Anthony Hoekman

Anthony Hoekman Pro

Favorite films

  • GoodFellas
  • Boogie Nights
  • 12 Angry Men
  • The Last Waltz

Recent activity

  • Shrek the Third


  • Black Bag


  • Wayne's World


  • Casino


Recent reviews

  • Shrek the Third

    Shrek the Third


    Dang this one kinda sucks?

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    Fun little spy thriller with a bunch of twists and turns. Excellent performances from both Fassbender and Blanchett. Not perfect by any means but extremely refreshing to see this kind of movie getting made at all. I had a blast with it. Only real complaint is that I hate the soft lighting that was used here. I just don’t think it looks good and it’s kinda distracting at times. 

    We gotta protect Soderbergh and make sure he’s allowed to keep making 1-3 of these movies a year (and maybe even a big Ocean’s Eleven or Magic Mike every few years too) for as long as possible.

Popular reviews

  • Casino



    Seeing this with my father-in-law was truly a delight. Every time an act of violence happened (often) he would react with a “jeez!” After the movie we talked about it on the drive home and his review was “it’s an interesting study on human behavior- especially the woman, what a WACKO!”

    I’m not gonna top that with anything I can write here, so I’ll also just note that this might be the greatest cigarette smoking movie of all time.

  • Mulholland Drive

    Mulholland Drive


    Yeah I just watched this ~three weeks ago, but my local theater announced a one-time memorial screening shortly after- and what was I gonna do, not go? Cmon.

    Perfect movie. Gets better each time I watch it- and seeing it on the big screen was especially a treat. Nothing more that I can really say this time around that I haven’t already said in my previous reviews. What a doggone picture.

    RIP David Lynch.
