Alex Wright

Alex Wright

Favorite films

  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • Before Sunrise
  • Pan's Labyrinth
  • Interstellar

Recent activity

  • Adolescence


  • Monster


  • Presence


  • Novocaine


Recent reviews

  • Adolescence



    Just absolutely superb acting across the board, especially from the Miller family of characters. This four part series really shined in parts three and four after the crime and plot background had been established. The unexpected shift in the story telling gave the actors a chance to really showcase their chops and get us connected emotionally.

    Don’t say it much, if ever, about stuff on Netflix but really appreciated this one. Did not give Stephen Graham nearly enough credit in the past, hats off to him.

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    Fassbender and Blanchett are just superb. At this point, I want to watch something simply because their names are attached it. The aesthetics of the whole movie just suck you in. Why can’t the world look and feel like the one created in this film? Why can’t we all dress like them? Oh and the spy shit…the spy shit was top notch.

Popular reviews

  • Smile



    Pretty standard jump scare horror thriller with a recycled plot. Still enjoyed the premise and the smiling concept was just a nice creepy change to see. Didn’t try too hard or over complicate things, fun spooky season movie. 

    Also great job setting up the jump scare moments and teasing the audiences. They didn’t feel forced like in a lot of other movies of this genre.

  • Mass



    Especially relevant right now.

    Really captures the complexity of our individual emotions and how they can quickly turn during conversations or even after they end. What a great realistic beginning, middle and end to this…people can be so awkward and uncomfortable and it was showcased beautifully. Life can be so meaningful one moment, insignificant the next and then beautiful all over again.
