notes for me to remember shit

Favorite films

  • Akira
  • Green Room
  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
  • Raw

Recent activity

  • Apocalypse Now


  • Transformers: The Last Knight


  • Taxi Driver


  • Transformers: Age of Extinction


Recent reviews

  • Transformers: The Last Knight

    Transformers: The Last Knight


    Aw man. Sam’s dead.
    I dunno. This one and the one prior kinda melt together, however this one definitely feels a lot like it was desperately clawing for life (to no avail).

    I’d still take a 6th one of these over Bumblebee and whatever the one with the monkey is called. Lame.

  • Taxi Driver

    Taxi Driver


    Living alone for almost a year turned me around on this movie because every scene where he’s being weird in his room is so perfect and true.
    I know a couple guys like Travis Bickle. I can’t really add much to that but they usually just end up enlisting or becoming cops and stuff like that. I’m sure saying this makes me sound a little dense with regard to the movie but I mean it to be completely neutral. 
    I think somebody could make this for the Iraq war and it’d be different enough.

Popular reviews

  • Road Trip

    Road Trip


    Ruthlessly shits all over every Hangover movie and Joker. 

    Cool fetch quest and there’s a surprise boss fight at the end. 

    Initially thought Tom Green and Sean William Scott would fight for influence over this movie like two dark demons twisting it into a tonal abortion, but they are instantly separated; this is a little disappointing in retrospect, I think they could’ve been very funny together given the right script but whatever. 

    Car jump scene is awesome. 

    Lot of good banter but just enough that it’s not annoying or overwritten.

    There’s some cringe weed parts.

  • Sunshine



    Trap Alex Garland in a spinning purple cube and make him write infinite variations of Sunshine and Dredd (I haven’t seen 28 Days Later). 

    It’s that dumb tumblr post about The Sun as a Lovecraft alien. It’s fine, it’s fun, it doesn’t take itself very seriously. Something like this needs to come out every month. 

    Kinda feels like if somebody thought Alien should’ve been more urgent. Just means that they made a thriller and copied their set design from 2001.
