reboots are rated. Episodes 8 & 9 are easily 2 of the worst movies I’ve watched in my adult life and solidified my distaste for Star Wars. 

    The plot is all over the god damn place & everything they effortlessly & effectively accomplished in episode 7, they negated in episode 8. The biggest debate about episodes 7-9 would be which movie was worse, 8 or 9?